2,866 research outputs found

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Hyperparasitic Spore-Forming Eukaryotes (Microsporidia, Haplosporidia, and Myxozoa) Parasitizing Trematodes (Platyhelminthes)

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    ABSTRACT Trematodes serve as outstanding hosts for a variety of parasites. This paper restricts those parasites to three groups of non-related taxa parasitizing trematodes and forming invasive spores similar in external morphology, which is why in the past these three groups of parasitic eukaryotes were united into the taxon “Sporozoa” (Kudo, 1924). (1) Trematode-infecting microsporidia (type Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882: Rozellomycota: Holomycota) are represented by more than 30 species. Among those, the species with sequenced barcode (SSU rDNA) are phylogenetically associated with either microsporidia from invertebrates, as the species of the genus Unikaryon (7 species), or fish microsporidia, as the species of the genera Pleistophora and Ovipleistophora or alike forms (4 species). However, most of the species that we place in the incertae cedis group, are known only by light-microscopy descriptions. Those were attributed by the authors to the genera Nosema (14 species) and Microsporidium (8 species), but in fact their taxonomic affiliation, phylogenetic position, and origin remain unknown. (2) Trematode-infecting haplosporidia (type Haplosporida Caulleri Mesnil, 1899: Ascetosporea: SAR) are represented by only one genus Urosporidium with a broad range of hosts among marine helminths and free-living invertebrates. The literature describes 10 Urosporidium spp. infecting trematodes. (3) Myxosporidia or Myxozoa (subclass Myxosporea Butchli, 1881: class Myxozoa Grasse, 1970: Cnidaria: Holozoa) infect mainly fish. All three species known from trematodes, belong to the genus Fabespora, and, likely, switched to hyperparasitism from fish. These three spore-forming groups demonstrate a diversity of characteristics and group-specific physiological mechanisms in addition to common adaptations responding to similar environmental conditions. These forms developed from genetically dissimilar material and exemplify an amazing power of convergent evolution, a phenomenon A.A. Dobrovolskii and other Russian scholars of parasitology demonstrated for a variety of parasitic groups. РЕЗЮМЕ Трематоды хорошо известны как хозяева разнообразных паразитических организмов. В настоящей статье рассмотрены представителей трех неродственных таксонов эукариот, представители которых паразитируют в трематодах и формируют инвазионные споры, сходные по внешней морфологии, из-за чего в прошлом эти три группы паразитических эукариот объединялись в тип Sporozoa (Kudo, 1924). (1) Микроспоридии (тип Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882: Rozellomycota: Holomycota) представлены более чем 30 видами. Виды с отсеквенированным баркодом (участок МС рДНК) филогенетически связаны либо с микроспоридиями беспозвоночных, как виды рода Unikaryon (7 видов), либо с микроспоридиями рыб, как виды родов Pleistophora и Ovipleistophora (4 вида). Однакао большинство видов, которые мы поместили в группу incertae сedis, известны лишь по светооптическим описаниям и отнесены авторами описаний к родам Nosema spp. (14 видов) и Microsporidium spp. (8 видов). (2) Гаплоспоридии (тип Haplosporida Caulleri et Mesnil, 1899: Ascetosporea: Sar) представлены только одним родом Urosporidium, имеющим широкий спектр хозяев среди морских беспозвоночных, как паразитических, так и свободноживущих. В литературе описано10 видов, заражающих трематод. (3) Миксоспоридии или Myxozoa (п/класс Myxosporea Butchli, 1881: класс Myxozoa Grasse, 1970: тип Cnidaria: Holozoa), заражают, главным образом, рыб. Все 3 вида, известные из трематод, принадлежат к роду Fabespora, и, очевидно, перешли к гиперпаразитированию с рыб. Эти три генетически неродственные группы «Sporozoa» демонстрируют разнообразные признаки и физиологические механизмы, специфичные для каждой группы, но также и сходные адаптации к паразитизму, выраженные, в частности, в сходстве морфотипов и некоторых особенностей патогенеза. В целом, описанные группы эукариотических микроорганизмов представляют собой наглядный пример конвергентной эволюции — феномена, многократно описанного А.А. Добровольским и другими представителями Российской школы паразитологии на различных группах паразитов


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    The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009].The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009]