1,514 research outputs found

    Degrees of Freedom: Expanding College Opportunities - for Currently and Formerly Incarcerated Californians

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    This report begins with a background on the higher education and criminal justice systems in California. This background section highlights the vocabulary and common pathways for each system, and provides a primer on California community colleges. Part II explains why California needs this initiative. Part III presents the landscape of existing college programs dedicated to criminal justice-involved populations in the community and in jails and prisons. This landscape identifies promising strategies and sites of innovation across the state, as well as current challenges to sustaining and expanding these programs. Part IV lays out concrete recommendations California should take to realize the vision of expanding high-quality college opportunities for currently and formerly incarcerated individuals. It includes guidelines for developing high-quality, sustainable programs, building and strengthening partnerships, and shaping the policy landscape, both by using existing opportunities and by advocating for specific legislative and policy changes. Profiles of current college students and graduates with criminal records divide the sections and offer first-hand accounts of the joys and challenges of a college experience

    Long wavelength structural anomalies in jammed systems

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    The structural properties of static, jammed packings of monodisperse spheres in the vicinity of the jamming transition are investigated using large-scale computer simulations. At small wavenumber kk, we argue that the anomalous behavior in the static structure factor, S(k)kS(k) \sim k, is consequential of an excess of low-frequency, collective excitations seen in the vibrational spectrum. This anomalous feature becomes more pronounced closest to the jamming transition, such that S(0)0S(0) \to 0 at the transition point. We introduce an appropriate dispersion relation that accounts for these phenomena that leads us to relate these structural features to characteristic length scales associated with the low-frequency vibrational modes of these systems. When the particles are frictional, this anomalous behavior is suppressed providing yet more evidence that jamming transitions of frictional spheres lie at lower packing fractions that that for frictionless spheres. These results suggest that the mechanical properties of jammed and glassy media may therefore be inferred from measurements of both the static and dynamical structure factors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure captions. Completely revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Breakdown of Kinetic Compensation Effect in Physical Desorption

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    The kinetic compensation effect (KCE), observed in many fields of science, is the systematic variation in the apparent magnitudes of the Arrhenius parameters EaE_a, the energy of activation, and ν\nu, the preexponential factor, as a response to perturbations. If, in a series of closely related activated processes, these parameters exhibit a strong linear correlation, it is expected that an isokinetic relation will occur, then the rates kk become the same at a common compensation temperature TcT_c. The reality of these two phenomena continues to be debated as they have not been explicitly demonstrated and their physical origins remain poorly understood. Using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations on a model interface, we explore how site and adsorbate interactions influence the Arrhenius parameters during a typical desorption process. We find that their transient variations result in a net partial compensation, due to the variations in the prefactor not being large enough to completely offset those in EaE_a, both in plots that exhibit a high degree of linearity and in curved non-Arrhenius plots. In addition, the observed isokinetic relation arises due to a transition to a non-interacting regime, and not due to compensation between EaE_a and lnν\ln{\nu}. We expect our results to provide a deeper insight into the microscopic events that originate compensation effects and isokinetic relations in our system, and in other fields where these effects have been reported.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures, 3 table

    Granular flow down a rough inclined plane: transition between thin and thick piles

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    The rheology of granular particles in an inclined plane geometry is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The flow--no-flow boundary is determined for piles of varying heights over a range of inclination angles θ\theta. Three angles determine the phase diagram: θr\theta_{r}, the angle of repose, is the angle at which a flowing system comes to rest; θm\theta_{m}, the maximum angle of stability, is the inclination required to induce flow in a static system; and θmax\theta_{max} is the maximum angle for which stable, steady state flow is observed. In the stable flow region θr<θ<θmax\theta_{r}<\theta<\theta_{max}, three flow regimes can be distinguished that depend on how close θ\theta is to θr\theta_{r}: i) θ>>θr\theta>>\theta_{r}: Bagnold rheology, characterized by a mean particle velocity vxv_{x} in the direction of flow that scales as vxh3/2v_{x}\propto h^{3/2}, for a pile of height hh, ii) θθr\theta\gtrsim\theta_{r}: the slow flow regime, characterized by a linear velocity profile with depth, and iii) θθr\theta\approx\theta_{r}: avalanche flow characterized by a slow underlying creep motion combined with occasional free surface events and large energy fluctuations. We also probe the physics of the initiation and cessation of flow. The results are compared to several recent experimental studies on chute flows and suggest that differences between measured velocity profiles in these experiments may simply be a consequence of how far the system is from jamming.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figs, submitted to Physics of Fluid

    Fragility and hysteretic creep in frictional granular jamming

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    The granular jamming transition is experimentally investigated in a two-dimensional system of frictional, bi-dispersed disks subject to quasi-static, uniaxial compression at zero granular temperature. Currently accepted results show the jamming transition occurs at a critical packing fraction ϕc\phi_c. In contrast, we observe the first compression cycle exhibits {\it fragility} - metastable configuration with simultaneous jammed and un-jammed clusters - over a small interval in packing fraction (ϕ1<ϕ<ϕ2\phi_1 < \phi < \phi_2). The fragile state separates the two conditions that define ϕc\phi_c with an exponential rise in pressure starting at ϕ1\phi_1 and an exponential fall in disk displacements ending at ϕ2\phi_2. The results are explained through a percolation mechanism of stressed contacts where cluster growth exhibits strong spatial correlation with disk displacements. Measurements with several disk materials of varying elastic moduli EE and friction coefficients μ\mu, show friction directly controls the start of the fragile state, but indirectly controls the exponential slope. Additionally, we experimentally confirm recent predictions relating the dependence of ϕc\phi_c on μ\mu. Under repetitive loading (compression), the system exhibits hysteresis in pressure, and the onset ϕc\phi_c increases slowly with repetition number. This friction induced hysteretic creep is interpreted as the granular pack's evolution from a metastable to an eventual structurally stable configuration. It is shown to depend upon the quasi-static step size Δϕ\Delta \phi which provides the only perturbative mechanism in the experimental protocol, and the friction coefficient μ\mu which acts to stabilize the pack.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Geometric origin of excess low-frequency vibrational modes in amorphous solids

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    Glasses have a large excess of low-frequency vibrational modes in comparison with crystalline solids. We show that such a feature is a necessary consequence of the geometry generic to weakly connected solids. In particular, we analyze the density of states of a recently simulated system, comprised of weakly compressed spheres at zero temperature. We account for the observed a) constancy of the density of modes with frequency, b) appearance of a low-frequency cutoff, and c) power-law increase of this cutoff with compression. We predict a length scale below which vibrations are very different from those of a continuous elastic body.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Argument rewritten, identical result

    Density of states in random lattices with translational invariance

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    We propose a random matrix approach to describe vibrational excitations in disordered systems. The dynamical matrix M is taken in the form M=AA^T where A is some real (not generally symmetric) random matrix. It guaranties that M is a positive definite matrix which is necessary for mechanical stability of the system. We built matrix A on a simple cubic lattice with translational invariance and interaction between nearest neighbors. We found that for certain type of disorder phonons cannot propagate through the lattice and the density of states g(w) is a constant at small w. The reason is a breakdown of affine assumptions and inapplicability of the elasticity theory. Young modulus goes to zero in the thermodynamic limit. It strongly reminds of the properties of a granular matter at the jamming transition point. Most of the vibrations are delocalized and similar to diffusons introduced by Allen, Feldman et al., Phil. Mag. B v.79, 1715 (1999).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Normal Modes in Model Jammed Systems in Three Dimensions

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    Vibrational spectra and normal modes of mechanically stable particle packings in three dimensions are analyzed over a range of compressions, from near the jamming transition, where the packings lose their rigidity, to far above it. At high frequency, the normal modes are localized at all compressions. At low frequency, the nature of the modes depends somewhat on compression. At large compressions, far from the transition, the lowest-frequency normal modes have some plane-wave character, though less than one would expect for a crystalline or isotropic solid. At low compressions near the jamming transition, the lowest-frequency modes are neither plane-wave-like nor localized. We characterize these differences, highlighting the unusual dispersion behavior that emerges for marginally jammed solids.Comment: Under review at Phys. Rev. E. Lower resolution figures her

    Fractal dimensions of jammed packings with power-law particle size distributions in two and three dimensions

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    Static structure factors are computed for large-scale, mechanically stable, jammed packings of frictionless spheres (three dimensions) and disks (two dimensions) with broad, power-law size dispersity characterized by the exponent β-\beta. The static structure factor exhibits diverging power-law behavior for small wavenumbers, allowing us to identify a structural fractal dimension, dfd_f. In three dimensions, df2.0d_f \approx 2.0 for 2.5β3.82.5 \le \beta \le 3.8 , such that each of the structure factors can be collapsed onto a universal curve. In two dimensions, we instead find 1.0df1.341.0 \lesssim d_f \lesssim 1.34 for 2.1β2.92.1 \le \beta \le 2.9 . Furthermore, we show that the fractal behavior persists when rattler particles are removed, indicating that the long wavelength structural properties of the packings are controlled by the large particle backbone conferring mechanical rigidity to the system. A numerical scheme for computing structure factors for triclinic unit cells is presented and employed to analyze the jammed packings.Comment: 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Gravity-driven Dense Granular Flows

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    We report and analyze the results of numerical studies of dense granular flows in two and three dimensions, using both linear damped springs and Hertzian force laws between particles. Chute flow generically produces a constant density profile that satisfies scaling relations suggestive of a Bagnold grain inertia regime. The type of force law has little impact on the behavior of the system. Bulk and surface flows differ in their failure criteria and flow rheology, as evidenced by the change in principal stress directions near the surface. Surface-only flows are not observed in this geometry.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 4 PostScript figures (5 files) embedded with eps