88 research outputs found

    Integral field spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the N113 H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The Spitzer Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution (SAGE) survey has allowed the identification and analysis of significant samples of Young Stellar Object (YSO) candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). However, the angular resolution of Spitzer is relatively poor meaning that at the distance of the LMC, it is likely that many of the Spitzer YSO candidates in fact contain multiple components. We present high-resolution K-band integral field spectroscopic observations of the three most prominent massive YSO candidates in the N113 H II region using Very Large Telescope/Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared (VLT/SINFONI). We have identified six K-band continuum sources within the three Spitzer sources and we have mapped the morphology and velocity fields of extended line emission around these sources. Br γ, He I and H2 emission is found at the position of all six K-band sources; we discuss whether the emission is associated with the continuum sources or whether it is ambient emission. H2 emission appears to be mostly ambient emission and no evidence of CO emission arising in the discs of YSOs has been found. We have mapped the centroid velocities of extended Br γ emission and He I emission and found evidence of two expanding compact H II regions. One source shows compact and strong H2 emission suggestive of a molecular outflow. The diversity of spectroscopic properties observed is interpreted in the context of a range of evolutionary stages associated with massive star formation

    Signatures of Young Star Formation Activity Within Two Parsecs of Sgr A*

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    We present radio and infrared observations indicating on-going star formation activity inside the ∼2−5\sim2-5 pc circumnuclear ring at the Galactic center. Collectively these measurements suggest a continued disk-based mode of on-going star formation has taken place near Sgr A* over the last few million years. First, VLA observations with spatial resolution 2.17"×0.81""\times0.81" reveal 13 water masers, several of which have multiple velocity components. The presence of interstellar water masers suggests gas densities that are sufficient for self-gravity to overcome the tidal shear of the 4×106\times10^6 \msol\, black hole. Second, SED modeling of stellar sources indicate massive YSO candidates interior to the molecular ring, supporting in-situ star formation near Sgr A* and appear to show a distribution similar to that of the counter-rotating disks of ∼\sim100 OB stars orbiting Sgr A*. Some YSO candidates (e.g., IRS~5) have bow shock structures suggesting that they have have gaseous disks that are phototoevaporated and photoionized by the strong radiation field. Third, we detect clumps of SiO (2-1) and (5-4) line emission in the ring based on CARMA and SMA observations. The FWHM and luminosity of the SiO emission is consistent with shocked protostellar outflows. Fourth, two linear ionized features with an extent of ∼0.8\sim0.8 pc show blue and redshifted velocities between +50+50 and −40-40 \kms, suggesting protostellar jet driven outflows with mass loss rates of ∼5×10−5\sim5\times10^{-5} solar mass yr−1^{-1}. Finally, we present the imprint of radio dark clouds at 44 GHz, representing a reservoir of molecular gas that feeds star formation activity close to Sgr A*.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, ApJ (in press

    NGC7538 IRS1 - an ionized jet powered by accretion

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    Analysis of high spatial resolution VLA images shows that the free-free emission from NGC7538 IRS1 is dominated by a collimated ionized wind. We have re-analyzed high angular resolution VLA archive data from 6 cm to 7 mm, and measured separately the flux density from the compact bipolar core and the extended (1.5" - 3") lobes. We find that the flux density of the core is proportional to the frequency to the power of alpha, with alpha being about 0.7. The frequency dependence of the total flux density is slightly steeper with alpha = 0.8. A massive optically thick hypercompact core with a steep density gradient can explain this frequency dependence, but it cannot explain the extremely broad recombination line velocities observed in this source. Neither can it explain why the core is bipolar rather than spherical, nor the observed decrease of 4% in the flux density in less than 10 years. An ionized wind modulated by accretion is expected to vary, because the accretion flow from the surrounding cloud will vary over time. BIMA and CARMA continuum observations at 3 mm show that the free-free emission still dominates at 3 mm. HCO+ J = 1 - 0 observations combined with FCRAO single dish data show a clear inverse P Cygni profile towards IRS1. These observations confirm that IRS1 is heavily accreting with an accretion rate of about 2 times 10(-4) solar masses per year.Comment: Accepted for Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Infrared properties of Active OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds from the Spitzer SAGE Survey

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    We present a study of the infrared properties of 4922 spectroscopically confirmed massive stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, focusing on the active OB star population. Besides OB stars, our sample includes yellow and red supergiants, Wolf-Rayet stars, Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) and supergiant B[e] stars. We detect a distinct Be star sequence, displaced to the red, and find a higher fraction of Oe and Be stars among O and early-B stars in the SMC, respectively, when compared to the LMC, and that the SMC Be stars occur at higher luminosities. We also find photometric variability among the active OB population and evidence for transitions of Be stars to B stars and vice versa. We furthermore confirm the presence of dust around all the supergiant B[e] stars in our sample, finding the shape of their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to be very similar, in contrast to the variety of SED shapes among the spectrally variable LBVs.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the proceedings of the IAUS 272 on "Active OB stars: structure, evolution, mass loss and critical limits" (Paris, July 19-23, 2010), Cambridge University Press. Editors C. Neiner, G. Wade, G. Meynet and G. Peter

    Resolution of the Distance Ambiguity for Galactic HII Regions

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    We resolve the kinematic distance ambiguity for 266 inner Galaxy HII regions out of a sample of 291 using existing HI and 13CO sky surveys. Our sample contains all HII regions with measured radio recombination line (RRL) emission over the extent of the 13CO Boston University-Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory Galactic Ring Survey (18 deg, < l < 55 deg. and |b| < 1) and contains ultra compact, compact, and diffuse HII regions. We use two methods for resolving the distance ambiguity for each HII region: HI emission/absorption (HIEA) and HI self-absorption (HISA). We find that the HIEA and HISA methods can resolve the distance ambiguity for 72% and 87% of our sample, respectively. When projected onto the Galactic plane, this large sample appears to reveal aspects of Galactic structure, with spiral arm-like features at Galactocentric radii of 4.5 and 6 kpc, and a lack of HII regions within 3.5 kpc of the Galactic center. Our HII regions are approximately in the ratio of 2 to 1 for far verses near distances. The ratio of far to near distances for ultra-compact HII regions is 2.2 to 1. Compact HII regions are preferentially at the near distance; their ratio of far to near distances is 1.6 to 1. Diffuse HII regions are preferentially at the far distance; their ratio of far to near distances is 3.8 to 1. This implies that the distinction between ultra compact and compact HII regions is due largely to distance, and that the large angular size of diffuse HII regions is not due solely to proximity to the Sun.Comment: Accepted to Ap
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