95 research outputs found

    Predisposition To Metabolic Acidosis Induced By Topiramate.

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    Metabolic acidosis induced by topiramate is a well documented but infrequent adverse event. The objective was to demonstrate the lowering of carbon dioxide serum levels, which is usually asymptomatic but may facilitate the occurrence of metabolic acidosis in patients using topiramate. We evaluated, prospectively, the carbon dioxide serum levels of 18 patients seen at the epilepsy clinic of our university hospital, before and 3 months after introducing topiramate. Five patients were female and 13 were male, age ranging from 2 to 16 years old (mean=9. 3). Carbon dioxide mean serum levels were 25 and 21.2 mmol/L (normal = 22 to 30), before and 3 months after introducing topiramate, respectively. Dose ranged from 2.08 to 11.76 mg/kg/day (mean=6. 7mg/kg/day). Adverse events were anorexia, nausea and somnolence. We conclude that the lowering of carbon dioxide serum levels induced by topiramate is mostly asymptomatic, but may facilitate the occurrence of metabolic acidosis. Since patients in use of topiramate have refractory epilepsy, they may need epilepsy surgery, and must be carefully monitored for the risk of metabolic acidosis during surgery.581021-

    [basal Ganglia Calcifications In Children].

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    We report the study of four children with bilateral basal ganglia calcifications (BGC) visualized on CT scan. Epilepsy was the clinical manifestation of three patients whose laboratory investigation revealed abnormal calcium metabolism. The first aim of this paper is to call attention to a treatable entity that can cause epileptic syndromes in infancy and childhood. The second purpose is to review the literature comparing with our fourth child who presented encephalopathy with BGC.50513-

    Basal ganglia calcifications in children

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    We report the study of four children with bilateral basal ganglia calcifications (BGC) visualized on CT scan. Epilepsy was the clinical manifestation of three patients whose laboratory investigation revealed abnormal calcium metabolism. The first aim of this paper is to call attention to a treatable entity that can cause epileptic syndromes in infancy and childhood. The second purpose is to review the literature comparing with our fourth child who presented encephalopathy with BGC.Apresentamos o estudo de quatro crianças com calcificações dos gânglios da base (CGB) ao exame tomográfico. Epilepsia foi a manifestação clínica presente em três casos, cuja investigação laboratorial revelou haver distúrbio do metabolismo do cálcio, pseudo-hipoparatireoidismo em um dos casos com certeza e, provavelmente, também nos outros dois pacientes. A primeira finalidade deste estudo é divulgar entidade potencialmente tratável, como causa de síndrome epiléptica na infância. O segundo objetivo é rever o assunto (CGB) em face da literatura, relacionando-a com a quarta, criança que apresentou encefalopatia com CGB.51351

    Discinesia induzida por fenitoína

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    Phenytoin is an effective antiepileptic drug, although, it can be associated with many side effects, including dyskinesia. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics of phenytoin induced dyskinesia. METHODS: We investigated the occurrence of involuntary movements in patients followed at our adult and pediatric epilepsy clinics during the period of one year. RESULTS: Three patients presented with phenytoin-induced dyskinesia: one adult with axial and orofacial dyskinesia, and two children with choreoathetosis. They did not have other signs of phenytoin intoxication and had complete recovery after phenytoin withdrawal. CONCLUSION: Phenytoin induced dyskinesia may occur during either chronic or initial treatment and with normal serum phenytoin levels. However, it occurs most often in patients on polytherapy, usually after increasing dosage and with toxic serum levels. Other signs of phenytoin intoxication may be present in these patients, but often the dyskinesia is the only side effect, which may delay the diagnosis and treatment. The clinical characteristics of the involuntary movements vary and may be focal or generalized, most often characterized by choreoathetosis and dyskinesias. These may last for hours, days or even years, but frequently disappear completely after phenytoin withdrawal.Fenitoína é droga anti-epiléptica eficaz, mas pode estar associada a vários efeitos colaterais, inclusive discinesia. OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas da discinesia induzida por fenitoína. MÉTODO: Avaliamos a ocorrência de movimentos involuntários em pacientes seguidos nos ambulatórios de epilepsia durante o período de um ano. RESULTADOS: Três pacientes apresentaram discinesia induzida por fenitoína: um adulto com discinesia orofacial e duas crianças com coreoatetose. Eles não tinham outros sinais de intoxicação por fenitoína e apresentaram recuperação completa após a retirada da fenitoína. CONCLUSÃO: Discinesia induzida pela fenitoína pode ocorrer durante tratamento crônico ou no início do tratamento e com níveis séricos normais de fenitoína. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes ocorre em politerapia e geralmente após aumento da dose e com níveis tóxicos de fenitoína. Outros sinais de intoxicação podem estar presentes, mas muitas vezes a discinesia é o único efeito adverso, o que pode atrasar o diagnóstico e tratamento. Os movimentos involuntários podem ser focais ou generalizados. Podem durar horas, dias ou até anos, mas freqüentemente desaparecem completamente após a retirada da fenitoína.35636

    De Novo Psychogenic Seizures After Epilepsy Surgery: Case Report.

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    The occurrence of de novo psychogenic seizures after epilepsy surgery is rare, and is estimated in 1.8% to 3.6%. Seizures after epilepsy surgery should be carefully evaluated, and de novo psychogenic seizures should be considered especially when there is a change in the ictal semiology. We report a patient with de novo psychogenic seizures after anterior temporal lobe removal for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Once psychogenic seizures were diagnosed and psychiatric treatment was started, seizures stopped.58535-

    [feelings And Behaviors Of Parents Of Children With Epilepsy].

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    To assess the efficacy of support groups in identifying parents feelings and behaviors facing the diagnosis of epilepsy in their children. Protocols were applied to 18 parents before and after the sessions. Each protocol consisted of questions concerning feelings and beliefs toward epilepsy as well as children-parent interactions. The following feelings were observed: disappointment (94.4%), fear (72.2%), frightening (27.8%), sadness (33.3%), anxiety (27.8%) and rejection (38.9%). These feelings were associated with overprotection (83.3%) and a lack of limits (38.9%). Parents reported feeling of safety after seizure control and 77.8% associate major of difficulties to the lack of information and the inadequate beliefs involved. After support sessions, 94.4% of the parents reported less anxiety. Support groups dispel misconception, clarify child parent relationships and prevent behavioral difficulties.5639-4

    Feelings and behaviors of parents of children with epilepsy

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    PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy of support groups in identifying parents feelings and behaviors facing the diagnosis of epilepsy in their children. METHODS: Protocols were applied to 18 parents before and after the sessions. Each protocol consisted of questions concerning feelings and beliefs toward epilepsy as well as children-parent interactions. RESULTS: The following feelings were observed: disappointment (94.4%), fear (72.2%), frightening (27.8%), sadness (33.3%), anxiety (27.8%) and rejection (38.9%). These feelings were associated with overprotection (83.3%) and a lack of limits (38.9%). Parents reported feeling of safety after seizure control and 77.8% associate major of difficulties to the lack of information and the inadequated beliefs involved. After support sessions, 94.4% of the parents reported less anxiety. CONCLUSION: Support groups dispel misconception, clarify child parent relationships and prevent behavioral difficulties.OBJETIVOS: Identificar as crenças e os sentimentos dos pais frente à epilepsia e relacioná-los com os comportamentos de seus filhos. Avaliar a eficácia dos grupos de pais na diminuição da ansiedade, esclarecimento sobre a doença e comportamentos. MÉTODO: Foram aplicados 18 protocolos que avaliaram sentimentos, crenças e comportamento dos pais e filhos, respondidos antes e depois das sessões de grupos de apoio. RESULTADOS: Diante do diagnóstico foram observados mágoa (94,4%), medo (72,2%), susto (27,8%), tristeza (33,3%) e rejeição (38,9%). Estes sentimentos foram associados a superproteção (83,3%) e falta de limites (38,9%). Segurança foi associada a percepção do controle de crise. Depois do grupo, 94,4% dos pais relatam menos ansiedade e 77,8% associam muitas das dificuldades a falta de informação e a presença de crenças irracionais. CONCLUSÃO: Grupos de apoio desmistificam crenças, ajudam na identificação das relações parentais e previnem dificuldades comportamentais.394

    [familial Partial Epilepsies].

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    To investigate the clinical and genetic characteristics of familial partial epilepsies. Family history of seizures was questioned in all patients followed in our epilepsy clinics, from October 1997 to December 1998. Those with positive family history were further investigated and detailed pedigrees were obtained. All possibly affected individuals available underwent clinical evaluation. Seizures and epilepsy syndromes were classified according to the ILAE recommendations. Whenever possible, EEG and MRI were performed. Positive family history was identified in 32 unrelated patients. A total of 213 possibly affected individuals were identified, 161 of whom have been evaluated. The number of affected subjects per family ranged from two to 23. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) was identified in 22 families (68%), frontal lobe epilepsy in one family (3%), partial epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes in five families (15%), and other benign partial epilepsies of childhood in four families (12%). Most of the affected individuals in the TLE families (69%) had clinical and/or EEG characteristics of typical TLE. However, the severity of epilepsy was variable, with 76% of patients with spontaneous seizure remission or good control with medication and 24% with refractory seizures, including 7 patients that underwent surgical treatment. In the other 10 families, we identified 39 possibly affected subjects, 23 of whom were evaluated. All had good seizure control (with or without medication) except for one patient with frontal lobe epilepsy. Pedigree analysis suggested autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance in all families. Family history of seizures is frequent among patients with partial epilepsies. The majority of our families had TLE and its expression was not different from that observed in sporadic cases. The identification of genes involved in partial epilepsies may be usefull in classification of syndromes, to stablish prognosis and optimal treatment.58862-