44 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for rock slope failure monitoring: The case study of Coroglio tuff cliff (Naples, Italy) - Preliminary results

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    The paper re ports the i mple mentation of an integrate d syste m ai me d at the real-ti me monitoring of a series of physical parame ters controlling the r ock slope stability. The system has bee n installe d on the Cor oglio tuff cliff, loc ate d in the highly ur banize d coastal area of Naples (Italy) at the bor der of the acti ve volcanic cal der a of Campi Flegrei. Preliminar y results obtai ne d during the first ye ar of data ac quisition and monitoring acti vi ty (Dece mber 2014 – January 2016) are also discussed on the basis of statistical models. (3) (PDF) An integrated approach for rock slope failure monitoring: the case study of Coroglio tuff cliff (Naples, Italy) – preliminary results. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299340773_An_integrated_approach_for_rock_slope_failure_monitoring_the_case_study_of_Coroglio_tuff_cliff_Naples_Italy_-_preliminary_results [accessed Feb 27 2020].Published242-2471IT. Reti di monitoraggio e sorveglianzaN/A or not JC

    Factor PD-Co-clustering in Official Statistics

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    In this paper we propose an extension of Factor PD-clustering for simultaneous classification of rows and columns of frequency matrices extracted from large textual datasets. The aim is to extract information from documents usually produced and that are not used because of their special nature. The work is carried out within the European project BLUE-ETS, which aims to provide tools for the construction of robust and high quality official statistics for businesses

    Extracting and Classifying Keywords in Textual Data Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider a peculiar lexical table having as general term the number of times the forms of two different vocabularies, collected on the same units, are simultaneously present. On this peculiar matrix, we first of all apply a factorial data analysis method for visualizing and extracting keywords and successively, by means of a co-clustering technique, we identify classes of keywords for the two different corpora. The main results of this strategy are shown by an application on two corpora defined by the language used by a set of firms on their official web sites for describing their core mission and the language they use in searching new employers

    Generalized Procrustes Analysis for Multilingual Studies

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    When the aim is to study the differences among cultures, the comparative cultural studies assume considerable importance. One of the most peculiar aspects of a culture is definitely the language as a medium of communication between people. In the literature of cross language analyses, many approaches have been proposed for comparing two languages. They are mainly based on use of bilingual dictionaries and machine translation systems. In order to compare simultaneously more languages, we propose to use the Generalized Procrustes Analysis on Twitter data for analysing the cross-country public opinion. A case study about the violence against women is presented for showing the effectiveness of our propos

    Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty with Latent Transition Analysis

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    In last years, the debate about social and economic development considered with increasing interest the exposure to the risk of poverty rather than poverty itself. The risk for an individual or a household to become or remain poor in an immediate future is defined as vulnerability to poverty. According to the recent literature, poverty is a complex phenomenon requiring an operationalisation that takes into account its multidimensionality, encompassing both objective and subjective elements. Due to the latent nature of poverty, it is possible to study this construct by analysing a set of manifest indicators. Focusing on vulnerability to poverty, a forward-looking perspective has also to be considered for depicting the dynamicity of the analysed phenomenon. For these reasons, here we propose to use latent transition analysis (LTA) to study vulnerability to poverty. This approach allows identifying unobservable (latent) classes within a population based on the responses to multiple observed variables. Moreover, it allows evaluating the movement between different classes over time, in terms of probability of transition. This probability can be used to estimate vulnerability to poverty. The usefulness of LTA in this context is showed by presenting a case study concerning Italian households over 2008–2012

    Relazioni non simmetriche tra Corpora

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    In this paper the language used by firms for searching new employers by web is studied. Particularly, we are in-teresting in evaluating the dependence between two corpora, e.g. one defined by the forms used for describing the skills of the candidates for jobs and the other defined by the forms used by firms for describing their mission. The method used is textual data analysis, more precisely, a non symmetrical correspondence analysis on a pecu-liar lexical table forms/forms with an ad hoc weighting system on the explanatory variables. Furthermore, the main results of an application on a sample of firms are showed in terms of friendly readable graphical represen-tations