24 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of thickness influence on compressive residual strength of impacted carbon/epoxy laminate

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    Abstract: An experimental campaign was performed on 5.5 mm thick carbon/epoxy specimens and results were compared with data obtained in a previous work to understand thickness influence on material mechanical characteristics. In particular, this campaign consists of two different steps: impacts tests, performed by means of a modified Charpy pendulum, and Compression After Impact (CAI), using Wyoming Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method. Impacts were performed on twenty cross-ply specimens with different energies and impact location. Other 5 specimens were tested only in compression. Non Destructive Inspections (NDI) by Ultrasonic Test (UT) were performed on impacted and pristine specimens, in order to understand damage size and correlate it with residual strength results. During CLC tests, compression strength and Young modulus values were acquired

    Estimate of compressive strength of an unidirectional composite lamina using cross-ply and angle-ply laminates

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    In this work has been estimated the compressive strength of a unidirectional lamina of a carbon/epoxy composite material, using the cross-ply and angle-ply laminates. Over the years various methods have been developed to deduce compressive properties of composite materials reinforced with long fibres. Each of these methods is characterized by a specific way of applying load to the specimen. The method chosen to perform the compression tests is the Wyoming Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Method, described in ASTM D 6641 / D 6641M-09. This method presents many advantages, especially: the load application on the specimen (end load combined with shear load), the reproducibility of measurements and the experimental equipment quite simplified. Six different laminates were tested in compressive tests. They were realized by the same unidirectional prepreg, but with different stacking sequences: two cross-ply [0/90]ns, two angle-ply [0/90/±45]ns and two unidirectional laminates [0]ns and [90]ns. The estimate of the compressive strength of the unidirectional laminates at 0°, was done by an indirect analytical method, developed from the classical lamination theory, and which uses a multiplicative parameter known as Back-out Factor (BF). The BF is determined by using the experimental values obtained from compression tests. Finally, extrapolated data were compared with prepreg manufacturer datashee

    Estimate of compressive strength of an unidirectional composite lamina using cross-ply and angle-ply laminates

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    In this work has been estimated the compressive strength of a unidirectional lamina of a carbon/epoxy composite material, using the cross-ply and angle-ply laminates. Over the years various methods have been developed to deduce compressive properties of composite materials reinforced with long fibres. Each of these methods is characterized by a specific way of applying load to the specimen.The method chosen to perform the compression tests is the Wyoming Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Method, described in ASTM D 6641 / D 6641M-09. This method presents many advantages, especially: the load application on the specimen (end load combined with shear load), the reproducibility of measurementsand the experimental equipment quite simplified. Six different laminates were tested in compressive tests. They were realized by the same unidirectional prepreg, but with different stacking sequences: two cross-ply [0/90]ns, two angle-ply [0/90/±45]ns and two unidirectional laminates [0]ns and [90]ns.The estimate of the compressive strength of the unidirectional laminates at 0°, was done by an indirect analytical method, developed from the classical lamination theory, and which uses a multiplicative parameterknown as Back-out Factor (BF). The BF is determined by using the experimental values obtained from compression tests

    Excellent pulse height uniformity response of a new LaBr3:Ce scintillation crystal for gamma ray imaging

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    Nuclear Medicine SPECT imaging is taking on new challenges, regarding the improvement of quality and contrast of images. In order to reach this goal, energy resolution and Compton rejection capability have to be enhanced. For detectors based on scintillation crystal, the choice of a scintillator with high light yield is suitable; recently one of the major candidates is Lanthanum Tri-Bromide (LaBr3:Ce), with its high 63,000 ph/MeV light yield. Unfortunately, LaBr3:Ce suffers size limitations due to the actual growth techniques (maximum 3 in. diameter) and has also elevated cost. For these reasons, great interest is shown on small field of view detectors based on LaBr3:Ce, thought for imaging of specific physiological process or organ. To improve energy resolution, continuous crystals are more appropriate instead than pixelated ones. Since in a continuous crystal a decrease in position linearity, due to the light reflections, is typically obtained at the edges, an absorbent treatment of surfaces is generally utilized for SPECT applications. On the other hand, light absorption causes a relevant degradation of local energy resolution and pulse height uniformity response, affecting local image contrast. In this work an analysis on a new continuous LaBr3:Ce scintillation crystal with size proper to a small field of view gamma imager but with reflective treatment of surfaces is presented. This leads up to outstanding overall and local energy resolution results and excellent pulse height uniformity response on the whole field of view. Furthermore, preliminary imaging results are satisfactory, compared to the ones from a scintillation crystal with absorbent edge

    Design of a bonnet of a sport vehicle realized with an innovative recyclable Polymeric Matrix Composite and virtual characterization of the related sandwich structure

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    This article presents the design activities of an automotive component to be produced using a recyclable cleavable-epoxy Matrix Composite and Basalt-Derived Mineral Fibres. The material innovations are being studied within project C2CC (www.c2cc-project.eu), aimed at satisfying latest EU directives regarding end-of-life reuse and C-footprint reduction. The main targets are the weight reduction, obtained employing materials with lower footprint, namely a biomass derived epoxy and a cradle-to-cradle recyclable mineral fiber, that is a fibre that (differently from carbon fibre) can be remelted to long fibre with no decrease in mechanical specifications [1]. For recycling both the resin and the fibre, a the cleavable hardener was adopted [2] developed by Connnora Inc (US), which avoids the need of pyrolysis to recover and recycle the fibers from prepreg scraps and end-of-life components. The main project demonstrator is the front bonnet of segment A vehicle FIAT 500 Abarth. One approach to reach the component expected performances is using the semifinished composite materials (prepregs) produced by the project to manufacture a final structural sandwich. From the modelling point of view, this work carries out a multiscale approach starting from the basic constituents of skin and core and ending with the model at the mesoscale of the specimens of the sandwich. The simulation activity was conducted considering the possible recyclable sandwich cores, and the comparison aims at selecting the optimal ones for this specific automotive component