186 research outputs found

    Multiple interactions and AGK rules in pQCD

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    We review some aspects of multiple interactions in High Energy QCD; we discuss in particular AGK rules and present some results concerning multiple interactions in the context of jet production.Comment: Talk given by MS at 12th International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering: Forward Physics and QCD, Hamburg, DESY, Germany, 21-25 May 2007. 7pp. Minor change

    Inclusive 1-jet Production Cross Section at Small x in QCD: Multiple Interactions

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    We study corrections due to two Pomeron exchanges to the inclusive 1-jet production cross section in the Regge limit of perturbative QCD for a finite number of colors. By considering deep inelastic scattering on a weakly bound two-nucleon system, we carefully follow the logic of the AGK cutting rules and show, for the single inclusive cross section, that, due to the reggeization of the gluon, modifications of the AGK cutting rules appear. As our main result, we investigate and calculate the jet production vertex in the presence of a two-Pomeron cut correction. Compared to previous studies, we find a novel structure of the jet vertex which has not been considered before. We discuss a few implications of this new piece.Comment: 42 pages, 22 figures, few references and comments added, to appear on JHE

    Direct numerical simulation of supersonic and hypersonic turbulent boundary layers at moderate-high Reynolds numbers and isothermal wall condition

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    We study the structure of high-speed zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers up to friction Reynolds number Reτ ≈ 2000 using direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Both supersonic and hypersonic conditions with nominal free-stream Mach numbers M∞ = 2, M∞ = 5.86 and heat transfer at the wall are considered. The present simulations extend the database currently available for wall-bounded flows, enabling us to explore high-Reynolds-number effects even in the hypersonic regime. We first analyse the instantaneous fields to characterize the structure of both velocity and temperature fluctuations. In all cases elongated strips of uniform velocity and temperature (superstructures) are observed in the outer portion of the boundary layer, characterized by a clear association between low-/high-speed momentum and high/low temperature streaks. The results highlight important deviations from the typical organization observed in the inner region of adiabatic boundary layers, revealing that the near-wall temperature streaks disappear in strongly non-adiabatic flow cases. We also focus on the structural properties of regions of uniform streamwise momentum (De Silva, Hutchins & Marusic, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 786, 2016, pp. 309.331) observed in turbulent boundary layers, confirming the presence of such zones in the high-speed regime at high Reynolds number and revealing the existence of similar regions for the temperature field. The accuracy of different compressibility transformations and temperature-velocity relations is assessed extending their range of validation to moderate/high Reynolds numbers. Spanwise spectral densities of the velocity and temperature fluctuations at various wall distances have been calculated revealing the energy content and the size of the turbulent eddies across the boundary layer. Finally, we propose a revised scaling for the characteristic length scales, that is based on the local mean shear computed according to the recent theory by Griffin, Fu & Moin [Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 118 (34)]

    Direct numerical simulation of supersonic turbulent flows over rough surfaces

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    We perform direct numerical simulation of supersonic turbulent channel flow over cubical roughness elements, spanning bulk Mach numbers -, both in the transitional and fully rough regime. We propose a novel definition of roughness Reynolds number which is able to account for the viscosity variations at the roughness crest and should be used to compare rough-wall flows across different Mach numbers. As in the incompressible flow regime, the mean velocity profile shows a downward shift with respect to the baseline smooth wall cases, however, the magnitude of this velocity deficit is largely affected by the Mach number. Compressibility transformations are able to account for this effect, and data show a very good agreement with the incompressible fully rough asymptote, when the relevant roughness Reynolds number is used. Velocity statistics present outer layer similarity with the equivalent smooth wall cases, however, this does not hold for the thermal field, which is substantially affected by the roughness, even in the channel core. We show that this is a direct consequence of the quadratic temperature-velocity relation which is also valid for rough walls. Analysis of the heat transfer shows that the relative drag increase is always larger than the relative heat transfer enhancement, however, increasing the Mach number brings data closer to the Reynolds analogy line due to the rising relevance of the aerodynamic heating

    STREAmS: A high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows

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    We present STREAmS, an in-house high-fidelity solver for direct numerical simulations (DNS) of canonical compressible wall-bounded flows, namely turbulent plane channel, zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer and supersonic oblique shock-wave/boundary layer interaction. The solver incorporates state-of-the-art numerical algorithms, specifically designed to cope with the challenging problems associated with the solution of high-speed turbulent flows and can be used across a wide range of Mach numbers, extending from the low subsonic up to the hypersonic regime. From the computational viewpoint, STREAmS is oriented to modern HPC platforms thanks to MPI parallelization and the ability to run on multi-GPU architectures. This paper discusses the main implementation strategies, with particular reference to the CUDA paradigm, the management of a single code for traditional and multi-GPU architectures, and the optimization process to take advantage of the latest generation of NVIDIA GPUs. Performance measurements show that single-GPU optimization more than halves the computing time as compared to the baseline version. At the same time, the asynchronous patterns implemented in STREAmS for MPI communications guarantee very good parallel performance especially in the weak scaling spirit, with efficiency exceeding 97% on 1024 GPUs. For overall evaluation of STREAmS with respect to other compressible solvers, comparison with a recent GPU-enabled community solver is presented. It turns out that, although STREAmS is much more limited in terms of flow configurations that can be addressed, the advantage in terms of accuracy, computing time and memory occupation is substantial, which makes it an ideal candidate for large-scale simulations of high-Reynolds number, compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows. The solver is released open source under GPLv3 license. Program summary: Program Title: STREAmS CPC Library link to program files: https://doi.org/10.17632/hdcgjpzr3y.1 Developer's repository link: https://github.com/matteobernardini/STREAmS Code Ocean capsule: https://codeocean.com/capsule/8931507/tree/v2 Licensing provisions: GPLv3 Programming language: Fortran 90, CUDA Fortran, MPI Nature of problem: Solving the three-dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes equations for low and high Mach regimes in a Cartesian domain configured for channel, boundary layer or shock-boundary layer interaction flows. Solution method: The convective terms are discretized using a hybrid energy-conservative shock-capturing scheme in locally conservative form. Shock-capturing capabilities rely on the use of Lax–Friedrichs flux vector splitting and weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) reconstruction. The system is advanced in time using a three-stage, third-order RK scheme. Two-dimensional pencil distributed MPI parallelization is implemented alongside different patterns of GPU (CUDA Fortran) accelerated routines

    AGK Cutting Rules and Multiple Scattering in Hadronic Collisions

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    We discuss the AGK rules for the exchange of an arbitrary number of reggeized gluons in perturbative QCD in the high energy limit. Results include the cancellation of corrections to single jet and double jet inclusive cross sections, both for hard and soft rescattering contributions.Comment: 31 pages, latex, 20 figure

    The AMS-02 Time of Flight System. Final Design

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    The AMS-02 detector is a superconducting magnetic spectrometer that will operate on the International Space Station. The time of flight (TOF) system of AMS-02 is composed by four scintillator planes with 8, 8, 10, 8 counters each, read at both ends by a total of 144 phototubes. This paper describes the new design, the expected performances, and shows preliminary results of the ion beam test carried on at CERN on October 2002.Comment: 4 pages, 6 EPS figures. Proc. of the 28th ICRC (2003

    Deformed Spectral Representation of the BFKL Kernel and the Bootstrap for Gluon Reggeization

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    We investigate the space of functions in which the BFKL kernel acts. For the amplitudes which describe the scattering of colorless projectiles it is convenient to define, in transverse coordinates, the Moebius space in which the solutions to the BFKL equation vanish as the coordinates of the two reggeized gluons coincide. However, in order to fulfill the bootstrap relation for the BFKL kernel it is necessary to modify the space of functions. We define and investigate a new space of functions and show explicitly that the bootstrap relation is valid for the corresponding spectral form of the kernel. We calculate the generators of the resulting deformed representation of the sl(2,C) algebra.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Initial results of tests of depth markers as a surface diagnostic for fusion devices

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    The Accelerator-Based In Situ Materials Surveillance (AIMS) diagnostic was developed to perform in situ ion beam analysis (IBA) on Alcator C-Mod in August 2012 to study divertor surfaces between shots. These results were limited to studying low-Z surface properties, because the Coulomb barrier precludes nuclear reactions between high-Z elements and the ∼1 MeV AIMS deuteron beam. In order to measure the high-Z erosion, a technique using deuteron-induced gamma emission and a low-Z depth marker is being developed. To determine the depth of the marker while eliminating some uncertainty due to beam and detector parameters, the energy dependence of the ratio of two gamma yields produced from the same depth marker will be used to determine the ion beam energy loss in the surface, and thus the thickness of the high-Z surface. This paper presents the results of initial trials of using an implanted depth marker layer with a deuteron beam and the method of ratios. First tests of a lithium depth marker proved unsuccessful due to the production of conflicting gamma peaks, among other issues. However, successful trials with a boron depth marker show that it is possible to measure the depth of the marker layer with the method of gamma yield ratios.United States. Department of Energy. (grant number DE-FG02-94ER54235, cooperative agreement number DEFC02-99ER54512

    Four point function of R-currents in N=4 SYM in the Regge limit at weak coupling

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    We compute, in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, the four point correlation function of R-currents in the Regge limit in the leading logarithmic approximation at weak coupling. Such a correlator is the closest analog to photon-photon scattering within QCD, and there is a well-defined procedure to perform the analogous computation at strong coupling via the AdS/CFT correspondence. The main result of this paper is, on the gauge theory side, the proof of Regge factorization and the explicit computation of the R-current impact factors.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, typos correcte