33 research outputs found

    Telework: What is impact on the Algerian employee?

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    In a knowledge-based global economy, where technological progress has become the crucial link for achieving economic development, many Algerian institutions inevitability faced of the developing of their managing methods of work based on the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT). The telework is one of the growing patterns in this context it has been widely used in recent years as a new conception of work and jobs, especially during the pandemic that afflicted many countries, including Algeria. However, adopting this method of organizing work raises many problems related to its effects, especially on the individual level, namely on the employee’s quality of life, which is what the current study tries to answer. In order to do so, the writings and the basics related to telework were reviewed and discussed in the first part. While the second part was devoted to presenting the methodological framework used at field level. Based on a quantitative approach that included 142 employees from various sectors of activity, the results of the research included in the third part revealed that telework gives employees flexibility and independence in organizing their work schedule. It also contributes to reducing expenses related to the budget for transportation, meals, and childcare. In addition, telework enables employees to reorganize their social time (work time, family time) and thus, better match work and private activities, as well as reduce exhaustion resulting from various movements. It constitutes an opportunity to rest and reorganize, which in turn helps to raise productivity, according to most of the employees questioned. However, this does not negate the fact that this working method produces some undesirable effects, which are often perceived as negative consequences, as the results revealed the telework may be a source of social isolation and extension of working hours. Furthermore, the flexibility that telework gives to employees in organizing and managing working hours may lead to irregular schedules, which would blur the boundaries between family and professional lifestyle

    On the age of Ain Hanech Oldowan locality (Algeria): First numerical dating results

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    Our current understanding of early human settlements in North Africa relies on a few well-contextualized Oldowan and Acheulean sites (e.g., Ain Hanech, El Kherba, Ain Boucherit Lw and Up, Tighennif in Algeria; Thomas Quarry in Morocco). In particular, the site of Ain Hanech has documented for many decades the earliest evidence of human presence in North Africa (e.g., Sahnouni and de Heinzelin, 1998), until older stone tools were recently reported at the nearby Ain Boucherit locality (Sahnouni et al., 2018). While the Early Pleistocene antiquity of this Oldowan assemblage has never really been questioned, its exact age has, however, been discussed. In the early 2000s, a series of articles were published in this journal arguing either for an age of ~1.8 Ma (Sahnouni et al., 2002, 2004) or much younger, around 1.2 Ma (Geraads et al., 2004). Although subsequent chronostratigraphic studies have provided additional evidence for the older age (Pares et al., 2014 ; Sahnouni et al., 2018; Duval et al., 2021), Ain Hanech site had never been numerically dated until now. Moreover, beyond the archeological relevance of the site, Ain Hanech faunal association has also long been used as a reference for biochronological inferences and comparative studies with other paleontological localities of the region (e.g., Geraads, 2002; Sahnouni et al., 2002; Van der Made and Sahnouni, 2013; Van der Made et al., 2021). In other words, the accuracy of North African biochronology over the Early Pleistocene timescale partly relies on the age of Ain Hanech. In this context, we present here the dating results from electron spin resonance (ESR) and uranium-series (U-series) methods tentatively applied to optically bleached quartz grains and fossil teeth from Ain Hanech and the nearby stratigraphically equivalent site of El Kherba (Sahnouni and de Heinzelin, 1998).Spanish Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC2018-025221-I granted to M.D. is funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ‘ESF Investing in your future’. This work is part of Grant PID2021-123092NB-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/‘ERDF A way of making Europe’. Fieldwork and related research at Ain Hanech were funded with grants awarded to M.S. by CNRPAH (Algeria), MCIN and MINECO (PGC2018-095489-BI00 and HAR2013-41351-P, respectively; Spain), the L.S.B. Leakey Foundation (USA), the European Research Council (FP7-PeopleCIG2993581; Belgium), and the Stone Age Institute (USA), and to S.A. by UMR7194 (CNRS, MNHN; France).Peer reviewe

    Competency Assessment Based on Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Intelligence Mechanism: A Study of Competency Assessment Document for the Algerian SEROR Company

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    Вирішення питання про те, як автоматизація кількісної оцінки компетенцій через документ оцінки компетенцій привела до виведення процесу оцінювання з описової сторони та спроби запропонувати нову модель, узгоджену з сучасними вимогами управління. Оцінка компетенції вважається одним із найважливіших показників для управління компетенціями в організаціях, оскільки вона дає цінну інформацію про сильні та слабкі сторони людських ресурсів, що є важливим для стратегічного планування. Організації активно шукають економічно ефективну та точну систему, яка прагне мінімізувати вплив суб’єктивних упереджень у процесі оцінювання. Крім того, існує потреба в рішенні, яке полегшить швидку оцінку великої робочої сили, зрештою зменшуючи загальні витрати. Для задоволення цих вимог у поточному дослідженні використовується механізм нечіткої логіки та штучного інтелекту для розробки сучасної та точної моделі оцінки. Дослідження, у якому аналізувалися дані оцінки компетенцій від алжирської компанії SEROR, продемонструвало можливість створення складної кількісної моделі оцінки компетенцій за допомогою нечіткої логіки та механізму штучного інтелекту. Результати свідчать про те, що заклад має потенціал для застосування передового та перспективного підходу, підвищення об’єктивності, особливо у роботі зі складними системами. Розробка кількісної моделі оцінки компетенції вимагає комплексної бази даних, яка включає відповідні фактори в процесі оцінювання, охоплюючи деталі про посаду, навички, знання та досвід кожного працівника. У дослідженні підкреслюється, що створення кількісної моделі за допомогою нечіткої логіки та механізму штучного інтелекту є дуже досяжним, причому прикладне дослідження вказує на 85% успіху моделі.Addressing the issue of how automating the quantitative assessment of competencies through a competency assessment document came to remove the assessment process from the descriptive side and an attempt to propose a new model aligned with modern management requirements. Competency assessment is considered one of the most important indicators for managing competencies in organizations, as it offers valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of human resources, which is essential for strategic planning. Organizations are actively seeking a cost-effective and accurate system, aiming to minimize the impact of subjective biases in the evaluation process. Additionally, there is a need for a solution that facilitates swift assessment of a large workforce, ultimately reducing overall costs. To meet these requirements, the current study employs Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Intelligence mechanism to develop a contemporary and precise evaluation model. The study, which analyzed competency assessment data from the Algerian SEROR Company, showcased the possibility of creating a sophisticated quantitative model for competency evaluation using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Intelligence Mechanism. The results imply that the institution has the potential to embrace a cutting-edge and forward-thinking approach, enhancing objectivity, particularly in dealing with complex systems. Developing a quantitative competency evaluation model requires a comprehensive database that includes relevant factors in the evaluation process, encompassing details about each employee’s position, skills, knowledge and experience. The research emphasizes that creating a quantitative model through Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Intelligence Mechanism is highly achievable, with the applied study indicating an 85% success rate for the model

    Algeria fossils cast doubt on East Africa as sole origin of stone tools

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    Construyendo E-RIHS, la infraestructura europea de investigación en ciencia del patrimonio

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    LA CIENCIA Y EL ARTE VII: Ciencias y tecnologías aplicadas a la conservación del patrimonioE-RIHS (>European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science> www.e-rihs.eu) es una infraestructura para el desarrollo de la investigación en patrimonio cultural y natural en aspectos que incluyen su interpretación, conservación, documentación y gestión. E-RIHS se configura como una infraestructura distribuida, con una Sede Central (previsiblemente en Florencia, Italia) y Nodos Nacionales. Proveerá de herramientas y servicios avanzados >desarrollados por grupos de investigación trans-disciplinares> a usuarios científicos que trabajen en el avance del conocimiento sobre el patrimonio y en estrategias innovadoras para su preservación. A través de procedimientos concertados entre los participantes, E-RIHS proporcionará un acceso integrado a las tecnologías de análisis más punteras y a archivos científicos a través de cuatro plataformas: FIXLAB, MOLAB, ARCHLAB y DIGILAB. En este trabajo se presenta E-RIHS, los avances en establecimiento de la infraestructura europea y en la creación y organización del Nodo Nacional español, E-RIHS.e

    Earliest human occupations at Dmanisi (Georgian Caucasus) dated to 1.85–1.78 Ma

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    The early Pleistocene colonization of temperate Eurasia by Homo erectus was not only a significant biogeographic event but also a major evolutionary threshold. Dmanisi's rich collection of hominin fossils, revealing a population that was small-brained with both primitive and derived skeletal traits, has been dated to the earliest Upper Matuyama chron (ca. 1.77 Ma). Here we present archaeological and geologic evidence that push back Dmanisi's first occupations to shortly after 1.85 Ma and document repeated use of the site over the last half of the Olduvai subchron, 1.85–1.78 Ma. These discoveries show that the southern Caucasus was occupied repeatedly before Dmanisi's hominin fossil assemblage accumulated, strengthening the probability that this was part of a core area for the colonization of Eurasia. The secure age for Dmanisi's first occupations reveals that Eurasia was probably occupied before Homo erectus appears in the East African fossil record