246 research outputs found

    Els capítols matrimonials a la Vall d’Aran (segles XVII-XIX): algunes aportacions per a l’estudi de la casa

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    A partir d’una primera prospecció documental dels fons notarials i patrimonials de la Vall d’Aran a l’època moderna es presenta una font essencial per a l’estudi de les cases: els capítols matrimonials. Es descriuen les seves característiques i peculiaritats (com el fort pes de la troncalitat), i es fa èmfasi en les seves possibilitats, i també en les seves mancances. A través dels capítols es fan palesos elements clau de les societats de muntanya: el gran esforç de les cases per garantir el dot i la formació d’una nova casa, la forta endogàmia i els elements de diferenciació entre cases fortes, mitjanes i pobres.From an initial survey of the documentary heritage and notarial collection in the Aran Valley in modern times, there is an essential source for the study of the houses: the marriage contracts. It describes the characteristics and peculiarities (such as the strong weight of the core), and emphasizes its potential, as well as its shortcomings. Through marriage contracts exemplified the key elements of mountain societies: the great effort to ensure the houses dowry and the formation of a new home, the strong endogany and the elements of differentiation and inbreeding among houses strong, medium and poor

    Rearrangement of {α-P2W15} to {PW6} moieties during the assembly of transition-metal-linked polyoxometalate clusters

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    We report the formation of two polyoxotungstates of the general formula [M6(PW6O26)(α-P2W15O56)2(H2O)2]23− (M = CoII or MnII), which contain {PW6} fragments generated from the [P2W15O56]12− precursor, which demonstrates for the first time the transformation of a Dawson lacunae into a Keggin lacunary building block. Solution analysis of the clusters has been conducted via electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry

    Kredit Usaha Rakyat dan Perkembangan UMKM di Kabupaten Simeulue Pasca Covid-19

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    Abstract : People's Business Credit (KUR) is a form of government program in increasing access to financing for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with low-interest rates, this program is channeled through financial institutions with guarantee patterns. KUR funds are given to people who have productive businesses with varying amounts to the business conditions involved, but during the covid-19 pandemic, the MSME sector also experienced the difficulty of installment returns, so this study was conducted to answer two fundamental questions, are: how KUR funds in the review of sharia economic law and how the fate of MSMEs during the covid-19 pandemic in Simeulue Regency. This research is qualitative research and data collection techniques using observation, interview, and documentation, while data analysis uses descriptive techniques. Based on the results of research it can be concluded that in the incarnation of Sharia economic law regarding KUR there are two opinions, first declaring the law haram because it includes riba, while the second opinion asserts that the legal KUR can and does not include riba. The difference lies in whether or not the interest of the KUR. Then the influence of covid-19 on MSMEs in Simeulue Regency is bad for the development of community businesses due to the lack of buyer interest so that the weakening of their income and the effect on delayed installment payments beyond the due date

    Comparative copro-diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis in experimentally infected foxes

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    Faecal samples from 15 foxes experimentally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis were examined until 90days post-infection (dpi) by microscopical identification of eggs isolated by flotation/sieving, by coproantigen-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA), by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on DNA, respectively, isolated directly from the faecal samples (copro-DNA PCR) and from the eggs obtained by the flotation/sieving procedure (egg-DNA PCR). Based on egg counts, three periods of the infection were defined: pre-patent (2-29dpi), high patent (30-70dpi) and low patent periods (71-90dpi). Whereas all methods were highly sensitive with samples from the high patent period, cELISA was the most sensitive to detect pre-patent infections (63%). Samples from the low patent infections were positive in 77% by microscopy and in 80% by egg-DNA PCR, being significantly more sensitive than cELISA and copro-DNA PCR. The isolation of eggs from the faecal material proved to be more sensitive by the flotation/sieving procedure as compared to the classical concentration McMaster techniqu

    The Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Employees’ Service Recovery Performance in Five-Star Hotels in Jordan

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of total quality management (TQM) implementations on employees’ service recovery performance in five-star hotels in Jordan. TQM implementations and service recovery performance have received significant attention in previous research. However, the impact of TQM on service recovery performance has remained unexplored research area. A 67-item questionnaire, measuring TQM implementations and service recovery, was distributed to 400 employees in 12 five-star hotels in Jordan with a 63.5 response rate. Principle Component Analysis was utilized to determine the factor structure for both TQM and service recovery and Regression Analysis to determine the impact of TQM implementations on service recovery performance. The result revealed that the TQM implementations in five-star hotels in Jordan was  implemented effectively and thus, have a positive impact on employees’ service recovery performance. This result is attributed to be unique and this is due to the fact that previous studies have focused on manufacturing sector not on hotel sector in measuring either TQM implementations or service recovery performance. This paper suggests replicating the study in additional settings to determine if similar results will be obtained outside five-star-hotels in Jordan. Many of the previous studies on TQM and service recovery performance have been conducted in the context of western economies and very little research has been done in the Middle East in general and Jordan in particular. As such, there is a need to examine, from the employees’ perspective, the levels of implementing TQM that are being encouraged in the hospitality industry and it is effect on service recovery performance among employees towards their both employers and customers. The present paper contributes to filling the gap in the literature by measuring the TQM implementations and service recovery as a whole in a new context. Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Service Failure, Service Recovery Performance, Hotels, Jordan

    Shyness and its Relation with Self-esteem in Light of Some Variables

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    This study aimed at addressing shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The descriptive-correlative approach was used. The sample consisted of (250) male and female learning disabilities students of grades two and four at public school in the province of Irbid. To achieve study objectives, shyness scale was developed, and the validity and reliability of its indicators we verified. Findings revealed that the level of shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid was moderate. They, also, revealed that the presence of statistical differences in the level of shyness for learning disabilities students attributable to the variable of gender. These differences came in favor of females. Furthermore, findings revealed the absence of statistical differences attributable to grade. In light of the findings, the researcher recommends raising the self-esteem level for students through co-operation between school administrations, teachers and guardians. It is also recommended that other researchers to conduct other developmental studies and compare the shyness levels for students in multiple age groups and environments
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