139 research outputs found

    Control of Penicillium expansum by an epiphytic basidiomycetous yeast

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    Postharvest biocontrol agents are considered a viable alternative to the use of synthetic chemicals as demonstrated by extensive research conducted by scientists and companies worldwide. In the present investigation, the biocontrol potential of a carotenoid-producing basidiomycetous yeast isolated from table grape flowers was analyzed. The strain RY1 proved to be Sporobolomyces roseus. In vitro and in vivo tests were conducted to assess its efficacy against Penicillium expansum, one of the most important postharvest pathogens and producer of the mycotoxin patulin. The yeast proved to control both fungal growth and patulin production, and, in addition, to greatly affect disease incidence and severity on apples. Its mode of action is presumably related both to the competition for nutrients and the production of antifungal volatiles. As such, although further large-scale trials are needed, our S. roseus strain represents a potential interesting biocontrol agent to be applied after harvest

    Food Coloring Agents and Plant Food Supplements Derived from Vitis vinifera: A New Source of Human Exposure to Ochratoxin A

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    Grape pomaces are increasingly being used as starting material in the industrial production of plant food supplements (PFS), food coloring, and tartrates, but they are at risk of ochratoxin A (OTA) contamination, a mycotoxin with nephrotoxic and carcinogenic effects. We analyzed 24 commercial PFS and 13 food coloring samples derived from Vitis vinifera, mainly pomaces, using a HPLC−FLD method for OTA determination. OTA was found in 75% of PFS samples and 69% of food coloring samples at levels of <1.16−20.23 μg/kg and <1.16−32.00 μg/kg, respectively. The four commercial leavening agents containing tartrates were found to be negative for OTA. All eight samples collected in two distilleries that use grape pomaces and wine lees to produce tartrates and other byproducts contained OTA at levels of <1.16−240.93 μg/kg. The high incidence of OTA contamination in PFS and food coloring agents derived from V. vinifera suggests that maximum permitted level(s) should be established for this mycotoxin in these products

    Okratoksin A i omjer sfinganina i sfingozina u urinu stanovnika s područja endemske nefropatije u Hrvatskoj

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    The most plausible theory of the aetiology of endemic nephropathy links it with exposure to nephrotoxic mycotoxin ochratoxin A (OTA). In this study, the concentration of OTA and sphinganine/sphingosine (Sa/So) ratio, the biomarker of another nephrotoxic mycotoxin fumonisin B1 exposure, were analysed in 45 human urine samples collected in the endemic village of Kaniža in Croatia and in 18 samples from control village. Samples were collected twice from the same persons in 2000 and 2005. In both years the frequency of OTA-positive samples was higher in Kaniža (43 % and 18 %, respectively) than in the control village (28 % and 6 %, respectively). OTA concentrations in samples collected in Kaniža were higher in 2000 than in 2005 (p1 at the same time, while in Kaniža four such samples were collected in 2000 and one in 2005.Najprihvatljivija teorija o etiologiji endemske nefropatije povezuje njezin nastanak s izloženošću nefrotoksičnim mikotoksinima. Dok se izloženost mikotoksinu okratoksinu A (OTA) može dokazati njegovim nalazom u biološkim uzorcima kao što su krv i urin, vrlo kratko zadržavanje fumonizina B1 (FB1) u organizmu to onemogućava. Na pokusnim je životinjama nađeno da je porast omjera koncentracija sfi ngolipida sfi nganina i sfi ngozina (Sa/So) biološki pokazatelj izloženosti tom mikotoksinu. U ovom istraživanju mjerena je koncentracija OTA i omjer koncentracija Sa/So u urinu 45 stanovnika u endemskom selu Kaniža i 18 stanovnika u kontrolnom selu. Uzorci urina skupljeni su od istih osoba 2000. i 2005. godine. U obje godine učestalost uzoraka koji su sadržavali OTA bila je veća u Kaniži (43 % i 18 %) negoli u kontrolnom selu (28 % i 6 %). Koncentracija OTA također je bila viša u urinima skupljenim u Kaniži negoli u kontrolnom selu. Koncentracija OTA u uzorcima skupljenim u Kaniži 2000. bila je viša nego u uzorcima iz 2005. (p<0.005). Iako je u urinima iz obje godine omjer koncentracija Sa/So bio viši u Kaniži negoli u kontrolnom selu, razlika nije bila statistički značajna. Nije nađen nijedan uzorak skupljen u kontrolnom selu koji bi istodobno sadržavao mjerljivu koncentraciju OTA i omjer Sa/So veći od jedan. Za razliku od uzoraka iz kontrolnog sela, četiri uzorka skupljena u Kaniži u 2000. godini i jedan uzorak u 2005. godini upućivali su na istodobnu izloženost ovim mikotoksinima

    Efficacy of a Mycotoxin Binder against Dietary Fumonisin, Deoxynivalenol, and Zearalenone in Rats

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    It was hypothesized that a mycotoxin binder, Grainsure E, would inhibit adverse effects of a mixture of fumonisin B1, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone in rats. For 14 and 28 days, 8–10 Sprague–Dawley rats were fed control diet, Grainsure E (0.5%), toxins (7 μg fumonisin B1/g, 8 μg of deoxynivalenol/g and 0.2 μg of zearalenone/g), toxins (12 μg of fumonisin B1/g, 9 μg of deoxynivalenol/g, and 0.2 μg of zearalenone/g + Grainsure E), or pair-fed to control for food intake of toxin-fed rats. After 28 days, decreased body weight gain was prevented by Grainsure E in toxin-fed female rats, indicating partial protection against deoxynivalenol and fumonisin B1. Two effects of fumonisin B1 were partly prevented by Grainsure E in toxin-fed rats, increased plasma alanine transaminase (ALT) and urinary sphinganine/sphingosine, but sphinganine/sphingosine increase was not prevented in females at the latter time point. Grainsure E prevented some effects of fumonisin B1 and deoxynivalenol in rats

    Determination of Mycotoxins in Foods and Beverages by Means of Immunoaffinity Columns and High-performance Liquid Chromatography

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    [Synopsis] The use of antibody-based immunoaffinity columns (IACs) for the clean-up and preconcentration of the analyte, combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), is an emerging technique for the determination of mycotoxins in foodstuffs, feedstuffs and biological fluids. Several investigations have been recently carried out at the CNR Institute Toxins and Mycotoxins (Bari, Italy) aimed to improve analytical methods for mycotoxins and verify the applicability of commercial immunoaffinity columns to the clean-up of extracts from different matrices. Accurate methods for the determination of zearalenone in corn, ochratoxin A in wine and beer and fumonisins in corn-based food products by using immunoaffinity columns and HPLC have been recently developed in our laboratory. This paper describes the performances of these methods and their advantages with respect to other methods. Some data deriving from the use of IAC to the analysis of wheat, corn, cornbased food, spelt, feed trout, wine and beer for the occurrence of zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin A or fumonisins are reported

    Determination of Mycotoxins in Foods and Beverages by Means of Immunoaffinity Columns and High-performance Liquid Chromatography

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    none[Synopsis] The use of antibody-based immunoaffinity columns (IACs) for the clean-up and preconcentration of the analyte, combined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), is an emerging technique for the determination of mycotoxins in foodstuffs, feedstuffs and biological fluids. Several investigations have been recently carried out at the CNR Institute Toxins and Mycotoxins (Bari, Italy) aimed to improve analytical methods for mycotoxins and verify the applicability of commercial immunoaffinity columns to the clean-up of extracts from different matrices. Accurate methods for the determination of zearalenone in corn, ochratoxin A in wine and beer and fumonisins in corn-based food products by using immunoaffinity columns and HPLC have been recently developed in our laboratory. This paper describes the performances of these methods and their advantages with respect to other methods. Some data deriving from the use of IAC to the analysis of wheat, corn, cornbased food, spelt, feed trout, wine and beer for the occurrence of zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin A or fumonisins are reported