735 research outputs found

    The effects of stimulus modality and task integrality: Predicting dual-task performance and workload from single-task levels

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    The influence of stimulus modality and task difficulty on workload and performance was investigated. The goal was to quantify the cost (in terms of response time and experienced workload) incurred when essentially serial task components shared common elements (e.g., the response to one initiated the other) which could be accomplished in parallel. The experimental tasks were based on the Fittsberg paradigm; the solution to a SternBERG-type memory task determines which of two identical FITTS targets are acquired. Previous research suggested that such functionally integrated dual tasks are performed with substantially less workload and faster response times than would be predicted by suming single-task components when both are presented in the same stimulus modality (visual). The physical integration of task elements was varied (although their functional relationship remained the same) to determine whether dual-task facilitation would persist if task components were presented in different sensory modalities. Again, it was found that the cost of performing the two-stage task was considerably less than the sum of component single-task levels when both were presented visually. Less facilitation was found when task elements were presented in different sensory modalities. These results suggest the importance of distinguishing between concurrent tasks that complete for limited resources from those that beneficially share common resources when selecting the stimulus modalities for information displays

    Ex. 277-US-415

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    The 2004 annual report on riverine movements of adult Lost River, shortnose, and Klamath largescale suckers in the Williamson and Sprague rivers, Orego

    Ex. 277-US-415

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    The 2004 annual report on riverine movements of adult Lost River, shortnose, and Klamath largescale suckers in the Williamson and Sprague rivers, Orego

    Nutrient Sensing by Tas1R Proteins is Required for Normal Bone Resorption

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    Current therapies for low bone mass consist of inhibiting osteoclast activity or increasing the PTH or Wnt signaling pathways. These approaches have significant drawbacks that limit their use in specific patient populations and/or negatively impact patient compliance with therapy. Developing improved therapies requires diversifying our understanding of the mechanisms underlying postnatal bone remodeling by examining lesser-known signaling pathways. One such pathway is the taste receptor type 1 (TAS1R) family of heterotrimeric G protein-coupled receptors, which participates in monitoring energy and nutrient status. Previous work reported that global deletion of TAS1R member 3 (TAS1R3), which is a bi-functional protein that recognizes amino acids or sweet molecules when dimerized with TAS1R member 1 (TAS1R1) or TAS1R member 2 (TAS1R2), respectively, leads to increased cortical bone mass. Here, we corroborate the increased thickness of cortical bone in Tas1R3 knockout mice and confirm that Tas1R3 is expressed in the bone environment. Quantification of serum bone turnover markers indicate that this phenotype is likely due to uncoupled bone remodeling, with levels of the bone resorption marker CTx being reduced greater than 60% in Tas1R3 mutant mice; no changes were observed in levels of the bone formation marker PINP. Consistent with this, Tas1R3 and its putative signaling partner Tas1R2 are expressed in primary osteoclasts and RAW264.7 cells following RANKL-mediated differentiation. These findings suggest that osteoclast function and/or differentiation may be altered in the absence of Tas1R3 expression. To test this, we quantified bone-specific expression of Rankl and determined the Rankl:Opg ratio; no differences were observed between control and Tas1R3 knockout mice in these analyses. In vitro studies examining further downstream effectors of TAS1R2:3 in response to saccharin and receptor antagonist gurmarin are currently underway. Collectively, our findings provide the first demonstration that nutrient monitoring by TAS1R3 is essential for normal bone resorption in vivo

    Genomic Organization, Splice Variants and Expression of CGMl, a CD66-related Member of the Carcinoembryonic Antigen Gene Family

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    The tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) belongs to a family of proteins which are composed of one immunogiobulin variable domain and a varying number of immunoglobulin constant-like domains. Most of the membrane-bound members, which are anchored either by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol moiety or a transmembrane domain, have been shown to convey cell adhesion in vitro. Here we describe two splice variants of CGMI. a transmembrane member of the CEA family without immunoglobulin constant.like domains. CGM1a and CGM1c contain cytopiasmic domains of 71 and 31 amino acids, respectively, The cytoplasmic region of CGM1a is encoded by four exons (Cyt1-Cyt4). Differential splicing of the Cyt1 exon (53 bp)..

    The Pentameric Vertex Proteins Are Necessary for the Icosahedral Carboxysome Shell to Function as a CO2 Leakage Barrier

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    BACKGROUND: Carboxysomes are polyhedral protein microcompartments found in many autotrophic bacteria; they encapsulate the CO(2) fixing enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) within a thin protein shell and provide an environment that enhances the catalytic capabilities of the enzyme. Two types of shell protein constituents are common to carboxysomes and related microcompartments of heterotrophic bacteria, and the genes for these proteins are found in a large variety of bacteria. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have created a Halothiobacillus neapolitanus knockout mutant that does not produce the two paralogous CsoS4 proteins thought to occupy the vertices of the icosahedral carboxysomes and related microcompartments. Biochemical and ultrastructural analyses indicated that the mutant predominantly forms carboxysomes of normal appearance, in addition to some elongated microcompartments. Despite their normal shape, purified mutant carboxysomes are functionally impaired, although the activities of the encapsulated enzymes are not negatively affected. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In the absence of the CsoS4 proteins the carboxysome shell loses its limited permeability to CO(2) and is no longer able to provide the catalytic advantage RubisCO derives from microcompartmentalization. This study presents direct evidence that the diffusion barrier property of the carboxysome shell contributes significantly to the biological function of the carboxysome

    レキシテキ ニンゲンガク カラ ミタ ニホン ノ シンタイ ブンカ : ベルリン ジユウ ダイガク デノ コクサイ ワーク ショップ ニホン ノ シンタイ ブンカ カタ ト ソノ ブンカ オウダンテキ デンタツ ホウコク ロンブン 1

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    Am 22. September 2008 führten Hirota und Ishida die internationale Werkstatt "Japanische Kultur -durch 'KATA'(Form/Muster) erleben" in der Freien Universität Berlin durch. An diesem Tag gab es ungefähr 20 Teilnehmer: Professor Ch. Wulf und die 'Historische Anthropologie' Studenten/innen,die einige Übungen erfuhren. In unserer Werkstatt haben sie erst unter Leitung von Ishida die Schwertkunst,Stockkunst und Aikido erfahren. Dann hat Hirota ihnen einigen Bewegungsübung als japanische kulturelle Essenz angeboten. Dieser Artikel besteht aus einem Bericht dieser Werkstatt und dem Nachdenken von KATA,sonst (1) ist der Teil von Ishida

    Loss of the nutrient sensor TAS1R3 leads to reduced bone resorption

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    The taste receptor type 1 (TAS1R) family of heterotrimeric G protein-coupled receptors participates in monitoring energy and nutrient status. TAS1R member 3 (TAS1R3) is a bi-functional protein that recognizes amino acids such as L-glycine and L-glutamate or sweet molecules such as sucrose and fructose when dimerized with TAS1R member 1 (TAS1R1) or TAS1R member 2 (TAS1R2), respectively. It was recently reported that deletion of TAS1R3 expression in Tas1R3 mutant mice leads to increased cortical bone mass but the underlying cellular mechanism leading to this phenotype remains unclear. Here, we independently corroborate the increased thickness of cortical bone in femurs of 20-week-old male Tas1R3 mutant mice and confirm that Tas1R3 is expressed in the bone environment. Tas1R3 is expressed in undifferentiated bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in vitro and its expression is maintained during BMP2-induced osteogenic differentiation. However, levels of the bone formation marker procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP) are unchanged in the serum of 20-week-old Tas1R3 mutant mice as compared to controls. In contrast, levels of the bone resorption marker collagen type I C-telopeptide are reduced greater than 60% in Tas1R3 mutant mice. Consistent with this, Tas1R3 and its putative signaling partner Tas1R2 are expressed in primary osteoclasts and their expression levels positively correlate with differentiation status. Collectively, these findings suggest that high bone mass in Tas1R3 mutant mice is due to uncoupled bone remodeling with reduced osteoclast function and provide rationale for future experiments examining the cell-type-dependent role for TAS1R family members in nutrient sensing in postnatal bone remodeling
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