595 research outputs found

    Infestation of pinhole borer [Euplatypus parallelus (F.)] on Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.

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    Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. (Indian rosewood) is India's one of the main timber tree. This is the first report of infestation of D. latifolia by Euplatypus parallelus (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), beetle in Karnataka, India. Pinhead-sized holes with reddish resinous exudation oozing from them and blackened areas around the holes caused by the ambrosia fungi are the characteristic feature of infestation. Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. was isolated from infected portion of sapwood. Infested trees wilt, lose leaves and die. The infection may seriously threaten Indian rosewood

    Differential Ballistic Response of Aramid-Glass Fibre Laminates to Soft and Hard Shots .

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    Ballistic perfonnance of all-glass, all-aramid and aramid-glass fibre-reinforced phenolic resincomposite laminates has been evaluated against 0.30 in. calibre soft ball and hard armour piercing (AP) bullets. It is observed that mass effective ness of glass fibre phenolic composites against impacts by APbullets can be improved by aramid fibre'reinforcement in the back of laminate. The perfonnance of a ramid phenolic composites against ball ammunition can be improved by hybridisation with glass fibre reinforcement at the front

    Non-commutative Geometry and the Higgs Masses

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    We study a non-commutative generalization of the standard electroweak model proposed by Balakrishna, Gursey and Wali [ Phys.Lett. B254(1991)430] that is formulated in terms of the derivations Der_2(M_3) of a three-dimensional representation of the su(2) Lie algebra of weak isospin. The linearized Higgs field equations and the scalar boson mass eigenvalues are explicitly given. A light Higgs boson with mass around 130 GeV together with four very heavy scalar bosons are predicted.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, REVTE

    Lorentz Invariance and Origin of Symmetries

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    In this letter we reconsider the role of Lorentz invariance in the dynamical generation of the observed internal symmetries. We argue that, generally, Lorentz invariance can only be imposed in the sense that all Lorentz non-invariant effects caused by the spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry are physically unobservable. Remarkably, the application of this principle to the most general relativistically invariant Lagrangian, with arbitrary couplings for all the fields involved, leads by itself to the appearance of a symmetry and, what is more, to the massless vector fields gauging this symmetry in both Abelian and non-Abelian cases. In contrast, purely global symmetries are only generated as accidental consequences of the gauge symmetry.Comment: 10 page LaTeX fil

    Anomaly matching for the QCD string

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    A criterion to be satisfied by a string theory of QCD is formulated in the ultraviolet regime. It arises from the trace anomaly of the QCD stress tensor computed using instantons. It is sensitive to asymptotic freedom. It appears to be related to the trace anomaly of the QCD string. Our current understanding of noncritical strings in physical dimensions is limited, but remarkably, a formal treatment of the bosonic string yields numerical agreement both in magnitude and sign for the gauge group SU(2).Comment: Latex file, 8 pages, COLO-HEP/313, AZPH-TH/93-1

    A comparative study of low multidirectional locked nailing and locking compression plating in management of distal tibia fractures

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    Background: Ideal management for distal tibial meta-diaphyseal fracture remains controversial, due to lack of adequate evidences about implants and multiple treatment modalities. Most commonly these fractures were dealt with either locking compression plate (LCP) or by multi directional intra-medullary nail (IMIL). Aim is to compare these two implants, to understand the mechanism and find out the ideal implant for the management of distal tibia fractures.Methods: This study is prospective and comparative done at the associated hospitals of KMC Mangalore, spanning a period of around 2 years (October 2014 to July 2016). All patients presented with distal tibial meta-diaphyseal fractures were included in the study. Patients were treated with either low multi directional IMIL nail or by LCP and followed up for a minimum period of 6 months. Outcome measures included Olerud Molander Ankle Score (OMAS), wound issues, union of the fracture and patient mobility.Results: 50 consecutive patients (mean age 40 years) were included in the study, divided equally into 2 groups. Group-A treated with multi directional IMIL nail and group-B with MIPPO plating. Mean functional OMAS score for nailing is 91 and for plating is 88. All fractures treated with nailing united within 6 months and 4% patient treated by plating goes mal union and 4% infected.Conclusions: For distal tibial fracture management, intra-medullary nailing proved reliable surgical option with regards to the OMAS score, fracture union and less infection rates

    Majorana neutrino transition magnetic moments in left-right symmetric models

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    Transition magnetic moments of Majorana neutrinos are discussed in the frame of the most natural version of the LR model (with left- and right-handed triplets and a bidoublet in the Higgs sector). We show that their largest values could be at most 6⋅10−13ÎŒB6\cdot 10^{-13} \mu_B from diagrams with WLW_L in the loop. This could happen for specific models where (i) neutrino-charged lepton mixing is maximal and (ii) Îș1≃Îș2\kappa_1 \simeq \kappa_2 (VEVs for neutral Higgs fields in the bidoublet ϕ\phi are equal). Contributions from diagrams with charged Higgses in the loop are smaller than those in the SM with right-handed neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages. Presented at the ICHEP Conference, Vancouver, 1998. To appear in Proceeding

    Difficulties in Inducing a Gauge Theory at Large N

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    It is argued that the recently proposed Kazakov-Migdal model of induced gauge theory, at large NN, involves only the zero area Wilson loops that are effectively trees in the gauge action induced by the scalars. This retains only a constant part of the gauge action excluding plaquettes or anything like them and the gauge variables drop out.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, AZPH-TH/93-01, COLO-HEP/30

    Semiclassical Decay of Excited String States on Leading Regge Trajectories

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    We study the decay of hadrons based on a semiclassical string model. By including quark mass effects we find that the width to mass ratio \G/m is an increasing function of mm, which increases most rapidly for massive quarks. This is consistent with the available data. The decay probability of hadrons on the leading Regge trajectories is computed taking the effect of the string rotation into account. The resulting decay probability is no longer uniform along the length of the string but varies in a manner that is in qualitative agreement with the available data. We argue in favour of possible experiments that would test our predictions more accurately and help open a window to the nonperturbative aspects of QCD.Comment: 15 PAGES, UR-1326, ER-40685-776, SU-4240-55

    Little Ado about Everything: η\etaCDM, a Cosmological Model with Fluctuation-driven Acceleration at Late Times

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    [abridged] We propose a model of the Universe (dubbed η\etaCDM) featuring a stochastic evolution of the cosmological quantities, that is meant to render small deviations from homogeneity/isotropy on scales of 30−50 h−130-50\, h^{-1} Mpc at late cosmic times, associated to the emergence of the cosmic web. Specifically, we prescribe that the behavior of the matter/radiation energy densities in different patches of the Universe with such a size can be effectively described by a stochastic version of the mass-energy evolution equation. The latter includes an appropriate noise term that statistically accounts for local fluctuations due to inhomogeneities, anisotropic stresses and matter flows. The evolution of the different patches as a function of cosmic time is rendered via the diverse realizations of the noise term; meanwhile, at any given cosmic time, sampling the ensemble of patches will originate a nontrivial spatial distribution of the cosmological quantities. The overall behavior of the Universe will be obtained by averaging over the patch ensemble. We assume a physically reasonable parameterization of the noise term, gauging it against a wealth of cosmological datasets. We find that, with respect to standard Λ\LambdaCDM, the ensemble-averaged cosmic dynamics in the η\etaCDM model is substantially altered in three main respects: (i) an accelerated expansion is enforced at late cosmic times without the need for any additional exotic component (e.g., dark energy); (ii) the spatial curvature can stay small even in a low-density Universe; (iii) matter can acquire an effective negative pressure at late times. We provide predictions for the variance of the cosmological quantities among different patches of the Universe at late cosmic times. Finally, we show that in η\etaCDM the Hubble-tension is solved, and the cosmic coincidence problem is relieved without invoking the anthropic principle.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, typos corrected. Accepted by Ap
