9 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The development of municipal service professional staff units is one of the most significant factors for Russian territory's sustainable development. Methodology: The information base of the research includes the results of sociological studies conducted by the All-Russia Council of Local Self-Government (ARCLSG) through the sending of questionnaires via the Internet: "Human Resources of Municipalities" (June-July 2013, N = 915); "Human Resources of Local Self-Government" (March-April 2016, N = 582). Result: The results of the expert survey showed that the leaders of local authorities are not fully satisfied with the level of municipal employee professional training. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs implemented in recent years, most experts chose the following answer: "not all of the required issues have been covered, only a few things can be useful in practical activities". In modern conditions, it is necessary to specify the content of education, taking into account the specifics of the territory, its social and economic problems, the overcoming of a narrow theoretical orientation of the courses. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of formation of municipal service human resource potential as a strategic factor for Russian territory sustainable development is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose: The present study was aimed at investigating the characteristics of tourist media content in cyberspace. The characteristics regarding the reflection and survey of tourist attractions in the Russian regions were also analyzed. Methodology: Data on the empirical research field was collected through tourist feedback on the Internet, as well as other social studies studied the wide-ranging relationship of users with media space. Visual media and contemporary time were identified among the most well-known sources of information about services and tourist facilities. Available sentiments with a variety of information available in cyberspace included: inclusive communication, comprehensiveness, pragmatism and using literal communication and providing easy access. In this paper, the outcomes of the outlook for tourism advancement by the help of the media were also discussed. Result: Tourism media, as well as the expansion flow and evolution regarding receiving and construction and increasing the information to respond to the key questions of the development of the tourism industry, were studied such as infrastructure equipment and services and the potential of the tourist industry. The content of cyber media was found to be helpful in consolidating the issues and modes and practical cases of various tourist groups, as well as representing the expectations and interests of tourism industry consumers. The popularity of media content has created vast opportunities for creators and users of information including personalization of demands, flexible communication, and the feasibility of introducing characters by presenting in virtual online space about the time spent on holidays. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers and education students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the tourist attraction in Russian regions in cyberspace: new tendencies of tourism media marketing is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner


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    Purpose of Study: The present study was aimed at investigating the characteristics of tourist media content in cyberspace. The characteristics regarding the reflection and survey of tourist attractions in the Russian regions were also analyzed. Methodology: Data on the empirical research field was collected through tourist feedback on the Internet, as well as other social studies studied the wide-ranging relationship of users with media space. Visual media and contemporary time were identified among the most well-known sources of information about services and tourist facilities. Available sentiments with a variety of information available in cyberspace included: inclusive communication, comprehensiveness, pragmatism and using literal communication and providing easy access. Result: In this paper, the outcomes of the outlook for tourism advancement by the help of the media were also discussed. Tourism media, as well as the expansion flow and evolution regarding receiving and construction and increasing the information to respond to the key questions of the development of the tourism industry, were studied such as infrastructure equipment and services and the potential of the tourist industry. The content of cyber media was found to be helpful in consolidating the issues and modes and practical cases of various tourist groups, as well as representing the expectations and interests of tourism industry consumers. The popularity of media content has created vast opportunities for creators and users of information including personalization of demands, flexible communication, and the feasibility of introducing characters by presenting in virtual online space about the time spent on holidays


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of the study was the analysis of key labor market request content for the secondary education system, the level of employers' expectations compliance and actual learning outcomes, the research of resources and partnership interaction limitations of all interesting subjects in the process of an educational order development. Methodology: The main method was the questionnaire survey of experts (individual entrepreneurs, the heads of industrial and structural divisions) of Moscow (N = 316). The results of the expert survey showed the interest of employers in close cooperation with school in order to reflect the interests of the labor market in the educational order adequately. Results: The most motivated group is a small business, the leaders of the lowest level in the sphere of trade and service, who directly interact with the school graduates in the process of their early start of labor activity. The experts noted the problems in the development of the social competencies among schoolchildren: excessive self-esteem, an excessive level of claims, low level of willingness to work in a team, the lack of such qualities as responsiveness and responsibility. The cooperation between school and employers is limited to traditional sponsorship practices. The interaction of employers and educational institutions is quite fragmentary, it depends on a variety of random factors (personal and situational motives), which does not ensure the stability and the effectiveness of social partnership. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of Reflection of Labor Market Interests and Expectations in Educational Order for Contemporary School is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Supply Chain Infrastructure Development in Russian Economy

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    Abstract- The article is devoted to the study of the activities of Zemstvo institutions for the development of supply chain infrastructure in the XIX-early XX centuries; identification of the role of the Zemstvo reform in the formation of supply chain infrastructure at the local level. Supply Chain infrastructure provides the means for chain economic entities and firms sharing a common interest to participate in a mutual exchange. Despite the fact that the provision of supply chain services was not among the priorities of the Zemstvos, significant results were achieved. The retrospective analysis allowed us to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Zemstvo self-government system. The comparative method helped to identify trends in the financial and economic support of Zemstvo bodies at various stages of the Zemstvo reform, and to analyze key indicators of supply chain infrastructure development. It is concluded that the success of the Zemstvo self-government bodies in the development of supply chain infrastructure was due to the availability of significant organizational resources, ensuring sustainable interaction of Zemstvos with the population, active support for local initiatives and the formation of a system of public control. The authors note that the experience of implementing the principle of consolidation of the main directions of management activities for the development of supply chain infrastructure, formed by local authorities, can be in demand in modern conditions and adapted to the current system of local government in Russia for economy efficiency

    Interação entre as autoridades e o setor sem fins lucrativos na Federação Russa: restrições de recursos e desenvolvimento

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    The aim of the work is to study the conditions of Russian NPO functioning, the key problems and the trends of their development, and to develop the mechanisms that provide constructive practices for cooperation between the state and the non-profit sector. The results of statistical studies illustrate a high level of territorial differentiation among the representatives of the non-commercial sector, which creates inequality in terms of access to social services, the opportunities to meet the social needs of the population, the development of civil society, the involvement of social groups for the development and the implementation of managerial decisions in the social sphere. A low level of financial and infrastructural security of NPO activities, the lack of voluntary support lead to the reduction of trends and the volume of social assistance for the population. Currently, the interaction of local government and non-profit public organizations is characterized by rather narrow models of cooperation. The leading mechanism that can provide the necessary modernization of non-profit organization activities, the increase of their role and representation in public problem solution, is an intersectoral social partnership that can provide constructive coordination of key agent positions in the social space, an effective interaction of government bodies, population and public organizations.El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar las condiciones de funcionamiento de las OSFL rusas, los problemas clave y las tendencias de su desarrollo, y desarrollar los mecanismos que proporcionan prácticas constructivas para la cooperación entre el estado y el sector sin fines de lucro. Los resultados de los estudios estadísticos ilustran un alto nivel de diferenciación territorial entre los representantes del sector no comercial, que crea desigualdad en términos de acceso a los servicios sociales, las oportunidades para satisfacer las necesidades sociales de la población, el desarrollo de la sociedad civil, la participación de grupos sociales para el desarrollo y la implementación de decisiones gerenciales en el ámbito social. Un bajo nivel de seguridad financiera y de infraestructura de las actividades de OSFL, la falta de apoyo voluntario conducen a la reducción de las tendencias y al volumen de asistencia social para la población. Actualmente, la interacción del gobierno local y las organizaciones públicas sin fines de lucro se caracteriza por modelos de cooperación bastante estrechos. El mecanismo principal que puede proporcionar la modernización necesaria de las actividades de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, el aumento de su función y representación en la solución de problemas públicos, es una asociación social intersectorial que puede proporcionar una coordinación constructiva de puestos de agentes clave en el espacio social, una interacción efectiva de organismos gubernamentales, población y organizaciones públicas.O objetivo do trabalho é estudar as condições operacionais das organizações sem fins lucrativos russas, os principais problemas e tendências de seu desenvolvimento e desenvolver mecanismos que forneçam práticas construtivas de cooperação entre o Estado e o setor sem fins lucrativos. Os resultados dos estudos estatísticos ilustram um alto nível de diferenciação territorial entre os representantes do setor não comercial, o que gera desigualdade em termos de acesso a serviços sociais, oportunidades de atender às necessidades sociais da população, desenvolvimento da sociedade civil , a participação de grupos sociais para o desenvolvimento e implementação de decisões gerenciais no campo social. Um baixo nível de segurança financeira e infraestrutura das atividades da NPO, a falta de apoio voluntário leva à redução de tendências e ao volume de assistência social para a população. Atualmente, a interação do governo local e organizações públicas sem fins lucrativos é caracterizada por modelos de cooperação bastante estreitos. O principal mecanismo que pode proporcionar a necessária modernização das atividades das organizações sem fins lucrativos, o aumento de sua função e representação na solução de problemas públicos, é uma associação social intersetorial que pode proporcionar uma coordenação construtiva de posições de agentes o espaço social, uma interação efetiva de agências governamentais, população e organizações públicas

    Analysis of Problems in Managing the Innovative Development of Secondary Education in Modern Russia

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    Introduction: the article deals with the transition of secondary education to an innovative way of development. Enhancing the effectiveness of management of this process in the context of the sociocultural transformation of Russian society is one of the pressing problems. The article describes a comprehensive analysis of managing practices employed in innovative development of secondary education, and also identifies and characterises the key problems of this field. Materials and Methods: the authors chose the secondary schools of Moscow as an object of research. The study included a survey of teachers and parent community, interviews with heads of educational institutions and representatives of the district education directorates of Moscow. Results: the study revealed that currently there is no clearly defined social and individual demand for educational services. The creation of an innovative environment would reduce the destructive consequences of introducing innovations into the practice of modern secondary schools. Parents of schoolchildren support the need to modernise the existing education system to increase its innovative potential. The essence of their expectations remains very traditional. This is the enrollment of the school graduates in universities. At the same time, they highlight a number of shortcomings of current innovations: increased burden on parents and schoolchildren, high resource costs, and lack of adequate organisational and pedagogical support for innovations introduced in school education. Therefore, it is relevant to use the mechanism of social partnership in the practice of managing innovative processes. Discussion and Conclusions: the potential of the Russian education system is blocked by a multitude of problems and inconsistencies of its elements. The situation is aggravated by weak influence of parents on schools’ governance processes, by the general distrust of people in the actions of authorities, and the lack of effective technologies for managing the innovative development of school education. The results of the research have a practical application for managers of educational organisations, teachers and parents of schoolchildren. Some provisions and conclusions can be applied to developing the educational institutions and optimising the interaction between schools and universities

    Project management under risk

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    The paper analyzes the current aspects of project management under risk. The empirical base of the research is the advertising agency LLC “22 VEK PLUS”. To improve the efficiency of project management in an advertising agency, it is advisable to introduce a matrix (mixed) structure. It was found that spontaneous formation of project teams becomes one of the problems in the company’s work when implementing advertising activity. This leads to uncoordinated project implementation: the lack of common terminology and a common understanding of the project management principles, also the lack of a clear delineation concerning the areas of responsibilities.El documento analiza los aspectos actuales de la gestión de proyectos bajo riesgo. La base empírica de la investigación es la agencia de publicidad LLC "22 VEK PLUS". Para mejorar la eficiencia de la gestión de proyectos en una agencia de publicidad, es aconsejable introducir una estructura matricial (mixta). Se descubrió que la formación espontánea de equipos de proyecto se convierte en uno de los problemas en el trabajo de la empresa al implementar la actividad publicitaria. Esto lleva a una implementación descoordinada del proyecto: la falta de una terminología común y una comprensión común de los principios de gestión del proyecto, también la falta de una delimitación clara sobre las áreas de responsabilidades

    Public service corporate culture development: main problems and trends

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    In this article, they analyze the main stages of public service corporate culture development in Russian Federation: the determination of the mission and basic values; the development of traditions and corporate identity; the determination of employee behavior standards; the improvement of the favorable socialpsychological climate. The main problem of public service corporate culture development in modern Russian conditions is the contradiction between its declared content and the internal values of its employees. The analysis of public service corporate culture state in Russia showed a regular tendency: the higher the level of management, the stronger the corporate culture.En este artículo, se analizan las principales etapas del desarrollo de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en la Federación de Rusia: la determinación de la misión y los valores básicos; el desarrollo de tradiciones e identidad corporativa; la determinación de los estándares de comportamiento de los empleados; La mejora del clima social y psicológico favorable. El principal problema del desarrollo de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en las condiciones modernas de Rusia es la contradicción entre su contenido declarado y los valores internos de sus empleados. El análisis del estado de la cultura corporativa del servicio público en Rusia mostró una tendencia regular: cuanto mayor es el nivel de gestión, más fuerte es la cultura corporativa