45 research outputs found

    Numerical solution to the hermitian Yang-Mills equation on the Fermat quintic

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    We develop an iterative method for finding solutions to the hermitian Yang-Mills equation on stable holomorphic vector bundles, following ideas recently developed by Donaldson. As illustrations, we construct numerically the hermitian Einstein metrics on the tangent bundle and a rank three vector bundle on P^2. In addition, we find a hermitian Yang-Mills connection on a stable rank three vector bundle on the Fermat quintic.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Efficient Online Timed Pattern Matching by Automata-Based Skipping

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    The timed pattern matching problem is an actively studied topic because of its relevance in monitoring of real-time systems. There one is given a log ww and a specification A\mathcal{A} (given by a timed word and a timed automaton in this paper), and one wishes to return the set of intervals for which the log ww, when restricted to the interval, satisfies the specification A\mathcal{A}. In our previous work we presented an efficient timed pattern matching algorithm: it adopts a skipping mechanism inspired by the classic Boyer--Moore (BM) string matching algorithm. In this work we tackle the problem of online timed pattern matching, towards embedded applications where it is vital to process a vast amount of incoming data in a timely manner. Specifically, we start with the Franek-Jennings-Smyth (FJS) string matching algorithm---a recent variant of the BM algorithm---and extend it to timed pattern matching. Our experiments indicate the efficiency of our FJS-type algorithm in online and offline timed pattern matching

    The Particle Spectrum of Heterotic Compactifications

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    Techniques are presented for computing the cohomology of stable, holomorphic vector bundles over elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds. These cohomology groups explicitly determine the spectrum of the low energy, four-dimensional theory. Generic points in vector bundle moduli space manifest an identical spectrum. However, it is shown that on subsets of moduli space of co-dimension one or higher, the spectrum can abruptly jump to many different values. Both analytic and numerical data illustrating this phenomenon are presented. This result opens the possibility of tunneling or phase transitions between different particle spectra in the same heterotic compactification. In the course of this discussion, a classification of SU(5) GUT theories within a specific context is presented.Comment: 77 pages, 3 figure

    SU(4) Instantons on Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Z_2 x Z_2 Fundamental Group

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    Structure group SU(4) gauge vacua of both weakly and strongly coupled heterotic superstring theory compactified on torus-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds Z with Z_2 x Z_2 fundamental group are presented. This is accomplished by constructing invariant, stable, holomorphic rank four vector bundles on the simply connected cover of Z. Such bundles can descend either to Hermite-Yang-Mills instantons on Z or to twisted gauge fields satisfying the Hermite-Yang-Mills equation corrected by a non-trivial flat B-field. It is shown that large families of such instantons satisfy the constraints imposed by particle physics phenomenology. The discrete parameter spaces of those families are presented, as well as a lower bound on the dimension of the continuous moduli of any such vacuum. In conjunction with Z_2 x Z_2 Wilson lines, these SU(4) gauge vacua can lead to standard-like models at low energy with an additional U(1)_{B-L} symmetry. This U(1)_{B-L} symmetry is very helpful in naturally suppressing nucleon decay.Comment: 68 pages, no figure

    The Spectra of Heterotic Standard Model Vacua

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    A formalism for determining the massless spectrum of a class of realistic heterotic string vacua is presented. These vacua, which consist of SU(5) holomorphic bundles on torus-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds with fundamental group Z_2, lead to low energy theories with standard model gauge group (SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y)/Z_6 and three families of quarks and leptons. A methodology for determining the sheaf cohomology of these bundles and the representation of Z_2 on each cohomology group is given. Combining these results with the action of a Z_2 Wilson line, we compute, tabulate and discuss the massless spectrum.Comment: 41+1pp, 2 fig

    Satisfiability Checking for Mission-Time LTL

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    Mission-time LTL (MLTL) is a bounded variant of MTL over naturals designed to generically specify requirements for mission-based system operation common to aircraft, spacecraft, vehicles, and robots. Despite the utility of MLTL as a specification logic, major gaps remain in analyzing MLTL, e.g., for specification debugging or model checking, centering on the absence of any complete MLTL satisfiability checker. We prove that the MLTL satisfiability checking problem is NEXPTIME-complete and that satisfiability checking MLTL0 , the variant of MLTL where all intervals start at 0, is PSPACE-complete. We introduce translations for MLTL-to-LTL, MLTL-to-LTLf , MLTL-to-SMV, and MLTL-to-SMT, creating four options for MLTL satisfiability checking. Our extensive experimental evaluation shows that the MLTL-to-SMT transition with the Z3 SMT solver offers the most scalable performance

    What does inflation really predict?

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    If the inflaton potential has multiple minima, as may be expected in, e.g., the string theory "landscape", inflation predicts a probability distribution for the cosmological parameters describing spatial curvature (Omega_tot), dark energy (rho_Lambda, w, etc.), the primordial density fluctuations (Omega_tot, dark energy (rho_Lambda, w, etc.). We compute this multivariate probability distribution for various classes of single-field slow-roll models, exploring its dependence on the characteristic inflationary energy scales, the shape of the potential V and and the choice of measure underlying the calculation. We find that unless the characteristic scale Delta-phi on which V varies happens to be near the Planck scale, the only aspect of V that matters observationally is the statistical distribution of its peaks and troughs. For all energy scales and plausible measures considered, we obtain the predictions Omega_tot ~ 1+-0.00001, w=-1 and rho_Lambda in the observed ballpark but uncomfortably high. The high energy limit predicts n_s ~ 0.96, dn_s/dlnk ~ -0.0006, r ~ 0.15 and n_t ~ -0.02, consistent with observational data and indistinguishable from eternal phi^2-inflation. The low-energy limit predicts 5 parameters but prefers larger Q and redder n_s than observed. We discuss the coolness problem, the smoothness problem and the pothole paradox, which severely limit the viable class of models and measures. Our findings bode well for detecting an inflationary gravitational wave signature with future CMB polarization experiments, with the arguably best-motivated single-field models favoring the detectable level r ~ 0.03. (Abridged)Comment: Replaced to match accepted JCAP version. Improved discussion, references. 42 pages, 17 fig