739 research outputs found

    Does mimicking others change your self-view?

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    Does mimicking affect the way you think about yourself in relation to other people? In the present study, we instructed participants to either mimic or not mimic the expressions of their interaction partner. After a 3-minute interaction, participants' self-view in relation to others was measured. Results revealed that mimickers defined themselves more in relation to others than nonmimickers. Thus, mimicking others, compared to not mimicking others, changes your self-view

    Upscaling of a tri-phase phase-field model for precipitation in porous media

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    We consider a porous medium with a pore space that is completely filled by three different phases: two immiscible fluids (say water and oil) and a solid phase. One fluid phase contains dissolved ions, which can precipitate at the pore boundary to form the solid phase. The reverse process of dissolution, is also possible. Consequently, the solid phase changes in time; its variation is not known a-priori. The second fluid contains no solute and has no interaction with the solid phase. Starting from a standard sharp interface model for the pore-scale dynamics we develop a diffuse interface approach that accounts for the time-dependent spatial distribution of the three species and the overall concentration of the solute. Basic analytical results for this model are presented, including the well-posedness of the phase field component of the model. Next we apply matched asymptotic techniques to show that the diffuse interface model converges to the sharp interface one. Further, homogenization is applied to derive a new two-scale model that is valid at the Darcy scale. This leads to a parabolic reaction-diffusion system in a medium with variable, concentration dependent porosity. The diffuse interface approach allows describing the variation in the porosity as phase field type equations at the pore-scale. The last part of the paper presents an efficient numerical scheme to approximate the solution of the two-scale model. This scheme has as starting point the algorithm in [M. Redeker and C. Eck. A fast and accurate adaptive solution strategy for two-scale models with continuous inter-scale dependencies. J. Comput. Phys., 240:268–283, 2013]. After some test cases validating the method, we finally present computations for several realistic scenarios. The results demonstrate the interdependence of the change of the pore structure due to precipitation/dissolution and the evolution of the Darcy scale concentration of the dissolved particles in the one fluid. Keywords: Multiphase Porous Media, Phase Field Models, Homogenization, Heterogeneous Multiscale Metho

    Around Leadership: Using the Leadership Circumplex to Study the Impact of Individual Characteristics on Perceptions of Leadership

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    Vugt, M. van [Promotor]Vries, R.E. de [Copromotor]Homan, A.C. [Copromotor

    Liver replacement for alpha<inf>1</inf>-antitrypsin deficiency

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    A 16-year-old girl with advanced cirrhosis and severe alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency of the homozygous PiZZ phenotype was treated by orthotopic liver transplantation. After replacement of the liver with a homograft from a donor with the normal PiMM phenotype, the alpha1-antitrypsin concentration in the recipient's serum rose to normal; it had the PiMM phenotype. Two and a third years later, chronic rejection necessitated retransplantation. Insertion of a homograft from a heterozygous PiMZ donor was followed by the identification of that phenotype in the recipient's serum. Neither liver graft developed the alpha1-antitrypsin glycoprotein deposits seen with the deficiency state. These observations confirm that this hepatic-based inborn error of metabolism is metabolically cured by liver replacement. © 1977

    Integrating Emerging Areas of Nursing Science into PhD Programs

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    The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science aims to “facilitate and recognize life-long nursing science career development” as an important part of its mission. In light of fast-paced advances in science and technology that are inspiring new questions and methods of investigation in the health sciences, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science convened the Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education and appointed the Idea Festival Advisory Committee to stimulate dialogue about linking PhD education with a renewed vision for preparation of the next generation of nursing scientists. Building on the 2010 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement “The Research-Focused Doctoral Program in Nursing: Pathways to Excellence,” Idea Festival Advisory Committee members focused on emerging areas of science and technology that impact the ability of research-focused doctoral programs to prepare graduates for competitive and sustained programs of nursing research using scientific advances in emerging areas of science and technology. The purpose of this article is to describe the educational and scientific contexts for the Idea Festival, which will serve as the foundation for recommendations for incorporating emerging areas of science and technology into research-focused doctoral programs in nursing

    Emerging Areas of Science: Recommendations for Nursing Science Education from the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Idea Festival

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    The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science aims to “facilitate and recognize life-long nursing science career development” as an important part of its mission. In light of fast-paced advances in science and technology that are inspiring new questions and methods of investigation in the health sciences, the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science convened the Idea Festival for Nursing Science Education and appointed the Idea Festival Advisory Committee (IFAC) to stimulate dialogue about linking PhD education with a renewed vision for preparation of the next generation of nursing scientists. Building on the 2005 National Research Council report Advancing The Nation\u27s Health Needs and the 2010 American Association of Colleges of Nursing Position Statement on the Research-Focused Doctorate Pathways to Excellence, the IFAC specifically addressed the capacity of PhD programs to prepare nursing scientists to conduct cutting-edge research in the following key emerging and priority areas of health sciences research: omics and the microbiome; health behavior, behavior change, and biobehavioral science; patient-reported outcomes; big data, e-science, and informatics; quantitative sciences; translation science; and health economics. The purpose of this article is to (a) describe IFAC activities, (b) summarize 2014 discussions hosted as part of the Idea Festival, and (c) present IFAC recommendations for incorporating these emerging areas of science and technology into research-focused doctoral programs committed to preparing graduates for lifelong, competitive careers in nursing science. The recommendations address clearer articulation of program focus areas; inclusion of foundational knowledge in emerging areas of science in core courses on nursing science and research methods; faculty composition; prerequisite student knowledge and skills; and in-depth, interdisciplinary training in supporting area of science content and methods

    Halothane hepatitis with renal failure treated with hemodialysis and exchange transfusion

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    A 38-year-old white female, hepatitis B antigen negative, developed fluminating hepatic failure associated with oliguria and severe azotemia after two halothane anesthesia and without exposure to other hepatotoxic drugs or blood transfusions. She was treated with multiple hemodialysis and exchange blood transfusion. The combined treatment corrected the uremic abnormalities and improved her level of consciousness. The liver and kidney function gradually improved, and she made a complete recovery, the first recorded with hepatic and renal failure under these post-anesthetic conditions. Further evaluation of this combined treatment used for this patient is warranted. © 1974 The Japan Surgical Society
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