36 research outputs found

    Фитонимски пејоративни називи за човека у пиротском говору (лингвокултуролошки аспект)

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    The subject of the paper are nouns and noun phrases of negative expressive tonality, which primarily name realities from the plant world (plants and their parts, terms related to wood processing), and secondarily people in the Pirot dialect. The analysis also includes derivatives of units that belong to the semantic field “phytonym” and noun phrases whose adjective has a phytonymic meaning. The corpus consists of two dictionaries of the Pirot dialect: Novica Živković [Živković 1987] and Dragoljub Zlatković [Zlatković 2014; 2017]. The author analyzes language units from the linguocultural aspect to answer the questions related to: (1) human characteristics, behaviors and actions in Pirot speech which initiate negative characterization of a person with a phytonymic pejoratives; (2) appointments that reveal evaluation parameters; (3) the relationship between pejoration and laudation on the material of botanical vocabulary and terminology in naming the man in the Pirot dialect and (4) the relation of the phytonymic pejoration of man in the Pirot dialect with the same names in the modern Serbian language. Such a methodological procedure enables (1) reconstruction of the conceptualization of man as a plant outlined by phy­to­nymic pejoratives in the linguistic picture of the world and in the traditional culture of the Pirot region, as well as (2) consideration of relations and determination of (in) similarity with the image of the world in the modern Serbian language developed by the same lexical-semantic means.Предмет рада представљају именице и именичке синтагме негативне експресивне то­нал­но­сти ко­ји­ма се у пиротском го­­вору при­мар­но име­ну­­ју реалије из биљног света (биљке и њи­хо­ви делови, пој­мо­ви ве­зани за обраду дрвета), а секундарно људи. У анализу су укључени и деривати је­диница које припадају се­­­ман­­­ти­чком пољу ’фи­то­ним’ и именичке синтагме чији придев има фи­то­ним­ско значење. Корпус чине два реч­ни­ка пи­рот­­ског го­­вора: Но­вице Жив­­­­ко­­вића [Живковић 1987] и Дра­го­љу­ба Златковића [Златковић 2014; 2017]. Је­зичке јединице аутор ана­ли­зи­ра са линг­во­кул­туролошког аспекта како би одговорио на следећа пи­та­ња: (1) које људске особине, понашања и делања у пиротском говору иницирају негативну карактеризацију чо­века фитонимским пејоративима; (2) како таква именовања откривају оцењивачке параметре; (3) какав је однос из­ме­­ђу пе­јо­ра­ције и лаудације на материјалу фитонимских експресива у именовању човека у пи­ротском говору и (4) у каквом су саодносу фитонимска пејорација човека у пиротском говору с исто­вр­сним именовањима у савременом српском језику. Такав ме­­то­до­ло­­шки поступак омогућава (1) реконструкцију фи­тонимским пејоративима оцртане концептуализације човека као биљке у језичкој слици света и у тра­ди­цио­нал­­ној култури пиротског краја, а такође и (2) сагледавање релација и утврђивање (не)сличности са истим ле­кси­­чко-семантичким средствима сазданом сликом света у савременом српском језику. Fitoniminiai pejoratyviniai žmogaus pavadinimai Piroto tarmėje (lingvokultūrologijos aspektas) Straipsnio tema yra daiktavardžiai, turintys neigiamą ekspresyvumą, kurie Piroto tarmėje pirmiausia reiškia augalų pasaulio realijas (augalai ir jų dalys, terminai, susiję su medienos apdirbimu) ir, antra, žmones. Tyrimas taip pat apima vedinius iš vienetų, priklausančių semantiniam laukui „fitonimas“, ir žodžių junginius su būdvardžiais, turinčiais fitoniminę reikšmę. Korpusą sudaro du serbų kalbos Piroto tarmės žodžynai: Novicos Živkovičios [Живковић 1987] ir Dragoliubo Zlatkovičiaus [Златковић 2014; 2017]. Kalbos vienetai analizuojami lingvokultūrologijos aspektu, siekiant atsakyti į šiuos klausimus: (1) kokios žmogaus savybės, elgesys ir veiksmai Piroto tarmėje inicijuoja neigiamą asmens pavadinimą fitoniminiu pejoratyvu; (2) kaip tokie pavadinimai atskleidžia vertinimo parametrus; (3) koks yra pažeminimo ir pagyrimo ryšys remiantis botanikos žodyno ir terminijos medžiaga, įvardijant asmenį Piroto tarmėje ir (4) koks yra ryšys tarp fitoniminių asmens pejoratyvų Piroto tarmėje ir tokių pat pavadinimų šiuolaikinėje bendrinėje serbų kalboje. Ši metodika leidžia (1) rekonstruoti žmogaus kaip augalo konceptualizavimą, nubrėžtą Konicniminiais pejoratyvais pasaulio vaizdo kalboje ir tradicinėje Piroto regiono kultūroje, taip pat (2) apsvarstyti ryšius ir nustatyti panašumus su tomis pačiomis leksikinėmis-semantinėmis priemonėmis, kurias sukuria pasaulio vaizdas šiuolaikinėje serbų kalboje. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Piroto tarmė, fitonimas, pejoratyvas, žmogus, tradicinė kultūr

    Wyrazy z interfiksem -ø- (formantem zerowym) w języku serbskim (analiza słowotwórczo-semantyczna)

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    Words with the interfix -ø- (the zero interfix) in the Serbian languageThe work represents a derivational and semantic analysis of the words with the zero interfix in the contemporary Serbian language in accordance with the conceptual and terminological apparatus of modern Slavic derivatology. The author argues that the zero interfix, as the differentia specifica of compound words, occurred in the Serbian language very early – at the end of the 12th century and is currently very productive because of how economical the lexemes thus created are. In modern Serbian, new words of this type appear by way of borrowing from other languages, primarily from the English language (e.g., pank-moda, boks-meč, pres-centar etc.). Wyrazy z interfiksem -ø- (formant zerowy) w języku serbskim (analiza słowotwórczo-semantyczna)Praca stanowi słowotwórczo-semantyczną analizę wyrazów z interfiksem zerowym we współczesnym języku serbskim zgodnie z pojęciowoterminologicznym aparatem współczesnego słowotwórstwa slawistycznego. Autorka wskazuje również na to, że zerowy interfiks, jako differentia specifica wyrazów powstałych przez złożenie, w języku serbskim pojawia się bardzo wcześnie – istnieje już w końcu XII wieku. Aktualnie model słowotwórczy wyrazów z interfiksem zerowym jest niezwykle produktywny ze względu na ekonomiczność leksemów tego typu. We współczesnym języku pojawiają się one przede wszystkim za sprawą zapożyczeń z innych języków, głównie z angielskiego (np. pank-moda, boks-meč, pres-centar itd.)

    The photo-neutrino process in astrophysical systems

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    Explicit expressions for the differential and total rates and emissivities of neutrino pairs from the photo-neutrino process e±+γe±+ν+νˉe^\pm + \gamma \to e^\pm + \nu + \bar\nu in hot and dense matter are derived. Full information about the emitted neutrinos is retained by evaluating the squared matrix elements for this process which was hitherto bypassed through the use of Lenard's identity in obtaining the total neutrino emissivities. Accurate numerical results are presented for widely varying conditions of temperature and density. Analytical results helpful in understanding the qualitative behaviors of the rates and emissivities in limiting situations are derived. The corresponding production and absorption kernels in the source term of the Boltzmann equation for neutrino transport are developed. The appropriate Legendre coefficients of these kernels, in forms suitable for multigroup flux-limited diffusion schemes are also provided.Comment: 26 pages and 7 figures. Version as accepted in Phys. Rev. D; three figures and related discussion revise

    Experimental and numerical study of temperature field during hard-facing of different carbon steels

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    In this research the 3-D transient non-linear thermal analysis of the hard-facing process was performed by using the experimental testing and finite element method. Testing was done at three different carbon steels and the obtained results were compared to one obtained by empirical formulas and welding recommendations. Experimental testing was done on hard faced specimens (plates) with different thickness. Temperatures and temperature cycles was measured by using thermocouples in order to determine maximal temperature and cooling time between 800 degrees C and 500 degrees C. After experimental testing the finite element method analysis was done. The simulations were executed on the open source platform Salome using the open source finite element solver Code Aster. The Gaussian double ellipsoid was selected in order to enable greater possibilities for the calculation of the moving heat source. The numerical results were compared with available experimental and mathematical results

    Experimental and numerical study of temperature field during hard-facing of different carbon steels

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    In this research the 3-D transient non-linear thermal analysis of the hard-facing process was performed by using the experimental testing and finite element method. Testing was done at three different carbon steels and the obtained results were compared to one obtained by empirical formulas and welding recommendations. Experimental testing was done on hard faced specimens (plates) with different thickness. Temperatures and temperature cycles was measured by using thermocouples in order to determine maximal temperature and cooling time between 800 degrees C and 500 degrees C. After experimental testing the finite element method analysis was done. The simulations were executed on the open source platform Salome using the open source finite element solver Code Aster. The Gaussian double ellipsoid was selected in order to enable greater possibilities for the calculation of the moving heat source. The numerical results were compared with available experimental and mathematical results

    Differential Neutrino Rates and Emissivities from the Plasma Process in Astrophysical Systems

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    The differential rates and emissivities of neutrino pairs from an equilibrium plasma are calculated for the wide range of density and temperature encountered in astrophysical systems. New analytical expressions are derived for the differential emissivities which yield total emissivities in full agreement with those previously calculated. The photon and plasmon pair production and absorption kernels in the source term of the Boltzmann equation for neutrino transport are provided. The appropriate Legendre coefficients of these kernels, in forms suitable for multi-group flux-limited diffusion schemes are also computed.Comment: 27 pages and 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Determining the Optimal Groundwater Control System Using FUZZY-GWCS Application

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    U cilju razvoja metodologije povodom rešavanja problema vezanih za odbranu od podzemnih voda i izbora optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda, izrađena je namenska aplikacija FUZZY-GWCS (Fuzzy - Groundwater Control System) u Centru za Modeliranje Podzemnih Voda. Ovom aplikacijom se vrše matematički proračuni pomoću jedne od metoda fuzzy optimizacije - fuzzy analitičko hijerarhijskg procesa. Od niza ponuđenih menadžment scenarija sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda dobijenih primenom metode hidrodinamičkog modeliranja, aplikacijom FUZZY-GWCS se bira optimalno alternativno rešenje, analizirajući različite kriterijume i podkriterijume. U radu je prikazana primena ove aplikacije na površinskom kopu.In order to develop a methodology for solving problems related to groundwater defense, and choosing the optimal groundwater defense system, a purposeful application FUZZY-GWCS (Fuzzy - Groundwater Control System) was developed in the Groundwater Modeling Center. This application uses mathematical calculations using one of the fuzzy optimization methods - a fuzzy analytical hierarchical process. From a range of offered management scenarios of groundwater protection systems obtained using the hydrodynamic modeling method, the FUZZY-GWCS application chooses an optimal alternative solution, analyzing different criteria and sub-criteria. This paper shows using this application on a surface mine

    Supporting information for: Water-Tuned Tautomer-Selective Tandem Synthesis of the 5,6-Dihydropyrimidin-4(3 H )-ones, Driven under the Umbrella of Sustainable Chemistry

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    The selective synthesis of 5,6-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-one scaffold (precursor of dihydrouracil) was a very difficult synthetic challenge that, so far, has not been achieved. For the first time, in this paper, green, selective and high-yields approach to 40 novel 5,6-dihydropyrimidin-4(3H)-ones (DHPMs) by one-pot reaction of aldehydes, Meldrum's acid and isothioureas under solvent-free conditions, in the presence of water, since an additive is presented. In the majority of cases, introduced methodology gave an unprecedented tautomer-selective fashion toward targeted compounds with excellent tautomeric purity (>99.9%), which reached 100% in few cases. The molecular structure of the five compounds has been determined by X-ray crystallography. In each one of them, very short length for the corresponding N2-C1 bond was noticed, making them especially interesting from a structural standpoint. This experimental fact can imply a highly localized electron π density in this part of each heterocyclic ring. The obtained experimental results, which are determined from NMR and ESI-MS study, indicate that this Biginelli-type reaction smoothly proceeds in a one-pot mode, pointing to the three-step tandem process, proceeding via the Knoevenagel, aza-Michael, and retro-Diels-Alder reactions. The presented strategy also had the following advantages: reduction amount of waste, excellent values of green chemistry metrics (cEF, EcoScale and GCIS), and it is the first eco-friendly strategy toward the DHPMs scaffold. © Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.Supplementary data for the article: [https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b03127]Related to: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7886

    Docking studies, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions of binuclear copper(ii) complexes with s-isoalkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid with some relevant biomolecules

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    The numerous side effects of platinum based chemotherapy has led to the design of new therapeutics with platinum replaced by another transition metal. Here, we investigated the interactions of previously reported copper(II) complexes containing S-isoalkyl derivatives, the salicylic acid with guanosine-5′-monophosphate and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and their antitumor effects, in a colon carcinoma model. All three copper(II) complexes exhibited an affinity for binding to CT-DNA, but there was no indication of intercalation or the displacement of ethidium bromide. Molecular docking studies revealed a significant affinity of the complexes for binding to the minor groove of B-form DNA, which coincided with DNA elongation, and a higher affinity for binding to Z-form DNA, supporting the hypothesis that the complex binding to CT-DNA induces a local transition from B-form to Z-form DNA. These complexes show a moderate, but selective cytotoxic effect toward colon cancer cells in vitro. Binuclear complex of copper(II) with S-isoamyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid showed the highest cytotoxic effect, arrested tumor cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and significantly reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules pro-IL-1β, TNF-α, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in the tissue of primary heterotopic murine colon cancer, which was accompanied by a significantly reduced tumor growth and metastases in the lung and liver

    The works of Aleksandar Petrov and the reception of his opus, with a special reference about Poland

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    In this paper, we present and analyze the creativity of Aleksandar Petrov, and the reception of his work in the country and abroad. In the first part, Petrov's literary and scientific work and its reception in Serbia and the world are described, and in the second-we give Petrov's view on poetry and prose, and we write about its reception in Poland. The subject of the analysis in the second part consists of the following: the poetry published in the January issue of the maga­zine Creativity (Twórczosc) in 1987, the collection of peoms Gold in fire (Ztoto w ogniu) from 2005, Alexandria with Ithaca in mind (Aleksandria z Itakq wpamiqci) from 2013, and an excerpt from Turkish Vienna (2000) called 'October again' (Znów pazdziernik), published in the no. 1-3 of the magazine Tygiel kultury of tódž in 2007