513 research outputs found

    The effects of subsampling and between-haul variation on the size-selectivity estimation of Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi)

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    Using the data collected in a size selectivity experiment on Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) carried out in 2000, the selectivity parameters for four codend mesh sizes (100, 110, 130, and 140 mm of mesh size opening) were estimated and modelled by the SELECT model. These analyses included considerations of the sampling proportions of the catch in the codend and cover. Furthermore, the analyses took into account between-haul variation. The l(50) values were 30.8, 29.9, 30.0, and 41.2 cm of total length, respectively, values lower than the estimates obtained from previous studies. The contribution of explanatory variables to the selectivity model was also tested in order to determine the role of mesh size, catch size (in number), and towing speed. Increases in catch size and in towing speed were accompanied by decreases in the l(50) estimates. These results demonstrate how incorporation of subsampling effect and explanatory variables to model between-haul variation can improve selectivity estimates and management of a valuable resource

    ORTO EXPO, un progetto… modello

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    Per la Smart City che Milano intende essere, l’OrtoMercato dovrà diventare un elemento fondamentale: per tutti gli eventi di EXPO 2015 la city logistic assumerà un ruolo di primo piano sia per la gestione e distribuzione dei flussi (persone e merci), sia per minimizzare tutti quegli impatti che, in assenza di un Piano specifico, saranno decisamente rilevanti

    U.S. Fisheries Management and Foreign Trade Linkages: Policy Implications for Groundfish Fisheries in the North Pacific EEZ

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    The groundfish resources of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off Alaska, dominated by Alaska or walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, and flatfishes, Pleuronectidae, can sustain annual commercial harvests well in excess of 2 million metric tons (t). As recently as 1979, foreign fisheries took 99 percent of the annual harvest supported by these resources. This has changed dramatically during the 1980's. The foreign fisheries have received rapidly decreasing allocations, first as joint venture fisheries expanded and, more recently, as the domestic fisheries have grown. Joint venture fisheries are fisheries in which domestic fishing vessels deliver their catch directly to foreign processing vessels in the EEZ. By 1986, the joint venture and domestic fisheries accounted for 66 percent and 8 percent, respectively, of the annual harvest. The preliminary corresponding figures for 1987 are 78 and 18 percent

    Time Delay Cosmography: Analysis of Quadruply Lensed QSO SDSSJ1433 from Wendelstein Observatory

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    The goal of this work is to obtain a Hubble constant estimate through the study of the quadruply lensed, variable QSO SDSSJ1433+6007. To achieve this we combine multi-filter, archival HST\textit{HST} data for lens modelling and a dedicated time delay monitoring campaign with the 2.1m Fraunhofer telescope at the Wendelstein Observatory\textit{Wendelstein Observatory}. The lens modelling is carried out with the public lenstronomy\texttt{lenstronomy} Python package for each of the filters individually. Through this approach, we find that the data in one of the HST\textit{HST} filters (F160W) contain a light contaminant, that would, if remained undetected, have severely biased the lensing potentials and thus our cosmological inference. After rejecting these data we obtain a combined posterior for the Fermat potential differences from the lens modelling in the remaining filters (F475X, F814W, F105W and F140W) with a precision of ∼6%\sim6\%. The analysis of the g’\textit{g'}-band Wendelstein light curve data is carried out with a free-knot spline fitting method implemented in the public Python PyCS3\texttt{PyCS3} tools. The precision of the time delays between the QSO images has a range between 7.5 and 9.8%\% depending on the brightness of the images and their time delay. We then combine the posteriors for the Fermat potential differences and time delays. Assuming a flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, we infer a Hubble parameter of H0=76.6−7.0+7.7kmMpc  sH_0=76.6^{+7.7}_{-7.0}\frac{\mathrm{km}}{\mathrm{Mpc\;s}}, reaching 9.6%9.6\% uncertainty for a single system.Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, to be submitted to MNRA

    Inhibition of ATPase from chloroplasts by a hydroxamic acid from Gramineae.

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    Abstract-DIMBOA (2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-l,4-benzoxazin-3-one), a hydroxamic acid from the Gramineae involved in the resistance of cereals to aphids, inhibits energy transfer reactions. In this paper the effect of DIMBOA on the ATPase activity of chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF,) was studied. A rapid inactivation of the enzyme was observed which increased with the concentration of DIMBOA. This inactivation was reversed by dilution and by filtration of the inhibitor. The inactivation was partially prevented by pre-treatment of the enzyme with iodoacetamide. A slower simultaneous inactivation was observed which followed pseudo-first order kinetics. It is suggested that part of the rapid inhibition of CF, ATPase caused by DIMBOA is due to its reaction with sulthydryl groups on the enzyme. These reactions of DIMBOA may explain some of the inhibitory properties of DIMBOA on a wide range of organisms

    Análisis de las clases de errores que cometen los alumnos y propuesta de andamiaje para aquellos errores que requieren cambio conceptual

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    Considerar el uso de los errores que cometen los alumnos como una herramienta poderosa para acceder a un aprendizaje comprensivo y a una enseñanza de calidad, es el tema central de este artículo. Normalmente, lo que los profesores desean es encontrar en sus alumnos respuestas acertadas y sustituir cualquier error por información correcta, utilizando para ello estrategias que no suelen reparar en la naturaleza de la equivocación del alumno. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que, poner atención en el tipo de error que comete el alumno, ofrece una oportunidad de proveer andamios diferenciados. De este modo, es posible permitir el acceso a un aprendizaje de calidad, tanto en aquellos alumnos cuyas equivocaciones requieren enriquecimiento conceptual como en aquellos que requieren cambio conceptual. En el segundo caso, los errores que cometen los alumnos resultan claves para organizar una enseñanza para la comprensión. A partir de un trabajo con profesores de aula, en el marco de un proyecto de investigación financiado por FONDECYT, las autoras presentan una propuesta para el andamiaje de los errores que requieren cambio conceptual

    Clinical experience with ipilimumab 10 mg/kg in patients with melanoma treated at Italian centres as part of a European expanded access programme

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    Background: Patients with advanced melanoma are faced with a poor prognosis and, until recently, limited treatment options. Ipilimumab, a novel immunotherapy that blocks cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen-4, was the first agent to improve survival of patients with advanced melanoma in a randomised, controlled phase 3 trial. We used data from an expanded access programme (EAP) at Italian centres to evaluate the clinical activity and safety profile of ipilimumab 10 mg/kg in patients with advanced melanoma in a setting more similar to that of daily practice. Methods. Data were collected from patients enrolled in an ipilimumab EAP across eight participating Italian centres. As per the EAP protocol, patients had life-threatening, unresectable stage III/IV melanoma, had failed or did not tolerate previous treatments and had no other therapeutic option available. Treatment comprised ipilimumab 10 mg/kg every 3 weeks for a total of four doses. If physicians believed patients would continue to derive benefit from ipilimumab treatment, maintenance therapy with ipilimumab 10 mg/kg was provided every 12 weeks. Tumour responses were assessed every 12 weeks using modified World Health Organization criteria and safety continuously monitored. Results: Seventy-four pretreated patients with advanced melanoma were treated with ipilimumab 10 mg/kg. Of these, 9 (13.0%) had an objective response, comprising 3 patients with a complete response and 6 with a partial response. Median overall survival was 7.0 months (95% confidence interval, 5.3-8.7) and 16.6% of patients were alive after 3 years. Forty-five patients (60.8%) reported treatment-related adverse events of any grade, which were most commonly low-grade pruritus, pain, fever and diarrhoea. Grade 3 or 4 treatment-related AEs were reported in 8 patients (10.8%). Conclusions: The clinical activity and safety profile of ipilimumab 10 mg/kg in the EAP was similar to that seen in previous clinical trials of ipilimumab in pretreated patient populations. © 2013 Altomonte et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of basal cell carcinoma: a GRADE approach for evidence evaluation and recommendations by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology

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    Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of cancer, with a high impact on the public health burden and social costs. Despite the overall prognosis for patients with BCC being excellent, if lesions are allowed to progress, or in a small subset of cases harboring an intrinsically aggressive biological behavior, it can result in local spread and significant morbidity, and conventional treatments (surgery and radiotherapy) may be challenging. When a BCC is not amenable to either surgery or radiotherapy with a reasonable curative intent, or when metastatic spread occurs, systemic treatments with Hedgehog inhibitors are available. These guidelines were developed, applying the GRADE approach, on behalf of the Italian Association of Medical Oncologists (AIOM) to assist clinicians in treating patients with BCC. They contain recommendations with regard to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, from primitive tumors to those locally advanced or metastatic, addressing the aspects of BCC management considered as priorities by a panel of experts selected by AIOM and other national scientific societies. The use of these guidelines in everyday clinical practice should improve patient care
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