321 research outputs found

    Triad communication and specificity of motor games

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    Se estudian las tríadas desde la comunicación motriz, con el propósito de a) identificar los distintos tipos a que da lugar la tríada; b) medir las diferencias entre los tipos de tríadas estudiados; y c) mostrar con juegos concretos la viabilidad de los juegos de tríada trasladables a programas. Se justifican 13 tipos susceptibles de ser viables como juegos motores, que corresponden a tríadas completas y a tríadas con ausencia de una conexión entre dos de sus nodos. Se comparan cuatro juegos por medio de cinco indicadores: roles, interacción intragrupo, interacción intergrupos, emisiones o recepciones, y valencia positiva o negativa. La comparación evidencia el comportamiento específico de las tríadas motrices. Los resultados confirman la viabilidad de los juegos estudiados, y las diferencias relativas entre antagonismo y solidaridad. Los juegos motores de tríada son una fuente singular de comunicación motriz y una alternativa pedagógica para los programas de juegosTriads are studied from a motor communication point of view. Our study is aimed at a) identifying the various type that triads originate; b) measuring the differences among the type of the studied triads; and c) showing with specific examples the feasibility of triad games transferred to programs. 13 types are justified as being likely feasible as motor games. They correspond to complete triads and to triads with one missing connection between two of its nodes. Four games are compared through five different proxies: roles, intra-group interaction, interaction among groups, emissions and receptions, and positive or negative valence. The comparison demonstrates the specific behavior of motor triads. The results confirm the feasibility of the studied games and the relative differences between rivalry and solidarity. Motor games with a triad structure are a singular source of communication and a pedagogic alternative for game program

    ¿Distintos patrones motrices en baloncesto según género?

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    El objetivo prioritario de la investigación es caracterizar el género mediante el análisis de la conducta motriz en baloncesto. Se seleccionaron dos partidos de alta competición en el campeonato del mundo organizado por la FIBA en el año 2014. A través de una metodología observacional y un diseño nomotético, puntual y multidimensional (Anguera, Blanco-Villaseñor, Hernández-Mendo, & Losada, 2011) fueron registradas conductas motrices relacionadas con la circulación del balón y la ecacia de los lanzadores en base a la presencia o ausencia de oposición durante el lanzamiento. Para ello, fue diseñado un sistema mixto de registro ‘ad hoc’ formado por 4 facetas y 11 categorías. Tras un período de entrenamiento, dos observadores registraron en dos momentos distintos mediante el software Lince las conductas motrices descritas en el sistema referencial. Tras alcanzar una calidad del dato, cercana a la unidad inter e intra observador se pasó a aplicar dos técnicas de análisis: a) Detección de patrones conductuales mediante eme (Magnusson, 2000) y b) Árboles de decisión Chaid a través de SPSS. Los resultados evidenciaron la existencia de patrones de juego y regularidades temporales dependiendo del género mientras con ayuda del análisis multivariante Chaid fue incluida la variable género en el segundo nivel de jerarquización explicativa de la variable ecacia. Del presente estudio pueden extraerse pautas que ayuden a construir tareas de entrenamiento para preparadores y entrenadores de baloncesto. Se identicaron diferencias en los patrones conductuales entre hombres y mujeres en baloncesto. El diseño de tareas tiene en la perspectiva de género un motivo para la especificidad.

    Irreversible and reversible modes of operation of deterministic ratchets

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    We discuss a problem of optimization of the energetic efficiency of a simple rocked ratchet. We concentrate on a low-temperature case in which the particle's motion in a ratchet potential is deterministic. We show that the energetic efficiency of a ratchet working adiabatically is bounded from above by a value depending on the form of ratchet potential. The ratchets with strongly asymmetric potentials can achieve ideal efficiency of unity without approaching reversibility. On the other hand we show that for any form of the ratchet potential a set of time-protocols of the outer force exist under which the operation is reversible and the ideal value of efficiency is also achieved. The mode of operation of the ratchet is still quasistatic but not adiabatic. The high values of efficiency can be preserved even under elevated temperatures

    Caracterización del ‘Knock out’ en Boxeo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las cuatro últimas accionesmotrices emitidas (golpes) por boxeadores campeones del mundo delos pesos pesados y así poder caracterizar el ‘Knock out’ en boxeo. Para ello,hemos desarrollado una herramienta de observación que consta de cuatrocriterios y 35 categorías. Para la selección de la muestra se tuvo en cuentados requisitos: haberse proclamado campeón del mundo del peso pesadodurante el período que comprende 1921-2007 (desde Jack Dempsey hastaRuslan Chagaev) y la disponibilidad digital de las imágenes para su análisis.Se obtuvieron datos relativos a la secuencia de acciones motrices queanteceden a la finalización de los combates en boxeo, medido a través de losúltimos cuatro golpes lanzados por el ganador. Los resultados del estudiomuestran que el ‘Knock out’ en boxeo suele darse haciendo un uso mayoritariode ciertos golpes entre los contendientes, presentando diferenciassignificativas

    Impact of kinesin Eg5 inhibition by 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one derivatives on various breast cancer cell features

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    Background Breast cancer is a complex heterogeneous disease and is one of the leading causes of death among women. In addressing the need for treatments of this life-threatening illness, we studied 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one (or thione) derivatives (DHPMs), a class of inhibitor molecules of the Eg5 motor spindle protein that shows pronounced antitumor activity against several cancer cell lines. Methods An in vitro screening was performed for identification of DHPMs with potent antitumor effects on MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells and the selected DHPMs were evaluated for their inhibitory activity on Eg5 both in silico, using Molecular dynamics, and in vitro Eg5 inhibition assays. Analysis of cell death induction, proliferation, cell cycle and cancer stem cells (CSC) profile were performed by flow cytometry to assess the influence of the selected DPHMs on these important tumor features. Finally, the effects of DHPM treatment on tube formation were evaluated in vitro using HUVEC cells, and in vivo using a model on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of fertilized eggs. Results We identified five DHPMs with pronounced inhibitory activity on Eg5 motor protein interfering with the proper mitotic spindle assembly during cell division. These compounds impair the correct conclusion of cell cycle of the breast cancer cells and showed to be selective for tumor cells. Moreover, DHPMs modulate the CD44[superscript +]/CD24[superscript −] phenotype leading to a decrease in the CSC population in MDA-MB-231 cells, an important effect since CSC are resistant to many conventional cancer therapies and play a pivotal role in tumor initiation and maintenance. This observation was confirmed by the results which demonstrated that DHPM treated cells had impaired proliferation and were unable to sustain angiogenesis events. Finally, the DHMP treated cells were induced to apoptosis, which is one of the most pursued goals in drug development. Conclusions The results of our study strongly suggest that DHPMs inhibit important tumorigenic features of breast cancer cells leading them to death by apoptosis. These findings firmly point to DHPM molecular architecture as a promising alternative against breast cancer

    Vacuum Choices and the Predictions of Inflation

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    In the presence of a short-distance cutoff, the choice of a vacuum state in an inflating, non-de Sitter universe is unavoidably ambiguous. The ambiguity is related to the time at which initial conditions for the mode functions are specified and to the way the expansion of the universe affects those initial conditions. In this paper we study the imprint of these uncertainties on the predictions of inflation. We parametrize the most general set of possible vacuum initial conditions by two phenomenological variables. We find that the generated power spectrum receives oscillatory corrections whose amplitude is proportional to the Hubble parameter over the cutoff scale. In order to further constrain the phenomenological parameters that characterize the vacuum definition, we study gravitational particle production during different cosmological epochs.Comment: 10 two-column pages, 1 figure; uses RevTeX