8,736 research outputs found

    Bell's inequality with Dirac particles

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    We study Bell's inequality using the Bell states constructed from four component Dirac spinors. Spin operator is related to the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo vector which is relativistic invariant operator. By using Lorentz transformation, in both Bell states and spin operator, we obtain an observer independent Bell's inequality, so that it is maximally violated as long as it is violated maximally in the rest frame.Comment: 7 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:quant-ph/0308156 by other author

    Complete light absorption in graphene-metamaterial corrugated structures

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    We show that surface-plasmon polaritons excited in negative permittivity metamaterials having shallow periodic surface corrugation profiles can be explored to push the absorption of single and continuous sheets of graphene up to 100%. In the relaxation regime, the position of the plasmonic resonances of the hybrid system is determined by the plasma frequency of the metamaterial, allowing the frequency range for enhanced absorption to be set without the need of engineering graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; published version: text revised and references adde

    Weak ferromagnetism and spiral spin structures in honeycomb Hubbard planes

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    Within the Hartree Fock- RPA analysis, we derive the spin wave spectrum for the weak ferromagnetic phase of the Hubbard model on the honeycomb lattice. Assuming a uniform magnetization, the polar (optical) and acoustic branches of the spin wave excitations are determined. The bipartite lattice geometry produces a q-dependent phase difference between the spin wave amplitudes on the two sub-lattices. We also find an instability of the uniform weakly magnetized configuration to a weak antiferromagnetic spiraling spin structure, in the lattice plane, with wave vector Q along the Gamma-K direction, for electron densities n>0.6. We discuss the effect of diagonal disorder on both the creation of electron bound states, enhancement of the density of states, and the possible relevance of these effects to disorder induced ferromagnetism, as observed in proton irradiated graphite.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Coronal loop hydrodynamics. The solar flare observedon November 12 1980 revisited: the UV line emission

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    We revisit a well-studied solar flare whose X-ray emission originating from a simple loop structure was observed by most of the instruments on board SMM on November 12 1980. The X-ray emission of this flare, as observed with the XRP, was successfully modeled previously. Here we include a detailed modeling of the transition region and we compare the hydrodynamic results with the UVSP observations in two EUV lines, measured in areas smaller than the XRP rasters, covering only some portions of the flaring loop (the top and the foot-points). The single loop hydrodynamic model, which fits well the evolution of coronal lines (those observed with the XRP and the \FeXXI 1354.1 \AA line observed with the UVSP) fails to model the flux level and evolution of the \OV 1371.3 \AA line.Comment: A&A, in press, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Solution of the quantum harmonic oscillator plus a delta-function potential at the origin: The oddness of its even-parity solutions

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    We derive the energy levels associated with the even-parity wave functions of the harmonic oscillator with an additional delta-function potential at the origin. Our results bring to the attention of students a non-trivial and analytical example of a modification of the usual harmonic oscillator potential, with emphasis on the modification of the boundary conditions at the origin. This problem calls the attention of the students to an inaccurate statement in quantum mechanics textbooks often found in the context of solution of the harmonic oscillator problem.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Charge and Spin Transport in the One-dimensional Hubbard Model

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    In this paper we study the charge and spin currents transported by the elementary excitations of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. The corresponding current spectra are obtained by both analytic methods and numerical solution of the Bethe-ansatz equations. For the case of half-filling, we find that the spin-triplet excitations carry spin but no charge, while charge η\eta-spin triplet excitations carry charge but no spin, and both spin-singlet and charge η\eta-spin-singlet excitations carry neither spin nor charge currents.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    On Coulomb drag in double layer systems

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    We argue, for a wide class of systems including graphene, that in the low temperature, high density, large separation and strong screening limits the drag resistivity behaves as d^{-4}, where d is the separation between the two layers. The results are independent of the energy dispersion relation, the dependence on momentum of the transport time, and the wave function structure factors. We discuss how a correct treatment of the electron-electron interactions in an inhomogeneous dielectric background changes the theoretical analysis of the experimental drag results of Ref. [1]. We find that a quantitative understanding of the available experimental data [1] for drag in graphene is lacking.Comment: http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-8984/24/33/335602

    Dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the Dirac cone approximation

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    We compute the dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the usual Dirac cone approximation, integrating over the full Brillouin zone. We find deviations at ω=2t\hbar\omega=2t (tt the hopping parameter) which amount to a logarithmic singularity due to the van Hove singularity and derive an approximate analytical expression. Also at low energies, we find deviations from the results obtained from the Dirac cone approximation which manifest themselves in a peak spitting at arbitrary direction of the incoming wave vector \q. Consequences for the plasmon spectrum are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure