173 research outputs found

    Hopf type rigidity for thermostats

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    We show a Hopf type rigidity for thermostats without conjugate points on a 2-torusComment: 9 pages; minor revisions to reflect published versio

    Resonant spaces for volume-preserving Anosov flows

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    We consider Anosov flows on closed 3-manifolds preserving a volume form Ω\Omega. Following Dyatlov and Zworski (2017) we study spaces of invariant distributions with values in the bundle of exterior forms whose wavefront set is contained in the dual of the unstable bundle. Our first result computes the dimension of these spaces in terms of the first Betti number of the manifold, the cohomology class [ιXΩ][\iota_{X}\Omega] (where XX is the infinitesimal generator of the flow) and the helicity. These dimensions coincide with the Pollicott-Ruelle resonance multiplicities under the assumption of semisimplicity\textit{semisimplicity}. We prove various results regarding semisimplicity on 1-forms, including an example showing that it may fail for time changes of hyperbolic geodesic flows. We also study non null-homologous deformations of contact Anosov flows and we show that there is always a splitting Pollicott-Ruelle resonance on 1-forms and that semisimplicity persists in this instance. These results have consequences for the order of vanishing at zero of the Ruelle zeta function. Finally our analysis also incorporates a flat unitary twist in both, the resonant spaces and the Ruelle zeta function

    On the Lagrange-Dirichlet converse in dimension three

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    Consider a mechanical system with a real analytic potential. We prove that in dimension three, there is an open and dense subset of the set of non strict local minimums of the potential such that every one of its points is a Lyapunov unstable equilibrium point.Comment: 44 page

    Entropies, volumes, and Einstein metrics

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    We survey the definitions and some important properties of several asymptotic invariants of smooth manifolds, and discuss some open questions related to them. We prove that the (non-)vanishing of the minimal volume is a differentiable property, which is not invariant under homeomorphisms. We also formulate an obstruction to the existence of Einstein metrics on four-manifolds involving the volume entropy. This generalizes both the Gromov--Hitchin--Thorpe inequality and Sambusetti's obstruction.Comment: This is a substantial revision and expansion of the 2004 preprint, which I prepared in spring of 2010 and which has since been published. The version here is essentially the published one, minus the problems introduced by Springer productio

    Magnetic flows on Sol-manifolds: dynamical and symplectic aspects

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    We consider magnetic flows on compact quotients of the 3-dimensional solvable geometry Sol determined by the usual left-invariant metric and the distinguished monopole. We show that these flows have positive Liouville entropy and therefore are never completely integrable. This should be compared with the known fact that the underlying geodesic flow is completely integrable in spite of having positive topological entropy. We also show that for a large class of twisted cotangent bundles of solvable manifolds every compact set is displaceable.Comment: Final version to appear in CMP. Two new remarks have been added as well as some numerical calculations for metric entrop

    The geodesic X-ray transform with matrix weights

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    Consider a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension ≥3\geq 3 with strictly convex boundary, such that the manifold admits a strictly convex function. We show that the attenuated ray transform in the presence of an arbitrary connection and Higgs field is injective modulo the natural obstruction for functions and one-forms. We also show that the connection and the Higgs field are uniquely determined by the scattering relation modulo gauge transformations. The proofs involve a reduction to a local result showing that the geodesic X-ray transform with a matrix weight can be inverted locally near a point of strict convexity at the boundary, and a detailed analysis of layer stripping arguments based on strictly convex exhaustion functions. As a somewhat striking corollary, we show that these integral geometry problems can be solved on strictly convex manifolds of dimension ≥3\geq 3 having non-negative sectional curvature (similar results were known earlier in negative sectional curvature). We also apply our methods to solve some inverse problems in quantum state tomography and polarization tomography
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