15,327 research outputs found

    Electron-Positron Pair Production in Space- or Time-Dependent Electric Fields

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    Treating the production of electron and positron pairs by a strong electric field from the vacuum as a quantum tunneling process we derive, in semiclassical approximation, a general expression for the pair production rate in a zz-dependent electric field E(z)E(z) pointing in the zz-direction. We also allow for a smoothly varying magnetic field parallel to E(z)E(z). The result is applied to a confined field E(z)0E(z)\not=0 for z|z|\lesssim \ell , a semi-confined field E(z)0E(z)\not=0 for z0 z\gtrsim 0 , and a linearly increasing field E(z)zE(z)\sim z. The boundary effects of the confined fields on pair-production rates are exhibited. A simple variable change in all formulas leads to results for electric fields depending on time rather than space. In addition, we discuss tunneling processes in which empty atomic bound states are spontaneously filled by negative-energy electrons from the vacuum under positron emission. In particular, we calculate the rate at which the atomic levels of a bare nucleus of finite size rnr_{\rm n} and large Z1Z\gg 1 are filled by spontaneous pair creation.Comment: 33 pages and 9 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Statistical properties of Klauder-Perelomov coherent states for the Morse potential

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    We present in this paper a realistic construction of the coherent states for the Morse potential using the Klauder-Perelomov approach . We discuss the statistical properties of these states, by deducing the Q- and P-distribution functions. The thermal expectations for the quantum canonical ideal gas of the Morse oscillators are also calculated

    Who Needs Credit and Who Gets Credit in Eastern Europe?

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    Based on survey data covering 8,387 firms in 20 countries we compare credit demand and credit supply for firms in Eastern Europe to those for firms in selected Western European countries.Credit Constraints;Banking sector;Transition economies

    Phase transition for the frog model

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    We study a system of simple random walks on graphs, known as frog model. This model can be described as follows: There are active and sleeping particles living on some graph G. Each active particle performs a simple random walk with discrete time and at each moment it may disappear with probability 1-p. When an active particle hits a sleeping particle, the latter becomes active. Phase transition results and asymptotic values for critical parameters are presented for Z^d and regular trees

    Evolution of isolated neutron stars in globular clusters: number of Accretors

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    With a simple model from the point of view of population synthesis we try to verify an interesting suggestion made by Pfahl & Rappaport (2001) that dim sources in globular clusters (GCs) can be isolated accreting neutron stars (NSs). Simple estimates show, that we can expect about 0.5-1 accreting isolated NS per typical GC with M=105MM=10^5 M_{\odot} in correspondence with observations. Properties of old accreting isolated NSs in GCs are briefly discussed. We suggest that accreting NSs in GCs experienced significant magnetic field decay.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. Submitted to Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (style included

    Formation of energy savings directions at oil and fat industry enterprises of Ukraine

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    In the Ukrainian economy, due to the high energy intensity of gross domestic product (2.6 times higher than the industrialized countries of the world), rising prices for traditional fuel and energy resources, increasing energy imports, the problem of energy saving in Ukraine is one of the topical and strategic value. One of the largest consumers of the fuel and energy resources of the food industry is the oil and fat industry. A generic indicator of the efficiency of energy use at the oil and fat industry is energy intensity of production, ie an indicator characterizing the total costs of fuel and energy resources for the production of a unit of finished products. The article analyzes in detail the indices of the use of fuel and energy resources as a whole for the oil and fat industry, for certain types of its products, as well as for individual enterprises of this industry. The main priority directions of energy efficiency improvement in the oil and fat industry are identified and substantiated, which the authors refer to: creation of an energy complex for burning sunflower husk with obtaining heat and electricity, granulation of husk with its further use as an alternative bio-economic entity. Specific recommendations have been developed to reduce the energy content of oil and fat products through the development of highly efficient energy-saving technologies, circuits, lines, units, units and energy-efficient equipment at industrial enterprises

    BCS-BEC crossover in a system of microcavity polaritons

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    We investigate the thermodynamics and signatures of a polariton condensate over a range of densities, using a model of microcavity polaritons with internal structure. We determine a phase diagram for this system including fluctuation corrections to the mean-field theory. At low densities the condensation temperature, T_c, behaves like that for point bosons. At higher densities, when T_c approaches the Rabi splitting, T_c deviates from the form for point bosons, and instead approaches the result of a BCS-like mean-field theory. This crossover occurs at densities much less than the Mott density. We show that current experiments are in a density range where the phase boundary is described by the BCS-like mean-field boundary. We investigate the influence of inhomogeneous broadening and detuning of excitons on the phase diagram.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure