50,378 research outputs found

    Cross correlations of Frank sequences and Chu Sequences.

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    Sets of Frank sequences and Chu sequences are two classes of polyphase sequence with ideal periodic autocorrelation functions, which at the same time have optimum crosscorrelation functions. The authors consider the crosscorrelations of sets of combined Frank/Chu sequences, which contain a larger number of sequences than either of the two constituent sets. It is shown analytically that the crosscorrelations are similar to those of the original sets with one exception, while the autocorrelations remain perfectly impulsiv

    A two component jet model for the X-ray afterglow flat segment in short GRB 051221A

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    In the double neutron star merger or neutron star-black hole merger model for short GRBs, the outflow launched might be mildly magnetized and neutron rich. The magnetized neutron-rich outflow will be accelerated by the magnetic and thermal pressure and may form a two component jet finally, as suggested by Vlahakis, Peng & K\"{o}nigl (2003). We show in this work that such a two component jet model could well reproduce the multi-wavelength afterglow lightcurves, in particular the X-ray flat segment, of short GRB 051221A. In this model, the central engine need not to be active much longer than the prompt γ\gamma-ray emission.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure; Accepted for publication by ApJ

    Using schema transformation pathways for data lineage tracing

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    With the increasing amount and diversity of information available on the Internet, there has been a huge growth in information systems that need to integrate data from distributed, heterogeneous data sources. Tracing the lineage of the integrated data is one of the problems being addressed in data warehousing research. This paper presents a data lineage tracing approach based on schema transformation pathways. Our approach is not limited to one specific data model or query language, and would be useful in any data transformation/integration framework based on sequences of primitive schema transformations

    The effect of hidden color channels on nucleon-nucleon interaction in quark model

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    In the framework of constituent quark model, the effect of hidden color channels on the nucleon-nucleon (NNNN) interaction is studied. By adjusting the color confinement strength between the hidden color channels and color singlet channels and/or between the hidden color channels and hidden color channels, the experimental data of SS to II partial-wave phase shifts of NNNN scattering can be fitted well. The results show that the hidden color channel coupling might be important in producing the intermediate-range attraction of NNNN interaction. The deuteron properties and dibaryon candidates have also been studied with this model.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The X-ray afterglow of GRB 081109A: clue to the wind bubble structure

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    We present the prompt BAT and afterglow XRT data of Swift-discovered GRB081109A up to ~ 5\times 10^5 sec after the trigger, and the early ground-based optical follow-ups. The temporal and spectral indices of the X-ray afterglow emission change remarkably. We interpret this as the GRB jet first traversing the freely expanding supersonic stellar wind of the progenitor with density varying as ρr2\rho \propto r^{-2}. Then after approximately 300 sec the jet traverses into a region of apparent constant density similar to that expected in the stalled-wind region of a stellar wind bubble or the interstellar medium (ISM). The optical afterglow data are generally consistent with such a scenario. Our best numerical model has a wind density parameter {A0.02A_{*} \sim 0.02, a density of the stalled wind n0.12cm3n\sim 0.12 {\rm cm}^{-3}, and a transition radius 4.5×1017 \sim 4.5 \times 10^{17} cm}. Such a transition radius is smaller than that predicted by numerical simulations of the stellar wind bubbles and may be due to a rapidly evolving wind of the progenitor close to the time of its core-collapse.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS accepted for publicatio