453 research outputs found

    Biogrondstoffen; van fossiel naar biomassa

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    Er is een oneindige voorraad planten dankzij de straling van de zon. Er zijn op aarde voldoende grond en biologische afvalstromen beschikbaar om een groot deel van de wereldbehoefte aan energie te vervullen en zo te komen tot een biobased economy. Het cahier Biogrondstoffen beschrijft de mogelijkheden en technieken om biomassa te verkrijgen en om te zetten in bruikbare en commercieel toepasbare biogrondstoffen. Het cahier besteedt ook aandacht aan de belemmeringen voor een dergelijke groene economie. Een duurzame productie van biomassa en biobrandstoffen op grote schaal vereist goede voorwaarden, zodat de omstandigheden van mensen in arme landen en het milieu niet verslechteren, maar juist verbeteren. Met die gedachte en gezien de ontwikkelingen in de technologie, is de redactie van het cahier voorzichtig optimistisch over de toekomst van een groene, mede op biomassa georiënteerde, economie

    Blue rubber-bleb naevus syndrome: report of a case with consumption coagulopathy complicated by manifest thrombosis

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    Abstract Blue rubber-bleb naevus (BRBN) syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by subcutaneous and gastrointestinal haemangiomas. The latter may lead to bleeding complications. A case is reported in which a process of chronic intravascular coagulation resulted in serious thrombotic complications. In the presence of a chronic consumption coagulopathy, it remains uncertain whether antiplatelet drugs are of prophylactic antithrombotic value

    Attenuated mismatch negativity in patients with first-episode antipsychotic-naive schizophrenia using a source-resolved method

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    Background: Mismatch negativity (MMN) is a measure of pre-attentive auditory information processing related to change detection. Traditional scalp-level EEG methods consistently find attenuated MMN in patients with chronic but not first-episode schizophrenia. In the current paper, we use a source-resolved method to assess MMN and hypothesize that more subtle changes can be identified with this analysis method. Method: Fifty-six first-episode antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenia (FEANS) patients (31 males, 25 females, mean age 24.6) and 64 matched controls (37 males, 27 females, mean age 24.8) were assessed for duration-, frequency- and combined-type MMN and P3a as well as 4 clinical, 3 cognitive and 3 psychopathological measures. To evaluate and correlate MMN at source-level, independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to the continuous EEG data to derive equivalent current dipoles which were clustered into 19 clusters based on cortical location. Results: No scalp channel group MMN or P3a amplitude differences were found. Of the localized clusters, several were in or near brain areas previously suggested to be involved in the MMN response, including frontal and anterior cingulate cortices and superior temporal and inferior frontal gyri. For duration deviants, MMN was attenuated at the right superior temporal gyrus in patients compared to healthy controls (p = 0.01), as was P3a at the superior frontal cortex (p = 0.01). No individual patient correlations with clinical, cognitive, or psychopathological measures survived correction for multiple comparisons. Conclusion: Attenuated source-localized MMN and P3a peak contributions can be identified in FEANS patients using a method based on independent component analysis (ICA). This indicates that deficits in pre-attentive auditory information processing are present at this early stage of schizophrenia and are not the result of disease chronicity or medication. This is to our knowledge the first study on FEANS patients using this more detailed method. Keywords: Mismatch negativity, Schizophrenia, First episode, EEG, IC

    Far-UV Emissions of the Sun in Time: Probing Solar Magnetic Activity and Effects on Evolution of Paleo-Planetary Atmospheres

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    We present and analyze FUSE observations of six solar analogs. These are single, main-sequence G0-5 strs selected as proxies for the Sun at several stages of its main-sequence lifetime. The emission features in the FUSE 920-1180 A wavelength range allow for a critical probe of the hot plasma over three decades in temperature. Using the flux ratio CIII 1176/977 as diagnostics, we investigate the dependence of the electron pressure of the transition region as a function of the rotation period, age and magnetic activity. The results from these solar proxies indicate that the electron pressure of the stellar ~10^5-K plasma decreases by a factor of about 70 between the young, fast-rotating magnetically active star and the old, slow-rotating inactive star. Also, the observations indicate that the average surface fluxes of emission features strongly decrease with increasing stellar age and longer rotation period. The emission flux evolution with age or rotation period is well fitted by power laws, which become steeper from cooler chromospheric (10^4 K) to hotter coronal (10^7 K) plasma. The relationship for the integrated (920-1180 A) FUSE flux indicates that the solar far-ultraviolet emissions were about twice the present value 2.5 Gyr ago and about 4 times the present value 3.5 Gyr ago. Note also that the FUSE/FUV flux of the Zero-Age Main Sequence Sun could have been higher by as much as 50 times. Our analysis suggests that the strong FUV emissions of the young Sun may have played a crucial role in the developing planetary system, in particular through the photoionization, photochemical evolution and possible erosion of the planetary atmospheres. (abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Ichthyosis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, impaired neutrophil chemotaxis, growth retardation, and metaphyseal dysplasia (Shwachman syndrome).

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    The Shwachman syndrome comprises exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, growth retardation, and bone marrow hypoplasia resulting in neutropenia. Clinical, morphological, and ultrastructural studies, as well as hair analysis, were performed in a patient with Shwachman's syndrome and severe ichthyosis. Clinical findings were lamellar ichthyosiform desquamation on the extremities. The hair was scanty and short on the scalp, in the eyelashes, and in the eyebrows. The nails were hyperkeratotic. Morphologic findings were slight, regular acanthosis and severe diffuse hyperkeratosis with variable parakeratosis. The granular layer was thickened. The papillary dermis showed very slight perivascular lymphocyte infiltration. The most prominent ultrastructural finding was the presence of solitary or multiple droplets of varying size in the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes. Hair analysis revealed no abnormalities; the cystine concentration in hair specimens was normal

    Гестационный транзиторный тиреотоксикоз

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    Приведены современные данные литературы о гестационном транзиторном тиреотоксикозе. Освещены особенности гормональной регуляции щитовидной железы.Modern literature data about gestation thyrotoxicosis are presented. The peculiarities of hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland are featured

    Two subgroups of antipsychotic-naive, first-episode schizophrenia patients identified with a Gaussian mixture model on cognition and electrophysiology

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    AbstractDeficits in information processing and cognition are among the most robust findings in schizophrenia patients. Previous efforts to translate group-level deficits into clinically relevant and individualized information have, however, been non-successful, which is possibly explained by biologically different disease subgroups. We applied machine learning algorithms on measures of electrophysiology and cognition to identify potential subgroups of schizophrenia. Next, we explored subgroup differences regarding treatment response. Sixty-six antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia patients and sixty-five healthy controls underwent extensive electrophysiological and neurocognitive test batteries. Patients were assessed on the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) before and after 6 weeks of monotherapy with the relatively selective D2 receptor antagonist, amisulpride (280.3±159 mg per day). A reduced principal component space based on 19 electrophysiological variables and 26 cognitive variables was used as input for a Gaussian mixture model to identify subgroups of patients. With support vector machines, we explored the relation between PANSS subscores and the identified subgroups. We identified two statistically distinct subgroups of patients. We found no significant baseline psychopathological differences between these subgroups, but the effect of treatment in the groups was predicted with an accuracy of 74.3% (P=0.003). In conclusion, electrophysiology and cognition data may be used to classify subgroups of schizophrenia patients. The two distinct subgroups, which we identified, were psychopathologically inseparable before treatment, yet their response to dopaminergic blockade was predicted with significant accuracy. This proof of principle encourages further endeavors to apply data-driven, multivariate and multimodal models to facilitate progress from symptom-based psychiatry toward individualized treatment regimens.</jats:p