93 research outputs found

    Los depósitos clásticos pos-Laramide de la Sierra de Guanajuato: Implicaciones de su composición en la evolución tectono-sedimentaria y paleogeográfica

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    This article presents the results of the study on sedimentation, sedimentary environments, tectono-sedimentary and paleogeographic evolution of post-Laramide clastic deposits and pre-volcanism of the Sierra Madre Occidental in the Sierra de Guanajuato, central Mexico. The Eocene Duarte Conglomerate and Guanajuato Conglomerate were deposited in the middle and distal parts of alluvial fans. The studied rocks are composed of limestone clasts, granite, andesite, metasediments, diorite, and pyroxenite, indicating the erosion of uplifted blocks of the basal complex of the Sierra de Guanajuato (Arperos basin). The petrographic and compositional analysis of limestone shows a textural variation from basin limestones and shallow platform limestones. The shallow platform limestone contain bivalves, brachiopods, gastropods, echinoderms and benthic foraminifera from the Berriasian-Valanginian. The shallow-water limestone corresponds to the boundary of the Arperos basin whose original outcrops currently not outcrop in the Sierra de Guanajuato.Este artículo presenta los resultados del estudio sobre la sedimentación, los ambientes sedimentarios, la evolución tectono-sedimentaria y paleogeográfica de los depósitos clásticos pos-Laramide y pre-vulcanismo de la Sierra Madre Occidental en la Sierra de Guanajuato. Los depósitos clásticos rojos analizados corresponden al Conglomerado Guanajuato y al Conglomerado Duarte del Eoceno que fueron depositados en la parte media y distal de abanicos aluviales. Los depósitos estudiados están constituidos de clastos de calizas, granito, andesita, rocas sedimentarias, diorita y piroxenita, que indican la erosión de bloques levantados del complejo basal de la Sierra de Guanajuato (Terreno Guerrero). El análisis composicional y petrográfico de clastos de calizas permitió reconocer calizas de cuenca y calizas de plataforma somera provenientes del complejo basal de la Sierra de Guanajuato (Cuenca Arperos). Las calizas de plataforma somera presentan fragmentos esqueletales de bivalvos, braquiópodos, gasterópodos, equinodermos y foraminíferos bentónicos del Berriasiano-Valanginiano. Los clastos de caliza de plataforma se interpreta que podrían proceder de facies someras limítrofes de la cuenca Arperos, cuyos afloramientos originales actualmente no afloran en la Sierra de Guanajuato

    Cap Formation Induced by Concanavalin A in Pathogenic Free-living Amoebae

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    Morphological differences in cap formation were found when trophozoites of different free-living amoebae were treated with the lectin Concanavalin A, which resulted in a rapid redistribution of certain surface components to form small clusters and membrane-folded structures of diverse sizes. Acanthamoeba castellanii, Acanthamoba polyphaga and Naegleria lovaniensis exhibited characteristic caps, however, in A. castellanii this structure was larger and included several folds of the plasma membrane; furthermore, some of these caps had vacuoles containing a fi bro granular content. In contrast, the caps formed by A. polyphaga and N. lovaniensis lacked vacuoles. Regarding Naegleria fowleri, the trophozoites did not produce a defi ned cap, and only small patches of lectin-bound surface receptor complexes were observed at one pole of the cell body. In the free-living amoebae studied, it was not possible to correlate the shape and size of cap with pathogenicity

    Sex Differences in COVID-19 Hospitalization and Hospital Mortality among Patients with COPD in Spain: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    We aimed to assess the effect of COPD in the incidence of hospital admissions for COVID-19 and on the in-hospital mortality (IHM) according to sex. (2) Methods: We used national hospital discharge data to select persons aged ≥40 years admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in 2020 in Spain. (3) Results: The study population included 218,301 patients. Age-adjusted incidence rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations for men with and without COPD were 10.66 and 9.27 per 1000 persons, respectively (IRR 1.14; 95% CI 1.08–1.20; p < 0.001). The IHM was higher in men than in women regardless of the history of COPD. The COPD was associated with higher IHM among women (OR 1.09; 95% CI 1.01–1.22) but not among men. The COPD men had a 25% higher risk of dying in the hospital with COVID-19 than women with COPD (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.1–1.42). (4) Conclusions: Sex differences seem to exist in the effect of COPD among patients suffering COVID-19. The history of COPD increased the risk of hospitalization among men but not among women, and COPD was only identified as a risk factor for IHM among women. In any case, we observed that COPD men had a higher mortality than COPD women. Understanding the mechanisms underlying these sex differences could help predict the patient outcomes and inform clinical decision making to facilitate early treatment and disposition decisions.Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEComunidad de MadridUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Morphometry of the aortic arch and its branches. A computed tomography angiography-based study

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    Background: The current study aims to determine the prevalence of variations of the aortic arch using computed tomography angiography (CTA), as well as morphometries and gender correlations.Materials and methods: A retrospective, transverse, observational and descriptive study of 220 CTA was performed. The branching pattern, most cranial vertebral level of the aortic arch, area of the proximal, middle and distal segments of the arch, area of each branch, and the path of atypical arteries were recorded. Results were analysed and stratified by gender.Results: The typical aortic arch branching pattern was present in 77.7% without statistical significance between genders. The most common variant was a two-branch pattern with a common trunk and a left subclavian (13.6%), followed by a typical branching pattern with an added left vertebral artery (7.3%). T3 was the most frequent cranial level (32.3%), followed by T2–T3 (26.8%), and T3–T4 (23.2%). The mean areas of the aortic arch were 685.5 ± 183.9, 476.1 ± 124.1, and 445.0 ± 145.1 mm2 for the proximal, middle and distal segments, with statistical difference between men and women in the middle and distal segments. Three paths of atypical arteries were identified: bifurcated vertebral artery (0.5%), aberrant right subclavian artery (0.5%), and left subclavian ostium obstruction (0.5%).Conclusions: Mexican population has one of the highest prevalence of variations in the aortic arch branching pattern. The high probability of finding these should be taken into consideration when assessing patients. A standardised classification method would contemplate future un-reported findings, without causing confusion by the different numbers assigned by each author

    Impact of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on the Incidence and Outcomes of COVID-19 Needing Hospital Admission According to Sex: Retrospective Cohort Study Using Hospital Discharge Data in Spain, Year 2020

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    (1) Background: To analyze incidence and in-hospital mortality (IHM) of COVID-19 needing hospital admission in Spain (2020) in patients with T2DM. (2) Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study. Using the Spanish Register of Specialized Care-Basic Minimum Database we estimated age-adjusted incidence rates (IR). (3) Results: We included 203,488 patients (56.77% men), of whom 45,620 (22.41%) had T2DM. Age-adjusted IRs/1000 for men with and without T2DM was 12.90 and 5.87, respectively (IRR 2.20; 95% CI 2.18–2.22; p < 0.001), and for women with and without T2DM was 9.23 and 4.27, respectively (IRR 2.16; 95% CI 2.13–2.19; p < 0.001). Crude IHM was 23.86% in people with T2DM, and 15.94% in non-T2DM people (p < 0.001). After matching, intensive-care admission (7.37% vs. 6.15%; p < 0.001) and IHM (23.37% vs. 20.41%; p < 0.001) remained higher in women with T2DM. After matching, IHM among T2DM men was 1.5% higher than among non-T2DM men (24.27% vs. 22.72%; p < 0.001). Men with T2DM had a 34% higher IHM than women with T2DM. Prevalent T2DM increased IHM among women (1.09; 95% 1.03–1.16) and men (1.05; 95% 1.01–1.10). (4) Conclusions: Incidence rates of COVID-19 needing hospital admission were higher in men vs. women, and for people with T2DM vs. non-T2DM. Men had higher IHM beside T2DM status. Prevalent T2DM was associated with higher IHM for both sexes

    Morphometric characteristics of lumbar vertebral pedicles in Mexican population. Implications for transpedicular lumbar fusion surgery

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    Introduction. Spinal fusion surgery using transpedicular fixation is the most common technique for surgical treatment of spinal pathologies of any etiology. The morphometric characteristics of the vertebral pedicle determine the size and shape of pedicle implants. The objective of this study is to determine the morphometric characteristics of the lumbar vertebral pedicle in Mexican population by direct measurement of bone parts. Materials and Methods. We analyzed 65 L1–L5 cadaver lumbar spines from a collection of bone specimens from the Department of Human Anatomy. Pedicle width, height, and length were determined bilaterally in each sample studied. We obtained measures of central tendency, and parametric correlation tests were performed with a 95% confidence interval to determine if significant differences exist between the lumbar vertebral levels. Results. Pedicle width increased from L1 to L5. We obtained a minimum mean value of 7.40 ± 1.84 mm at L1 and a maximum mean value of 14.74 ± 3.77 mm at L5. Pedicle height decreased from L1 to L4 with a subsequent increase at L5. We obtained a maximum mean value of 18.32 ± 4.15 mm at L5 and minimum mean value of 14.09 mm ± 2.75 at L4. Significant differences were observed (P < 0.05) when groups were compared. Conclusions. This study accurately describes the morphometric characteristics of the lumbar vertebral pedicle. These data will be useful for correct selection and positioning of transpedicular screws

    The Mexican consensus on alcoholic hepatitis

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    Alcoholic hepatitis is a frequent condition in the Mexican population. It is characterized by acute-on-chronic liver failure, important systemic inflammatory response, and multiple organ failure. The severe variant of the disease implies elevated mortality. Therefore, the Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología and the Asociación Mexicana de Hepatología brought together a multidisciplinary team of health professionals to formulate the first Mexican consensus on alcoholic hepatitis, carried out utilizing the Delphi method and resultingin 37 recommendations. Alcohol-related liver disease covers a broad spectrum of patholo-gies that includes steatosis, steatohepatitis, different grades of fibrosis, and cirrhosis and itscomplications. Severe alcoholic hepatitis is defined by a modified Maddrey’s discriminant func-tion score ≥ 32 or by a Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score equal to or above 21.There is currently no specific biomarker for its diagnosis. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia, hyper-bilirubinemia (>3 mg/dl), AST > 50 U/l ( 1.5-2 can guide thediagnosis. Abstinence from alcohol, together with nutritional support, is the cornerstone oftreatment. Steroids are indicated for severe disease and have been effective in reducing the28-day mortality rate. At present, liver transplantation is the only life-saving option for patientsthat are nonresponders to steroids. Certain drugs, such as N-acetylcysteine, granulocyte-colonystimulating factor, and metadoxine, can be adjuvant therapies with a positive impact on patientsurvival