103 research outputs found

    Classifying seismic waveforms from scratch: a case study in the alpine environment

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    Nowadays, an increasing amount of seismic data is collected by daily observatory routines. The basic step for successfully analyzing those data is the correct detection of various event types. However, the visually scanning process is a time-consuming task. Applying standard techniques for detection like the STA/LTA trigger still requires the manual control for classification. Here, we present a useful alternative. The incoming data stream is scanned automatically for events of interest. A stochastic classifier, called hidden Markov model, is learned for each class of interest enabling the recognition of highly variable waveforms. In contrast to other automatic techniques as neural networks or support vector machines the algorithm allows to start the classification from scratch as soon as interesting events are identified. Neither the tedious process of collecting training samples nor a time-consuming configuration of the classifier is required. An approach originally introduced for the volcanic task force action allows to learn classifier properties from a single waveform example and some hours of background recording. Besides a reduction of required workload this also enables to detect very rare events. Especially the latter feature provides a milestone point for the use of seismic devices in alpine warning systems. Furthermore, the system offers the opportunity to flag new signal classes that have not been defined before. We demonstrate the application of the classification system using a data set from the Swiss Seismological Survey achieving very high recognition rates. In detail we document all refinements of the classifier providing a step-by-step guide for the fast set up of a well-working classification syste

    Rapid characterisation of large earthquakes by multiple seismic broadband arrays

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    An automatic procedure is presented to retrieve rupture parameters for large earthquakes along the Sunda arc subduction zone. The method is based on standard array analysis and broadband seismograms registered within 30°–100° epicentral distance. No assumptions on source mechanism are required. By means of semblance the coherency of <i>P</i> waveforms is analysed at separate large-aperture arrays. Waveforms are migrated to a 10°×10° wide source region to study the spatio-temporal evolution of earthquakes at each array. The multiplication of the semblance source maps resulting at each array increases resolution. Start, duration, extent, direction, and propagation velocity are obtained and published within 25 min after the onset of the event. First preliminary results can be obtained even within 16 min. Their rapid determination may improve the mitigation of the earthquake and tsunami hazard. Real-time application will provide rupture parameters to the GITEWS project (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System). The method is applied to the two <i>M</i>8.0 Sumatra earthquakes on 12 September 2007, to the <i>M</i>7.4 Java earthquake on 2 September 2009, and to major subduction earthquakes that have occurred along Sumatra and Java since 2000. Obtained rupture parameters are most robust for the largest earthquakes with magnitudes <i>M</i>≥8. The results indicate that almost the entire seismogenic part of the subduction zone off the coast of Sumatra has been ruptured. Only the great Sumatra event in 2004 and the <i>M</i>7.7 Java event on 17 July 2006 could reach to or close to the surface at the trench. Otherwise, the rupturing was apparently confined to depths below 25 km. Major seismic gaps seem to remain off the coast of Padang and the southern tip of Sumatra

    Does geothermal exploitation trigger earthquakes in Tuscany?

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    For the past 25 years, power production has been accompanied by a small but steady increase in seismicity near geothermal wells. A new project seeks to explore why

    Pattern of cryospheric seismic events observed at Ekström ice shelf, Antarctica

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    Mobility of glaciers such as rapid retreat or disintegration of large ice volumes produces a large variety of different seismic signals. Thus, evaluating cryospheric seismic events (e.g. changes of their occurrence in space and time)allows to monitor glacier dynamics. We analyze a one year data span recorded at the Neumayer seismic network in Antarctica. Events are automatically recognized using hidden Markov models. In this study we focused on a specifc event type occurring close to the grounding line of the Ekström ice shelf. Observed waveform characteristics are consistent with an initial fracturing followed by the resonance of a water filled cavity resulting in a so-called hybrid event. The number of events detected strongly correlates with dominant tide periods. We assume the cracking to be driven by existing glacier stresses through bending. Voids are then filled by sea water, exciting the observed resonance. In agreement with this model, events occur almost exclusively during rising tides where cavities are opened at the bottom of the glacier, i.e. at the sea/ice interface

    Ambient vibration measurements in the Southern Rhine Graben close to Basle

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    This study presents results of ambient noise measurements from temporary single station and small-scale array deployments in the northeast of Basle. H/V spectral ratios were determined along various profiles crossing the eastern masterfault of the Rhine Rift Valley and the adjacent sedimentary rift fills. The fundamental H/V peak frequencies are decreasing along the profile towards the eastern direction being consistent with the dip of the tertiary sediments within the rift. Using existing empirical relationships between H/V frequency peaks and the depth of the dominant seismic contrast, derived on basis of the ?/4-resonance hypothesis and a power law depth dependence of the S-wave velocity, we obtain thicknesses of the rift fill from about 155 m in the west to 280 m in the east. This is in agreement with previous studies. The array analysis of the ambient noise wavefield yielded a stable dispersion relation consistent with Rayleigh wave propagation velocities. We conclude that a significant amount of surface waves is contained in the observed wavefield. The computed ellipticity for fundamental mode Rayleigh waves for the velocity depth models used for the estimation of the sediment thicknesses is in agreement with the observed H/V spectra over a large frequency band

    Seismic array analysis of Tornillo-like signals recorded in Tuscany

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    With the scientific purpose to monitor the micro-seismicity in the Central Apennines, we recently deployed in Eastern Tuscany (Casentino) a temporary 12 element seismic array, composed exclusively of 3-component seismometers. During the one month of registration we recorded an unexpected high rate of local micro-seismicity with up to 180 events per day

    Shear-wave velocity structure at Mt. Etna from inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion patterns (2 s < T < 20 s)

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    In the present study, we investigated the dispersion characteristics of medium-to-long period Rayleigh waves (2 s < T < 20 s) using both singlestation techniques (multiple-filter analysis, and phase-match filter) and multichannel techniques (horizontal slowness [p] and angular frequency [~] stack, and cross-correlation) to determine the velocity structure for the Mt. Etna volcano. We applied these techniques to a dataset of teleseisms, as regional and local earthquakes recorded by two broad-band seismic arrays installed at Mt. Etna in 2002 and 2005, during two seismic surveys organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), sezione di Napoli. The dispersion curves obtained showed phase velocities ranging from 1.5 km/s to 4.0 km/s in the frequency band 0.05 Hz to 0.45 Hz. We inverted the average phase velocity dispersion curves using a non-linear approach, to obtain a set of shear-wave velocity models with maximum resolution depths of 25 km to 30 km. Moreover, the presence of lateral velocity contrasts was checked by dividing the whole array into seven triangular sub-arrays and inverting the dispersion curves relative to each triangle

    Site effect estimation through site characterization from ambient noise recordings,

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    Site effect assessment is an important step in seismic risk mitigation. There is therefore a drastic need for co proxies to site effects estimates. In that context, a new promising approach was proposed, using the time-avera over the top z meters with z varying form 5, 10, 20 and 30 meters (Vsz) and the fundamental resonance frequen two-parameters characterization of a site. Then to assess site effect, a Site Amplification Prediction Equat completely defined by these two parameters was build-up based on Japanese data from the KiK-Net network. Thu to be validated using other dataset. For that aim the EUROSEIS-test data is a suitable one. The EUROSE sedimentary basin in northern-Greece that has been thoroughly investigated through grants from the European C mainly to study site effects. Fourteen accelerometric stations have been installed since 1995, that to date recorded 100 events. After a review of the main available information over the EUROSEIS-test, we end up with a poor Vs for some of the accelerometric stations. Thus eight accelerometric stations were selected for noise array me surveys to provide more details information about Vsz and f0 parameters. The noise array technique has been pro decades ago but its development is still in progress, particularly regarding the inversion step. Different approaches el al. 2009, Renalier et al. 2009) were tested in this study to provide Vsz. These two inversion strategies provide Vsz for z equals to 10, 20 and 30 meters. With the resulting Vsz and f0 from noise analysis, a validation-test of th SAPE was realized. The results of such a comparison are encouraging and indicate as well limitations of the SAP It is a promising tool for engineering and seismic risk management

    Uncertainties in VS profiles from geophysical tests and their influence on seismic ground response analyses: results from the Interpacific blind test

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    The InterPACIFIC project is aimed at the assessment of the reliability of different geophysical methods (both invasive and non-invasive) for the estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. Blind tests have been performed in three different subsoil conditions. The observed variability in the results provided by several operators gives a representation of the uncertainties that has to be expected in site characterization. The implications of these uncertainties on ground response analyses are considered in the present paper

    High-Throughput Sequencing of Six Bamboo Chloroplast Genomes: Phylogenetic Implications for Temperate Woody Bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)

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    BACKGROUND: Bambusoideae is the only subfamily that contains woody members in the grass family, Poaceae. In phylogenetic analyses, Bambusoideae, Pooideae and Ehrhartoideae formed the BEP clade, yet the internal relationships of this clade are controversial. The distinctive life history (infrequent flowering and predominance of asexual reproduction) of woody bamboos makes them an interesting but taxonomically difficult group. Phylogenetic analyses based on large DNA fragments could only provide a moderate resolution of woody bamboo relationships, although a robust phylogenetic tree is needed to elucidate their evolutionary history. Phylogenomics is an alternative choice for resolving difficult phylogenies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we present the complete nucleotide sequences of six woody bamboo chloroplast (cp) genomes using Illumina sequencing. These genomes are similar to those of other grasses and rather conservative in evolution. We constructed a phylogeny of Poaceae from 24 complete cp genomes including 21 grass species. Within the BEP clade, we found strong support for a sister relationship between Bambusoideae and Pooideae. In a substantial improvement over prior studies, all six nodes within Bambusoideae were supported with ≥0.95 posterior probability from Bayesian inference and 5/6 nodes resolved with 100% bootstrap support in maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses. We found that repeats in the cp genome could provide phylogenetic information, while caution is needed when using indels in phylogenetic analyses based on few selected genes. We also identified relatively rapidly evolving cp genome regions that have the potential to be used for further phylogenetic study in Bambusoideae. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The cp genome of Bambusoideae evolved slowly, and phylogenomics based on whole cp genome could be used to resolve major relationships within the subfamily. The difficulty in resolving the diversification among three clades of temperate woody bamboos, even with complete cp genome sequences, suggests that these lineages may have diverged very rapidly
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