12 research outputs found

    Улучшение статистических характеристик аппаратного генератора случайных чисел программным способом

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    As a source of random numbers, hardware random number generators are often used, the operation of which is based on randomly changing parameters of various physical processes. The statistical characteristics of such generators do not always allow their use in the field of information security. To improve the statistical characteristics, various software tools for processing the output data of the generator are used. The purpose of this work is to study the possibility to improve the statistical characteristics of a hardware random number generator by software. The investigated hardware random number generator is based on the ND103L noise diode and has a random digital sequence of binary numbers at the output. To improve the statistical characteristics, the output stream of random numbers was processed using a software method based on the calculation of high-order finite differences. This method would allow one to get a more symmetrical distribution of random numbers, as well as increase the speed of their generation. After processing, the data from the generator under study have better statistical characteristics, which is confirmed by the NIST and Diehard tests, and the generation rate has also increased by more than 5 times. The results of this work may be useful to developers of hardware random number generators who need to improve the performance of the generator.В качестве источника случайных чисел часто применяют аппаратные генераторы случайных чисел, работа которых основана на хаотически изменяющихся параметрах различных физических процессов. Статистические характеристики таких генераторов не всегда позволяют использовать их в сфере защиты информации. Для совершенствования этих показателей используют различные программные средства обработки выходных данных генератора. Исследована возможность улучшения статистических характеристик аппаратного генератора случайных чисел программным способом. Данный генератор построен на основе шумового диода ND103L и на выходе имеет случайную цифровую последовательность двоичных чисел. С целью совершенствования статистических характеристик выходной поток случайных чисел обрабатывался при помощи программного метода, основанного на вычислении конечных разностей высокого порядка. Данный метод позволяет получить более симметричное распределение случайных чисел, а также увеличить скорость их генерации. После обработки данные с исследуемого генератора имели лучшие статистические характеристики, что подтверждено тестами NIST и Diehard, также скорость генерации увеличилась более чем в пять раз. Результаты выполненных исследований могут быть полезны разработчикам аппаратных генераторов случайных чисел, которым требуется улучшить характеристики генератора

    Тестирование аппаратного генератора случайных чисел при помощи набора статистических тестов NIST

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    Random number generators are required for the operation of cryptographic information protection systems. For а correct application of the generator in the field of information security, it is necessary that its output sequence to be indistinguishable from a uniformly distributed random sequence. To verify this, it is necessary to test the generator output sequence using various statistical test suites such as Dihard and NIST. The purpose of this work is to test a prototype hardware random number generator. The generator is built on the basis of the ND103L noise diode and has a random digital sequence of binary numbers at the output. In the prototype there is a possibility of regulating the amount of reverse current through the noise diode, as well as setting the data acquisition period, i.e. data generation frequency. In the course of operation, a number of sequences of random numbers were removed from the generator at various values of the reverse current through the noise diode, the period of data acquisition and the ambient temperature. The resulting sequences were tested using the NIST statistical test suite. After analyzing the test results, it was concluded that the generator operates relatively stably in a certain range of initial parameters, while the deterioration in the quality of the generator's operation outside this range is associated with the technical characteristics of the noise diode. It was also concluded that the generator under study is applicable in certain applications and to improve the stability of its operation, it can be improved both in hardware and software. The results of this work can be useful to developers of hardware random number generators built according to a similar scheme.Генераторы случайных чисел необходимы для работы систем криптографической защиты информации. В сфере защиты информации для корректного применения генератора необходимо, чтобы его выходная последовательность была неотличима от равномерно распределенной случайной последовательности. Для того чтобы в этом убедиться, необходимо провести тестирование выходной последовательности генератора с помощью различных наборов статистических тестов, таких как Dihard и NIST. Целью данной работы является тестирование опытного образца аппаратного генератора случайных чисел. Генератор построен на основе шумового диода ND103L и на выходе имеет случайную цифровую последовательность двоичных чисел. В опытном образце присутствует возможность регулирования величины обратного тока через шумовой диод, а также задания периода снятия данных, т. е. частоты генерации данных. В ходе работы с генератора был снят ряд последовательностей случайных чисел при различных значениях обратного тока через шумовой диод, периода снятия данных и температуры окружающей среды. Полученные последовательности были протестированы с помощью набора статистических тестов NIST. После анализа результатов тестирования был сделан вывод, что генератор относительно стабильно работает в некотором диапазоне исходных параметров, при этом ухудшение качества работы генератора за пределами этого диапазона связано с техническими характеристиками шумового диода. Также был сделан вывод, что исследуемый генератор применим в определенных приложениях, и для улучшения стабильности работы можно осуществить его доработку как в аппаратной части, так и программной. Результаты данной работы могут быть полезны разработчикам аппаратных генераторов случайных чисел, построенных по схожей схеме

    Indicative role of membranolysis markers in the prognosis of uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia in children of school age

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    Aim. To evaluate the indicative role of membranolysis markers in the prognosis of uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia in school children and to establish its relation with zinc status indices. Methods. The study included 229 children aged 7 to 17 years with community-acquired pneumonia. The patients were divided into three groups based on morphological form of lung involvement: focal (103 children - group 1), segmental (64 patients - group 2), and lobar pneumonia (62 subjects - group 3). The state of cell membranes was evaluated by the activity of 5’-nucleotidase and rate of sodium-lithium countertransport in erythrocyte membrane. Intensity of peroxidation processes was evaluated by the level of end toxic products and total antioxidative activity, and additionally the blood concentration of zinc was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results. Significant effect of membranolysis processes on the clinical course of pneumonia was revealed. The most prominent pathological changes of the studied indices were registered in patients with focal form of the disease (group 1): increase of the concentration of lipid peroxidation products in average to 5.4±0.06 umol/L and the level of 5’-nucleotidase to 233.90±9.15 nkat, decrease of serum level of zinc to 9.73±0.09 mmol/L and total antioxidative activity to 23.22±0.29%. It was associated with prolonged course and tendency to slow reversal of physical findings in the lungs compared to patients from groups 2 and 3 (p 0.05, respectively). Conclusion. Damage of cytoplasmic membrane in the focus of inflammation can be an objective marker of the course of community-acquired pneumonia in children and a sensitive prognostic sign and can allow identifying children into groups of high risk of prolonged course


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    The possibility of implementing a remote software update mean for connected to a common network devices controlled by microcontrollers is considered. Requirements for the mean are presented. The structural scheme of this mean for ARM microcontrollers using the CAN-protocol is developed.Рассмотрена возможность реализации средства дистанционного обновления программного обеспечения устройств под управлением микроконтроллеров, объединенных в общую сеть. Предъявлены требования к средству. Разработана структурная схема этого средства для микроконтроллеров ARM-архитектуры с использованием CAN-протокола

    Стабильность характеристик физических генераторов случайных чисел

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    The development of technologies leads to the need of revising the methods used to obtain cryptographic keys. The randomness parameters of sequences generated by physical random sequence generators are affected by the physical parameters of the recording equipment and the environment. The requirements for the randomness of the sequence, when passing the binary test, are obtained. It is shown that as the sequence length increases, the requirements for possible deviations from the equiprobable distribution of 0 and 1 increase. The randomness stability of the sequences generated by the generator based on the study of photons is estimated. The oscillator under study consists of an LED and a compact silicon photomultiplier designed to detect low-power light radiation. Possible physical processes leading to the deterioration of the randomness of sequences are shown. The possibility of using a generator of random numerical sequences based on a small-sized silicon photomultiplier for cryptographic purposes is estimated.Развитие технологий приводит к необходимости пересмотра используемых методов получения криптографических ключей. На параметры случайности последовательностей, сгенерированных физическими генераторами случайных последовательностей, влияют физические параметры регистрирующей аппаратуры и окружающей среды. Получены требования к случайности последовательности при прохождении бинарного теста. Продемонстрировано, что с увеличением длины последовательности требования к возможным отклонениям от равновероятного распределения 0 и 1 возрастают. Оценена стабильность случайности последовательностей, выданных генератором на основе изучения фотонов. Исследуемый генератор состоит из светодиода и кремниевого малогабаритного фотоумножителя, предназначенного для регистрации светового излучения малой мощности. Показаны возможные физические процессы, приводящие к ухудшению случайности последовательностей. Оценена возможность использования генератора случайных числовых последовательностей на основе кремниевого малогабаритного фотоумножителя для криптографических целей

    Development of the mean for remote software update

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    The possibility of implementing a remote software update mean for connected to a common network devices controlled by microcontrollers is considered. Requirements for the mean are presented. The structural scheme of this mean for ARM microcontrollers using the CAN-protocol is developed

    Modern approaches to the prescription of mucolytics and expectorants in the daily pediatric practice

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    The article presents the clinical evidence of safety and efficacy of mucolytics and expectorants in the treatment of both productive and non-productive coughs in respiratory infections in childhood in all stages of the infectious-inflammatory process. The authors set a goal to study the efficacy and safety of mucolytics and expectorants in children with respiratory infection in the pediatric practice. Materials and methods. A total of 96 children undergoing inpatient treatment for various variants of acute respiratory infection were examined. The average age of the patients was 7.6 ± 0.9 years old (from 3 to 14 years old). All patients were divided into 3 groups. Primary outcomes. Using the investigational drugs in children with various forms of acute respiratory infection made it possible to quickly reduce the intensity and frequency of cough by Day 3-5 from the onset of the disease and therapy, and transform cough into productive wet cough. The study showed rapid positive dynamics in cases, when acetylcysteine was prescribed from the first days of the disease, with a consistent cough therapy using herbal products. Both investigational drugs showed no adverse drug effects during the study. The results of the analysis brings us to the conclusion that a multimodal approach to cough treatment provides a comprehensive effect, which potentiates the treatment effect and allows us to recommend them in everyday pediatric practice as effective symptomatic agents to treat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. This method helps to prevent polypharmacy, minimizing the drug load on the child

    Testing a hardware random number generator using NIST statistical test suite

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    Генераторы случайных чисел необходимы для работы систем криптографической защиты информации. В сфере защиты информации для корректного применения генератора необходимо, чтобы его выходная последовательность была неотличима от равномерно распределенной случайной последовательности. Для того чтобы в этом убедиться, необходимо провести тестирование выходной последовательности генератора с помощью различных наборов статистических тестов, таких как Dihard и NIST. Целью данной работы является тестирование опытного образца аппаратного генератора случайных чисел. Генератор построен на основе шумового диода ND103L и на выходе имеет случайную цифровую последовательность двоичных чисел. В опытном образце присутствует возможность регулирования величины обратного тока через шумовой диод, а также задания периода снятия данных, т. е. частоты генерации данных. В ходе работы с генератора был снят ряд последовательностей случайных чисел при различных значениях обратного тока через шумовой диод, периода снятия данных и температуры окружающей среды. Полученные последовательности были протестированы с помощью набора статистических тестов NIST. После анализа результатов тестирования был сделан вывод, что генератор относительно стабильно работает в некотором диапазоне исходных параметров, при этом ухудшение качества работы генератора за пределами этого диапазона связано с техническими характеристиками шумового диода. Также был сделан вывод, что исследуемый генератор применим в определенных приложениях, и для улучшения стабильности работы можно осуществить его доработку как в аппаратной части, так и программной. Результаты данной работы могут быть полезны разработчикам аппаратных генераторов случайных чисел, построенных по схожей схеме. Random number generators are required for the operation of cryptographic information protection systems. For а correct application of the generator in the field of information security, it is necessary that its output sequence to be indistinguishable from a uniformly distributed random sequence. To verify this, it is necessary to test the generator output sequence using various statistical test suites such as Dihard and NIST. The purpose of this work is to test a prototype hardware random number generator. The generator is built on the basis of the ND103L noise diode and has a random digital sequence of binary numbers at the output. In the prototype there is a possibility of regulating the amount of reverse current through the noise diode, as well as setting the data acquisition period, i.e. data generation frequency. In the course of operation, a number of sequences of random numbers were removed from the generator at various values of the reverse current through the noise diode, the period of data acquisition and the ambient temperature. The resulting sequences were tested using the NIST statistical test suite. After analyzing the test results, it was concluded that the generator operates relatively stably in a certain range of initial parameters, while the deterioration in the quality of the generator's operation outside this range is associated with the technical characteristics of the noise diode. It was also concluded that the generator under study is applicable in certain applications and to improve the stability of its operation, it can be improved both in hardware and software. The results of this work can be useful to developers of hardware random number generators built according to a similar scheme

    Effectiveness of nebulizers in the treatment of respiratory tract infections in children of different ages

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    Objective: to study the effectiveness of compressor nebulizers in the treatment of respiratory tract respiratory infections in children of different age groups.Material and methods: the main group consisted of 57 children - the average age was 9,7 ± 4,3 years, who were treated with nebulizer therapy using the compressor nebulizer during treatment, 32 children were included in the control group - the average age was 10,8 ± 4,7 years who have not been administered inhalation therapy. Along with conventional therapy, children of the main group underwent inhalation therapy using the compressor nebulizer in two modes, depending on the clinical symptoms of the patient: for bronchitis, the course was 5-6 days, for pneumonia - up to 8-9 days. Using the compressor nebulizer, physiological saline, ipratropium bromide, berodual, pulmicort, lasolvan were injected in a constant flow mode, and in cases of diagnosed rhinosinusitis, a pulsed aerosol delivery regime was used.Results: when analyzing the clinical picture, it was revealed that in all patients the process took a torpid course with prolonged unproductive cough, viscous sputum and persistently retained auscultatory data with insignificant changes in the general blood test. Analysis of the obtained data on the use of various treatment regimens for nosological forms of diseases in the examined children showed that in the patients of the main group the clinical symptoms of a combination of pulmonary diseases and rhino-sinusitis were stopped when applying the pulsating delivery regimen in terms of 6,1 ± 0,7 days (p<0.05), in cases of isolated variants of bronchitis and pneumonia, the use of a constant flow regime reduced the hospitalization of children to 82 ± 7,4% of the standard indicators of bed days.Conclusion: our own studies on the effectiveness of inhalation therapy in children revealed a wide range of clinical effects using the compressor nebulizer, regardless of the age of the patient: the clinical symptoms of a combination of pulmonary diseases and rhinosinusitis were stopped by using a pulsating delivery regimen in a shorter time compared to the control group without inhalation therapy, which reduced the hospitalization of children in the hospital

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Post-COVID-19 Condition in Adults and Children at 6 and 12 Months After Hospital Discharge: A Prospective, Cohort Study in Moscow (Stop COVID)

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    Background: Previous studies assessing the prevalence of COVID-19 sequelae in adults and children were performed in the absence of an agreed definition. We investigated prevalence of post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) (WHO definition), at 6- and 12-months follow-up, amongst previously hospitalised adults and children and assessed risk factors. Methods: Prospective cohort study of children and adults with confirmed COVID-19 in Moscow, hospitalised between April and August, 2020. Two follow-up telephone interviews, using the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium survey, were performed at 6 and 12 months after discharge. Results: One thousand thirteen of 2509 (40%) of adults and 360 of 849 (42%) of children discharged participated in both the 6- and 12-month follow-ups. PCC prevalence was 50% (95% CI 47–53) in adults and 20% (95% CI 16–24) in children at 6 months, with decline to 34% (95% CI 31–37) and 11% (95% CI 8–14), respectively, at 12 months. In adults, female sex was associated with PCC at 6- and 12-month follow-up (OR 2.04, 95% CI 1.57 to 2.65) and (OR 2.04, 1.54 to 2.69), respectively. Pre-existing hypertension (OR 1.42, 1.04 to 1.94) was associated with post-COVID-19 condition at 12 months. In children, neurological comorbidities were associated with PCC both at 6 months (OR 4.38, 1.36 to 15.67) and 12 months (OR 8.96, 2.55 to 34.82) while allergic respiratory diseases were associated at 12 months (OR 2.66, 1.04 to 6.47). Conclusions: Although prevalence of PCC declined one year after discharge, one in three adults and one in ten children experienced ongoing sequelae. In adults, females and persons with pre-existing hypertension, and in children, persons with neurological comorbidities or allergic respiratory diseases are at higher risk of PCC