23 research outputs found

    Quark fragmentation functions in a diquark model for proton and Λ\Lambda hyperon production

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    A simple quark-diquark model for nucleon and Λ\Lambda structure is used to calculate leading twist light-cone fragmentation functions for a quark to inclusively decay into P or Λ\Lambda. The parameters of the model are determined by fitting to the known deep-inelastic structure functions of the nucleon. When evolved from the initial to the final Q2Q^2 scale, the calculated fragmentation functions are in remarkable agreement (for z>0.4z>0.4 ) with those extracted from partially inclusive epep and e+ee^+ e^- experiments at high energies. Predictions are made, using no additional parameters, for longitudinally and transversely polarized quarks to fragment into p or Λ\Lambda.Comment: 15 pages, latex, figures may be obtained by writing to hafsa%png-qau%[email protected]

    Improving accuracy of missing data imputation in data mining

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    In fact, raw data in the real world is dirty. Each large data repository contains various types of anomalous values that influence the result of the analysis, since in data mining, good models usually need good data, databases in the world are not always clean and includes noise, incomplete data, duplicate records, inconsistent data and missing values. Missing data is a common drawback in many real-world data sets. In this paper, we proposed an algorithm depending on improving (MIGEC) algorithm in the way of imputation for dealing missing values. We implement grey relational analysis (GRA) on attribute values instead of instance values, and the missing data were initially imputed by mean imputation and then estimated by our proposed algorithm (PA) used as a complete value for imputing next missing value.We compare our proposed algorithm with several other algorithms such as MMS, HDI, KNNMI, FCMOCS, CRI, CMI, NIIA and MIGEC under different missing mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has less RMSE values than other algorithms under all missingness mechanisms

    Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur

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    [EN] Background and Objective: Hip fracture morphology is an important factor determining the ulterior surgical repair and treatment, because of the dependence of the treatment on fracture morphology. Although numerical modelling can be a valuable tool for fracture prediction, the simulation of femur fracture is not simple due to the complexity of bone architecture and the numerical techniques required for simulation of crack propagation. Numerical models assuming homogeneous fracture mechanical properties commonly fail in the prediction of fracture patterns. This paper focuses on the prediction of femur fracture based on the development of a finite element model able to simulate the generation of long crack paths. Methods: The finite element model developed in this work demonstrates the capability of predicting fracture patterns under stance loading configuration, allowing the distinction between the main fracture paths: intracapsular and extracapsular fractures. It is worth noting the prediction of different fracture patterns for the same loading conditions, as observed during experimental tests. Results and conclusions: The internal distribution of bone mineral density and femur geometry strongly influences the femur fracture morphology and fracture load. Experimental fracture paths have been analysed by means of micro-computed tomography allowing the comparison of predicted and experimental crack surfaces, confirming the good accuracy of the numerical model.The authors are indebted to University Complutense of Madrid and to the radiological team of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor for supporting the experimental work on human bones included in this paper. The micro-CTs were performed in the Micro-Computed Tomography laboratory at CENIEH facilities with the collaboration of CENIEH staff. The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER operation program for funding the projects DPI2013-46641-R, DPI2017-89197-C2-1-R, DPI2017-89197-C2-2-R, RTC-2015-3887-8 and the Generalitat Valenciana through theproject Prometeo/2016/007. The authors also acknowledge the funding support received from the Fundacion Espanola de Investigacion Osea y del Metabolismo Mineral through the 2018 research fellowship program.Marco, M.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Caeiro-Rey, JR.; Miguélez, MH.; Larrainzar-Garijo, R. (2019). Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 173:67-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.03.010S677517

    Lambda Polarization in Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at RHIC

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    We discuss Lambda polarization in semi-inclusive proton-proton collisions, with one of the protons longitudinally polarized. The hyperfine interaction responsible for the Δ\Delta-NN and Σ\Sigma-Λ\Lambda mass splittings gives rise to flavor asymmetric fragmentation functions and to sizable polarized non-strange fragmentation functions. We predict large positive Lambda polarization in polarized proton-proton collisions at large rapidities of the produced Lambda, while other models, based on SU(3) flavor symmetric fragmentation functions, predict zero or negative Lambda polarization. The effect of Σ0\Sigma^0 and Σ\Sigma^* decays is also discussed. Forthcoming experiments at RHIC will be able to differentiate between these predictions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Helicity-Flip Off-Foward Parton Distributions of the Nucleon

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    We identify quark and gluon helicity-flip distributions defined between nucleon states of unequal momenta. The evolution of these distributions with change of renormalization scale is calculated in the leading-logarithmic approximation. The helicity-flip gluon distributions do not mix with any quark distribution and are thus a unique signature of gluons in the nucleon. Their contribution to the generalized virtual Compton process is obtained both in the form of a factorization theorem and an operator product expansion. In deeply virtual Compton scattering, they can be probed through distinct angular dependence of the cross section.Comment: a few corrections made, references change

    Mass Suppression in Octet Baryon Production

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    There is a striking suppression of the cross section for production of octet baryons in e+ee^+ e ^- annihilation, as the mass of the produced hadron increases. We present a simple parametrization for the fragmentation functions into octet baryons guided by two input models: the SU(3) flavor symmetry part is given by a quark-diquark model, and the baryon mass suppression part is inspired by the string model. We need only eight free parameters to describe the fragmentation functions for all octet baryons. These free parameters are determined by a fit to the experimental data of octet baryon production in e+ee^+ e ^- annihilation. Then we apply the obtained fragmentation functions to predict the cross section of the octet baryon production in charged lepton DIS and find consistency with the available experimental data. Furthermore, baryon production in pppp collisions is suggested to be an ideal domain to check the predicted mass suppression.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Structure and Production of Lambda Baryons

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    We discuss the quark parton structure of the Λ\Lambda baryon and the fragmentation of quarks into Λ\Lambda baryons. We show that the hyperfine interaction, responsible for the Δ\Delta-NN and Σ0\Sigma^0-Λ\Lambda mass splittings, leads not only to sizeable SU(3) and SU(6) symmetry breaking in the quark distributions of the Λ\Lambda, but also to significant polarized non-strange quark distributions. The same arguments suggest flavor asymmetric quark fragmentation functions and non-zero polarized non-strange quark fragmentation functions. The calculated fragmentation functions give a good description of all measured observables. We predict significant positive Λ\Lambda polarization in semi-inclusive DIS experiments while models based on SU(3) flavor symmetry predict zero or negative Λ\Lambda polarization. Our approach also provides a natural explanation for the dependence of the maximum of the ξ=ln(1/z)\xi=\ln(1/z) spectrum on the mass of the particles produced in e+ee^+e^- annihilation.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, minor change

    A mechanism for the T-odd pion fragmentation function

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    We consider a simple rescattering mechanism to calculate a leading twist TT-odd pion fragmentation function, a favored candidate for filtering the transversity properties of the nucleon. We evaluate the single spin azimuthal asymmetry for a transversely polarized target in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (for HERMES kinematics). Additionally, we calculate the double TT-odd cos2ϕ\cos2\phi asymmetry in this framework.Comment: 6 pages revtex, 7 eps figures, references added and updated in this published versio

    An SU(3) model for octet baryon and meson fragmentation

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    The production of the octet of baryons and mesons in e^+ e^- collisions is analysed, based on considerations of SU(3) symmetry and a simple model for SU(3) symmetry breaking in fragmentation functions. All fragmentation functions, D_q^h(x, Q^2), describing the fragmentation of quarks into a member of the baryon octet (and similarly for fragmentation into members of the meson octet) are expressed in terms of three SU(3) symmetric functions, \alpha(x, Q^2), \beta(x, Q^2), and \gamma(x, Q^2). With the introduction of an SU(3) breaking parameter, \lambda, the model is successful in describing hadroproduction data at the Z pole. The fragmentation functions are then evolved using leading order evolution equations and good fits to currently available data at 34 GeV and at 161 GeV are obtained.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX file including 11 postscript figure file