89 research outputs found

    Effects of delayed Kerr nonlinearity and ionozation on the filamentary ultrashort laser pulses in air

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    We present a systematic study of filamentary ultrashort laser pulses in air, through numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for various contributions of the delayed Kerr nonlinearity. The results show that a relatively larger contribution of the delayed Kerr nonlinearity will lead to a longer stable filament. This is explained from the transfer of the nonlinear contributions from the frontier part to the back of the pulse and the counterbalanced action of the negative plasma induced nonlinearity by the delayed Kerr nonlinearity in the trailing part of the pulses. Furthermore, effect of ionization on the stability of the filament is investigated. Two formulas are used to generate the data of the ionization, i.e., the Perelemov, Popov, and Terent'ev (PPT) and the Ammosov, Delone, and Krainov formula. It is found that simulation with higher ionization rate (PPT) could generate a more stable and longer filament

    Revitalization of Biomass Fuel by Implementing Ub Earthen Furnace to Support the Society\u27s Sustainability of Energy: a Case Study in the Subdistrict of DAU, Malang

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    The objectives of this study are to examine the likelihood of society in turning the use of the traditional and gas furnaces to the UB earthen furnace and to examine the potential reduction of the use of firewood and gas furnaces at Dau Subdistrict of Malang. Using descriptive analysis, this study found that the use of UB earthen furnace is able to reduce the use of firewood and gas furnace up to 50% and people\u27s tendency in willing to turn both firewood and gas furnaces into the earthen furnace increases up to 60% dealing with its benefits and costs which have been observed by several main aspects (including economical, technical, environmental, social, and health aspects)


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    Abstrak, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik menggunakan metode demontrasi pada pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di kelas V. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Penelitian ini bersifat kolaboratif, karena merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas ( Classroom action research ). Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik yang tuntas pada tes akhir siklus I hanya 15 orang atau 62,5% dari 24 orang peserta didik. Sedangkan sebanyak 9 orang peserta didik atau 37,5% yang belum tuntas.rata-rata nilai akhir pembelajarannya yaitu 70.sedangkan pada siklus II, 22 orang peserta didik yang tuntas atau 91,67% dari 24 orang peserta didik, sedangkan peserta didik yang belum mencapai ketuntasan minimal sebanyak 2 orang peserta didik atau 8,33%, nilai rata-rata 73,54 sudah mencapai ketuntasan minimal.Hal ini berarti pembelajaran menggunakan metode demontrasi  pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di kelas V.   Kata Kunci : Aktivitas, Metode Demontrasi, Pembelajaran IPA   Abstract: This research aims to increase students learning activities using demontration method in learning Natural scianse in grade V. The method which is used in this research is descriptive method. The method is collaborative, because it is classroom action research. Research result shows that the students who achieve score upper minimum required mastery ( SKM ) in the and of cycle I is just 15 students or 62,5% from 24 student. Moreover, the are 9 students or 37,5% who do not achieve score minimum required mastery ( SKM ) yet. The average score in the and of learning is 70. Moreover, in cycle II, 22 students who gwt score upper SKM or 91,67% from 24 students, moreover, the students who do not achieve score minimum required   mastery ( SKM ) are 2 students or 8,33%, avereg score 73,54 has been achieved score minimum required mastery ( SKM ). It means, the learning uses demonstration method on learning natural science in grande V.   Key word: Aktivities, Demonstration Method, Learning Natural Science.

    Metode Pengajaran Komunikatif Sebagai Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Bagi Siswa Usia Dini

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan materi dasar bahasa Indonesia dan Arab bagi siswa usia dini di TPQ Al-Hidayah. Pembelajaran materi bahasa Indonesia dan Arab ini berkaitan dengan salah satu program yang ingin dirintis oleh TPQ ini, yaitu pengajaran bahasa Indonesia dan Arab bagi para siswa. Pengajaran bidang kebahasaan ini berangkat dari adanya kesadaran para tenaga pengajar akan potensi kebahasaan anak yang dapat dikembangkan. Potensi kebahasaan ini adalah bahasa Arab. Hal ini dikarenakan para siswa sebelumnya sudah bersentuhan dengan bahasa Arab dalam rutinitas kesehariannya, yaitu melalui kegiatan membaca Iqra ataupun Alquran. Namun, di sisi lain, TPQ ini mengalami kendala, yaitu tidak adanya sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni untuk merealisasikan program pengajaran bahasa tersebut, serta bagaimana metode pengajaran bahasa yang tepat untuk diterapkan kepada anak usia dini. Maka dari itu, tim Abdimas mencoba memberikan solusi atas kegelisahan para tenaga pengajar dengan melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang mengusung tema “Pelatihan materi dasar bahasa Indonesia dan Arab di TPQ Al-Hidayah”.  Proses pengajaran dilakukan dengan metode yang telah disesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan kognitif anak usia dini, yaitu metode pengajaran komunikatif melalui kegiatan bernyanyi. Hal ini akan mempermudah anak untuk memproses materi bahasa yang sedang disampaikan

    Penentuan Emisivitas Gasifier Tipe Downdraft Berbahan Bakar Tempurung Kemiri

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    Gasifikasi biomassa merupakan salah satu bentuk sumber energi baru. Tapi pada Kenyataannya, gasifikasi biomasa ini harus tetap diteliti lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kerja. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan studi emisivitas pada gasifier biomassa tipe downdraft dengan metode pengukuran suhu pada penampang gasifier sehingga dapat diketahui besarnya radiasi termal yang terbuang kealam pada saat proses pembakaran berlangsung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengukur suhu pada penampang gasifier menggunakan termometer inframerah digital. Hasilnya didapatkan daya radiasi termal pada gasifier bernilai antara 19.99 Watt – 1076.12 Watt

    Analisis bibliometrik: trend penelitian tentang kemampuan spasial dalam pembelajaran matematika (1994-2023)

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    The aim of this study was to review the landscape of leading research related to spatial skills in mathematics education from 1994 to 2023. Data were taken from the Scopus database as many as 466 and filtered to 116. The data obtained was then analyzed using bibliometric analysis with science mapping and performance techniques. Based on the results of bibliometric analysis, it can be seen that the year 2021 and 2022 has the most published articles, which are respectively 8 article. Reference tendencies related to spatial skills in mathematics education, exist 406 excellent reference in 2010. United states that it is the country that has published the most articles related to spatial abilities in mathematics learning with 49 publications and 28 links of cooperation with other countries. The focus of spatial skills research in mathematics learning leads to 1) Visualization; 2) virtual reality; 3) Mental rotation

    Students’ Arabic Prokem in the Modern Islamic School Environment

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    The phenomena of using Arabic language in modern Islamic boarding schools can be various since Individuals in contemporary Islamic schools tend to communicate in Arabic for formal and informal occasions, like in Gontor, East Java, a modern Islamic boarding school. The variations of using Arabic language in Gontor can be called Arabic prokem. This problem results from the interaction of speakers from various backgrounds and environments. At the same time, those circumstances make the Arabic prokem in Gontor unique for its dialect. Therefore, library research is applied in this qualitative study using qualitative descriptive as the method. The data were collected from Bahasa Arab Khas Gontor, a book by Hisyam Zaini. This book clearly describes words, sentences, forms, and expressions spoken out by students in Gontor. The result of the study shows that the Arabic prokem used by students in Gontor comes from Indonesian vocabulary, the Arabic prokem is delivered in the form of interjection, the Arabic prokem has the changes of phoneme, and the Arabic prokem has Dhamîr pattern

    Hasil Belajar Servis Atas pada Permainan Bola Voli melalui Modifikasi Bola Karet

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    Efforts to improve the result of learning services learning game in the volley everthe modification of rubberballs media. The main problems in this rosearch are 1). What is aconstraint upon the service of volley ball on students grade 7 of SMPN 8 Tebas ?; 2). Are thefacilitasand infrastructure of SMPN 8 Tebas can improve the result of volley ball learningservice on student grede 7 of SMPN 8 Tebas ?; 3. Is the modifed rubber ball stractionalmedium can improve the result of service learning on student grade 7 of SMPN 8 TEBAS ?;Based on the result of service learning in volley ball game by using rubber ball medium thematerial of based-skill service in the first cycle has 44% classicat percentage and 80%clafsical percentage in the second cycle Based on the reseorh aborethen the conclusion isthe learning volley ball service by using rubber ball medium has effectively benn done this isproved by the students improvement skill andcomplete assessment, at about 80 %
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