105 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of this research was to analyze the antioxidant, anti-microbial and in-vitro glucose diffusion inhibition of the phytochemicals extracted from Phyllanthus urinaria.Methods: The anti-oxidant activity of the two extracts was done using DPPH method. The antimicrobial activity was performed using plate hole diffusion method. The in vitro anti-diabetic activity was determined using glucose diffusion inhibition technique.Results: Both the aqueous and chloroform extract were shown to have declined in antioxidant activity with the increase in concentration. There was a considerable amount of zone of inhibition observed in antimicrobial activity when the assay was performed against E. coli. However, no such zone of inhibition was observed against Bacillus subtilis. The glucose diffusion inhibition was found to be maximum for chloroform extract.Conclusion: The present study validates the effective use of P. urinaria against the microbial growth and also has anti-oxidant activity. The in vitro glucose diffusion inhibition proves the fact that it can act as a potent anti-diabetic agent.Keywords: DPPH, Anti-oxidant, Anti-microbial, Glucose Diffusion Inhibition, Phytochemical

    A Descriptive Study on Patterns of Traumatic Spinal Injuries in a Tertiary Care Hospital Rawalpindi

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    Introduction: Spinal injuries are one of the most debilitating injuries if not fatal and affect every dimension of patients' lives i.e. early mortality and late complications. Lifelong disability due to spinal cord injury is very common even if the patient survives early death. The current study was aimed to investigate the frequency, management, mortality, the pattern of spinal injuries and to recommend plans for better patient management based on assessment.Material and Methods: The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, and was conducted at the Neurosurgery Department of Rawalpindi Medical University and Allied Hospitals for the duration of October 2018 to January 2019. All cases of traumatic spinal injuries were included and variables noted were gender, age, mode of Injury, presenting motor power in limbs, ASIA score, diagnosis, management, outcome, and deaths.Results: In the sample size of 84 patients, the mean age was 37.1 years, the mechanism of injury due to falls was most common at 73%, the lumbar region was found to be the most common area involved. Male patients outnumbered females in the study. 14% of the patients could not survive due to the injury, 15% received cervical traction, 4% received cervical traction and anterior cervical plating, and 43% of patients underwent Transpedicular Screw Fixation, the total number of patients who expired was 25%.Conclusion: Patterns of traumatic spinal injuries are changing, shifting from road traffic accidents to falls being the primary cause nowadays, with prolonged hospital stay periods, disability for life, and high-cost treatments putting a huge burden on our already exhausted health resources. Efforts should be made to make a national registry for traumatic spinal injuries presented to the emergency department and guidelines should be established regarding occupational hazards. Awareness should be given to the general population regarding hazards at home regarding falls

    Frequency of Clinical Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Asthmatic Patients

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    Background: Gastroesophageal reflex is known as an acid reflex, is long term condition where stomach contents back into the oesophagus resulting in either symptoms or complications. GERD disease is caused by weakness or failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Symptoms include the acidic taste behind the mouth, heart burn, chest pain, difficult breathing and vomiting. Complication includes esophagitis, oesophageal strictures and barrettes oesophagus. Objective: The aim of this research was to introduce the symptoms of GERD disease in asthmatic patients and how these symptoms worsen the symptoms of asthma disease and what clinical pictures present with the asthmatic disease. Methodology: A designed performa was used to collect the data and after filling the performa, results were drawn and conclusion through the facts and the information given by patients. Results: In the present study among all 164 asthmatic patients, 70 (42.7%) patients showed dyspepsia, 58 (35.4%) were with chest burning, 23 (14%) were asking about chest pain, with acidic mouth taste were 39 (23.8%), 22 (13.4%) were feeling sore throat and 44 (26.8%) showed regurgitation reflex. Among these 164 patients 16 (9.8%) were smokers and 148 (90.2 %) were non-smokers. 47 (28.7%) were males and 117 (71.3%) were females. Conclusion: It is concluded that gastroesophageal reflux disease in asthmatic patients present symptoms of acidic mouth taste, chest burning, chest pain, dyspepsia, regurgitation reflex and sore throat

    Magnetic properties of polyvinyl alcohol and doxorubicine loaded iron oxide nanoparticles for anticancer drug delivery applications

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    The current study emphasizes the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) and impact of hydrophilic polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coating concentration as well as anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) loading on saturation magnetization for target drug delivery applications. Iron oxide nanoparticles particles were synthesized by a reformed version of the co-precipitation method. The coating of polyvinyl alcohol along with doxorubicin loading was carried out by the physical immobilization method. X-ray diffraction confirmed the magnetite (Fe3O4) structure of particles that remained unchanged before and after polyvinyl alcohol coating and drug loading. Microstructure and morphological analysis was carried out by transmission electron microscopy revealing the formation of nanoparticles with an average size of 10 nm with slight variation after coating and drug loading. Transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive, and Fourier transform infrared spectra further confirmed the conjugation of polymer and doxorubicin with iron oxide nanoparticles. The room temperature superparamagnetic behavior of polymer-coated and drug-loaded magnetite nanoparticles were studied by vibrating sample magnetometer. The variation in saturation magnetization after coating evaluated that a sufficient amount of polyvinyl alcohol would be 3 wt. % regarding the externally controlled movement of IONPs in blood under the influence of applied magnetic field for in-vivo target drug delivery

    An alkali catalyzed trans-esterification of rice bran, cottonseed and waste cooking oil

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    In this research work, biodiesel production by trans-esterification of three raw materials including virgin and used edible oil and non edible oil has been presented. A two step method following acidic and alkali catalyst was used for non edible oil due to the unsuitability of using the straight alkaline-catalyzed trans-esterification of high FFA present in rice bran oil. The acid value after processing for rice bran, cottonseed and waste cooking oil was found to be 0.95, 0.12 and 0.87 respectively. The influence of three variables on percentage yield i.e., methanol to oil molar ratio, reaction temperature and reaction time were studied at this stage. Cottonseed oil, waste cooking oil and rice bran oil showed a maximum yield of 91.7%, 84.1% and 87.1% under optimum conditions. Fuel properties of the three biodiesel satisfied standard biodiesel fuel results

    Risk factors for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in urban Pakistan: A multicenter case-control study

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    Objective: To evaluate risk factors for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in an urban setting of Pakistan.DESIGN AND Methods: In this multicenter case-control study, patients aged 15years old or older with sputum culture and sensitivity (C/S) diagnosed with pulmonary MDR-TB were defined as cases, whereas patients aged 15years old or older with sputum C/S diagnosed and susceptible to pulmonary TB were regarded as controls. Fifty cases and 75 controls were enrolled from three tertiary-care hospitals in Karachi.Results: Multivariable logistic regression models showed that cases were more likely to have had a TB patient in the house prior to the diagnosis of MDR-TB (adjusted odds ratio [ORadj]=3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2, 8.3) or had a history of prior TB treatment (ORadj=4.2, 95% CI: 1.1, 15.4). Furthermore, cases compared with controls tended to be male (ORadj=3.6, 95% CI: 1.4, 9.7), 15-25years of age (ORadj=3.7, 95% CI: 1.2, 11.3), of Sindhi ethnicity (adjusted OR=9.1, 95% CI: 1.9, 43.4) or with low educational attainment (ORadj OR=5.5, 95% CI: 1.7-17.6, for no formal schooling; ORadj=3.8, 95% CI: 1.1-14.1, 1 for 1-5 school years).CONCLUSIONS: A TB patient in the house or a history of prior TB treatment was strongly associated with MDR-TB in this study. Furthermore, younger age, male gender, Sindhi ethnicity and poor educational attainment entailed a high risk for MDR-TB. Targeted educational intervention for patients and their contacts may minimize the noncompliance with prescribed TB treatment and lessen MDR-TB magnitude in settings like Karachi

    Cleaning Methods for Ultrasound Probes

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of three different methods of ultrasound probe cleaning for the prevention of nosocomial infections. Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Radiology Department, the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi and Microbiology Department, JPMC, Karachi, from December 2006 to April 2007. Patients and Methods: A total of 75 culture swabs from ultrasound probes used for sonographic examinations of different body parts of patients were included in the study. Probes were prospectively randomized into three equal groups with 25 probes in each group. Culture was sent before and after using three different techniques of cleaning ultrasound probe, which included sterilized paper towel, 0.9% saline and swipe over with standard bath soap applied on group A (n=25), group B (n=25) and group C (n=25) respectively. Number of Colony Forming Unit (CFU) of bacteria were calculated on standard agar plate to find out the effectiveness of cleaning methods in reducing bacterial count from the ultrasound probe after the procedures. All samples were tested in single microbiology lab by using same bacterial growth media provided by same manufacturer. Kruskall Wallis, Jonchkheere-Terpstra and Wilcoxon sign rank tests were applied to find out statistical significance. Results: There was a significant reduction in bacterial count after applying either of all three cleaning methods for ultrasound probe compared to count on the probes before cleaning (p Conclusion: Cleaning ultrasound probe after performing each procedure is a cost-effective practice with potential of reducing nosocomial infections. Soap cleaning technique is the most effective method for reducing bacterial count acquired due to patients’ body contact with the ultrasound probes

    Preliminary study on phosphate solubilizing Bacillus subtilis strain Q3 and Paenibacillus sp. strain Q6 for improving cotton growth under alkaline conditions

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    Background Low phosphorus availability limits crop production in alkaline calcareous soils in semi-arid regions including Pakistan. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria may improve crop growth on alkaline calcareous soils due to their ability to enhance P availability. Methods Twenty rhizobacterial isolates (Q1–Q20) were isolated from rhizosphere of cotton and characterized for their growth promoting attributes in vitro. The selected phosphate solubilizing isolates were further screened for their ability to improve cotton growth under axenic conditions (jar trial). The phosphorus solubilization capacities of selected strains were quantified and these strains were identified through 16S rDNA sequencing. Results Isolates Q2, Q3, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q13 and Q14 were able to solubilize phosphate from insoluble sources. Most of these isolates also possessed other traits including catalase activity and ammonia production. The growth promotion assay showed that Q3 was significantly better than most of the other isolates followed by Q6. Maximum root colonization (4.34 × 106 cfu g−1) was observed in case of isolate Q6 followed by Q3. The phosphorus solubilization capacities of these strains were quantified, showing a maximum phosphorus solubilization by Q3 (optical density 2.605 ± 0.06) followed by the Q6 strain. The strain Q3 was identified as Bacillus subtilis (accession # KX788864) and Q6 as Paenibacillus sp. (accession # KX788865) through 16S rDNA sequencing. Discussion The bacterial isolates varied in their abilities for different growth promoting traits. The selected PGPR Bacillus subtilis strain Q3 and Paenibacillus sp. strain Q6 have multifarious growth promoting traits including ability to grow at higher EC and pH levels, and phosphorus solubilizing ability. These strains can efficiently colonize cotton roots under salt affected soils and help plants in phosphorus nutrition. It is concluded that both strains are potential candidates for promoting cotton growth under alkaline conditions, however further investigation is required to determine their potential for field application