338 research outputs found

    Elastic Registration of Geodesic Vascular Graphs

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    Vascular graphs can embed a number of high-level features, from morphological parameters, to functional biomarkers, and represent an invaluable tool for longitudinal and cross-sectional clinical inference. This, however, is only feasible when graphs are co-registered together, allowing coherent multiple comparisons. The robust registration of vascular topologies stands therefore as key enabling technology for group-wise analyses. In this work, we present an end-to-end vascular graph registration approach, that aligns networks with non-linear geometries and topological deformations, by introducing a novel overconnected geodesic vascular graph formulation, and without enforcing any anatomical prior constraint. The 3D elastic graph registration is then performed with state-of-the-art graph matching methods used in computer vision. Promising results of vascular matching are found using graphs from synthetic and real angiographies. Observations and future designs are discussed towards potential clinical applications

    Solid NURBS Conforming Scaffolding for Isogeometric Analysis

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    This work introduces a scaffolding framework to compactly parametrise solid structures with conforming NURBS elements for isogeometric analysis. A novel formulation introduces a topological, geometrical and parametric subdivision of the space in a minimal plurality of conforming vectorial elements. These determine a multi-compartmental scaffolding for arbitrary branching patterns. A solid smoothing paradigm is devised for the conforming scaffolding achieving higher than positional geometrical and parametric continuity. Results are shown for synthetic shapes of varying complexity, for modular CAD geometries, for branching structures from tessellated meshes and for organic biological structures from imaging data. Representative simulations demonstrate the validity of the introduced scaffolding framework with scalable performance and groundbreaking applications for isogeometric analysis

    The Frontal Control of Stopping

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    Stopping is a critical aspect of brain function. Like other voluntary actions, it is defined by its context as much as by its execution. Its neural substrate must therefore reflect both. Here, we distinguish those elements of the underlying brain circuit that preferentially reflect contextual aspects of stopping from those related to its execution. Contextual complexity of stopping was modulated using a novel "Stop/Change-signal" task, which also allowed us to parameterize the duration of the stopping process. Human magnetoencephalographic activity and behavioral responses were simultaneously recorded. Whereas theta/alpha frequency activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus was most closely associated with the duration of the stopping process, earlier gamma frequency activity in the pre-supplementary motor area was unique in showing contextual modulation. These results differentiate the roles of 2 key frontal regions involved in stopping, a crucial aspect of behavioral control

    Machine phenotyping of cluster headache and its response to verapamil

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    Cluster headache is characterized by recurrent, unilateral attacks of excruciating pain associated with ipsilateral cranial autonomic symptoms. Although a wide array of clinical, anatomical, physiological, and genetic data have informed multiple theories about the underlying pathophysiology, the lack of a comprehensive mechanistic understanding has inhibited, on the one hand, the development of new treatments and, on the other, the identification of features predictive of response to established ones. The first-line drug, verapamil, is found to be effective in only half of all patients, and after several weeks of dose escalation, rendering therapeutic selection both uncertain and slow. Here we use high-dimensional modelling of routinely acquired phenotypic and MRI data to quantify the predictability of verapamil responsiveness and to illuminate its neural dependants, across a cohort of 708 patients evaluated for cluster headache at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery between 2007 and 2017. We derive a succinct latent representation of cluster headache from non-linear dimensionality reduction of structured clinical features, revealing novel phenotypic clusters. In a subset of patients, we show that individually predictive models based on gradient boosting machines can predict verapamil responsiveness from clinical (410 patients) and imaging (194 patients) features. Models combining clinical and imaging data establish the first benchmark for predicting verapamil responsiveness, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.689 on cross-validation (95% confidence interval: 0.651 to 0.710) and 0.621 on held-out data. In the imaged patients, voxel-based morphometry revealed a grey matter cluster in lobule VI of the cerebellum (–4, –66, –20) exhibiting enhanced grey matter concentrations in verapamil non-responders compared with responders (familywise error-corrected P = 0.008, 29 voxels). We propose a mechanism for the therapeutic effect of verapamil that draws on the neuroanatomy and neurochemistry of the identified region. Our results reveal previously unrecognized high-dimensional structure within the phenotypic landscape of cluster headache that enables prediction of treatment response with modest fidelity. An analogous approach applied to larger, globally representative datasets could facilitate data-driven redefinition of diagnostic criteria and stronger, more generalizable predictive models of treatment responsiveness

    Test-time unsupervised domain adaptation

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    Convolutional neural networks trained on publicly available medical imaging datasets (source domain) rarely generalise to different scanners or acquisition protocols (target domain). This motivates the active field of domain adaptation. While some approaches to the problem require labelled data from the target domain, others adopt an unsupervised approach to domain adaptation (UDA). Evaluating UDA methods consists of measuring the model’s ability to generalise to unseen data in the target domain. In this work, we argue that this is not as useful as adapting to the test set directly. We therefore propose an evaluation framework where we perform test-time UDA on each subject separately. We show that models adapted to a specific target subject from the target domain outperform a domain adaptation method which has seen more data of the target domain but not this specific target subject. This result supports the thesis that unsupervised domain adaptation should be used at test-time, even if only using a single target-domain subject

    An MRF-UNet Product of Experts for Image Segmentation

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    While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained by back-propagation have seen unprecedented success at semantic segmentation tasks, they are known to struggle on out-of-distribution data. Markov random fields (MRFs) on the other hand, encode simpler distributions over labels that, although less flexible than UNets, are less prone to over-fitting. In this paper, we propose to fuse both strategies by computing the product of distributions of a UNet and an MRF. As this product is intractable, we solve for an approximate distribution using an iterative mean-field approach. The resulting MRF-UNet is trained jointly by back-propagation. Compared to other works using conditional random fields (CRFs), the MRF has no dependency on the imaging data, which should allow for less over-fitting. We show on 3D neuroimaging data that this novel network improves generalisation to out-of-distribution samples. Furthermore, it allows the overall number of parameters to be reduced while preserving high accuracy. These results suggest that a classic MRF smoothness prior can allow for less over-fitting when principally integrated into a CNN model. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/balbasty/nitorch

    VTrails: Inferring Vessels with Geodesic Connectivity Trees

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    The analysis of vessel morphology and connectivity has an impact on a number of cardiovascular and neurovascular applications by providing patient-specific high-level quantitative features such as spatial location, direction and scale. In this paper we present an end-to-end approach to extract an acyclic vascular tree from angiographic data by solving a connectivity-enforcing anisotropic fast marching over a voxel-wise tensor field representing the orientation of the underlying vascular tree. The method is validated using synthetic and real vascular images. We compare VTrails against classical and state-of-the-art ridge detectors for tubular structures by assessing the connectedness of the vesselness map and inspecting the synthesized tensor field as proof of concept. VTrails performance is evaluated on images with different levels of degradation: we verify that the extracted vascular network is an acyclic graph (i.e. a tree), and we report the extraction accuracy, precision and recall

    MRI super-resolution using multi-channel total variation

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    This paper presents a generative model for super-resolution in routine clinical magnetic resonance images (MRI), of arbitrary orientation and contrast. The model recasts the recovery of high resolution images as an inverse problem, in which a forward model simulates the slice-select profile of the MR scanner. The paper introduces a prior based on multi-channel total variation for MRI super-resolution. Bias-variance trade-off is handled by estimating hyper-parameters from the low resolution input scans. The model was validated on a large database of brain images. The validation showed that the model can improve brain segmentation, that it can recover anatomical information between images of different MR contrasts, and that it generalises well to the large variability present in MR images of different subjects

    Penetration Problem for Infrastructe Stability in Conditions of Offshore Fields Development

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    The paper is generally devoted to the problem of offshore oil and gas fields' development. The main focus of the study is mechanical behavior of seafloor sediments and stability of infrastructure objects' supporting constructions. We study the problem of estimating the effective mechanic properties of seafloor sediments. To solve the problem, we propose the usage of gravity corer of bottom sediments. These corers make it possible to study dynamic elastic properties at the ship laboratory conditions. We study the sampling process itself as a tool to estimate the rheological properties of seafloor sediments. In the current study, we propose a specific analysis of the samples and sampling process. The sampling corer is equipped with tools providing an opportunity to measure its acceleration at each moment during the sampling process. This acceleration depends on controllable sampling process conditions and mechanical properties of seafloor sediments being sampled. A corresponding contact problem is considered using the finite-element method. It is shown that there is an opportunity to evaluate some (but not all) parameters for visco-elasto-plastic rheology of the sediments from a known acceleration of the sampling tube. The obtained results make it possible to improve the quality of model of mechanical properties of the seafloor sediments. This improvement provides the corresponding increase in mechanical modeling of infrastructure stability and decreases the risks accompanying offshore field development

    The neural basis of meta-volition

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    Volition is the power to act beyond simple, automatic responses. We can act voluntarily because we can choose to act otherwise than immediate, external circumstances dictate. But we can also choose to allow ourselves to be led automatically by events around us. The neural basis of this higher power to suspend volition— which we term meta-volition—is unknown. Here we show that inter-individual differences in meta-volition are reflected in extensive, highly lateralised differences in right frontal white matter as indexed by diffusion tensor imaging. Paradoxically, participants with enhanced white matter optimality in these regions are less able to exercise meta-volition, finding it harder to suspend volition. This suggests volition is dependent less on any hierarchical system of meta-volitional control than on the extent to which an extensive network subserving higher volitional powers is competitively dominant over others. A fundamentally parallel neural organisation of human voluntary action at the highest level is thereby implied
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