639 research outputs found

    Isotropy of unitary involutions

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    We prove the so-called Unitary Isotropy Theorem, a result on isotropy of a unitary involution. The analogous previously known results on isotropy of orthogonal and symplectic involutions as well as on hyperbolicity of orthogonal, symplectic, and unitary involutions are formal consequences of this theorem. A component of the proof is a detailed study of the quasi-split unitary grassmannians.Comment: final version, to appear in Acta Mat

    Hydrokinetic predictions for femtoscopy scales in A+A collisions in the light of recent ALICE LHC results

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    A study of energy behavior of the pion spectra and interferometry scales is carried out for the top SPS, RHIC and for LHC energies within the hydrokinetic approach. The main mechanisms that lead to the paradoxical, at first sight, dependence of the interferometry scales with an energy growth, in particular, a decrease Rout/RsideR_{out}/R_{side} ratio, are exposed. The hydrokinetic predictions for the HBT radii at LHC energies are compared with the recent results of the ALICE experiment.Comment: Based on the talks given at the Sixth Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, BITP, Kiev, September 14 - 18, 2010 and GSI/EMMI Seminar, January 14, 201

    Degree formula for connective K-theory

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    We apply the degree formula for connective KK-theory to study rational contractions of algebraic varieties. Examples include rationally connected varieties and complete intersections.Comment: 14 page

    Equivariant pretheories and invariants of torsors

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    In the present paper we introduce and study the notion of an equivariant pretheory: basic examples include equivariant Chow groups, equivariant K-theory and equivariant algebraic cobordism. To extend this set of examples we define an equivariant (co)homology theory with coefficients in a Rost cycle module and provide a version of Merkurjev's (equivariant K-theory) spectral sequence for such a theory. As an application we generalize the theorem of Karpenko-Merkurjev on G-torsors and rational cycles; to every G-torsor E and a G-equivariant pretheory we associate a graded ring which serves as an invariant of E. In the case of Chow groups this ring encodes the information concerning the motivic J-invariant of E and in the case of Grothendieck's K_0 -- indexes of the respective Tits algebras.Comment: 23 pages; this is an essentially extended version of the previous preprint: the construction of an equivariant cycle (co)homology and the spectral sequence (generalizing the long exact localization sequence) are adde

    Інституційні аспекти неформальної зайнятості у балансі доходів населення

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    The article is devoted to the research of institutional aspects of informal employment in the balance of the earned and entrepreneurial income. The essence of informal employment as social and economic phenomenon is considered. Given coverage to main tendencies in the informal sector of the Ukrainian economy. The influence of informal employment on formation and distribution of personal income is revealed.Стаття присвячена дослідженню інституційних аспектів неформальної зайнятості у балансі трудових і підприємницьких доходів населення. Розглянуто сутність неформальної зайнятості як соціально-економічного явища. Висвітлено основні тенденції у сфері неформального сектору економіки України. Розкрито вплив неформальної зайнятості на формування та розподіл доходів населення

    A Fast Hadron Freeze-out Generator

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    We have developed a fast Monte Carlo procedure of hadron generation allowing one to study and analyze various observables for stable hadrons and hadron resonances produced in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Particle multiplicities are determined based on the concept of chemical freeze-out. Particles can be generated on the chemical or thermal freeze-out hypersurface represented by a parameterization or a numerical solution of relativistic hydrodynamics with given initial conditions and equation of state. Besides standard space-like sectors associated with the volume decay, the hypersurface may also include non-space-like sectors related to the emission from the surface of expanding system. For comparison with other models and experimental data we demonstrate the results based on the standard parameterizations of the hadron freeze-out hypersurface and flow velocity profile under the assumption of a common chemical and thermal freeze-out. The C++ generator code is written under the ROOT framework and is available for public use at http://uhkm.jinr.ru/.Comment: 28 pages,7 figure


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    The results of the clinical examination and supervision of 62 patients under average-severe course of coxiellosis at the age of 17-74: the first group (32 persons) - patients younger than 50, the second group (30 persons) -patients older than 50 are presented here. Catalase and ceruloplasmin have been defined in the blood serum of the patients with coxiellosis in the disease dynamics. Clinical evidences of coxiellosis: hyperaemia of the pharynx, shivering, myalgy, weakness, scleroconjunctivitis and. arthralgy have been seen longer in the patients older than 50. Catalase and. ceruloplasmin. content depended on the period of the disease and the patients age. At age first week of the disease there noted decreasing of the сatalase levels in 80 % of the patients younger than 50; but in 100 % of the patients older than 50 increasing was noted. At the second week of the disease most of the patients, regardless of their age, had. decreased the levels of catalase. Increase of the levels of ceruloplasmine has been noted the elder aged group. At the third week of the disease at the background of ceasing of clinical evidences of the disease most patients with coxiellosis, independent on age, had. increased content of the studied indices, which shows the compensatory activation of the antioxidant protection

    Деякі мікроморфологічні особливості Atocion lithuanicum (Zapa?.) Tzvel. та A. armeria (L.) Raf. флори України

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    Проведено дослідження поверхні пилкових зерен, насінин та листкової пластинки Atocion lithuanicum (Zapa?.) Tzvel. та A. armeria (L.) Raf. за допомогою сканувальної електронної мікроскопії. Встановлено ряд нових мікроморфологічних ознак, пов'язаних з ультраструктурою пилкових зерен (край пилкових зерен, діаметр пор, кількість скульптурних елементів, скульптура екзини, діаметр перфорацій) та насінин (розмір, форма, розмір екзотестальних клітин дистального ряду, кількість зубців антиклінальної стінки та їх розміри, наявність папіл на периклінальній стінці латеральної та дорзальної поверхонь), що дозволяють розмежовувати ці таксони. Суттєвих відмін у мікрорельєфі листкової пластинки не відмічено