252 research outputs found

    Nano-Scale Hydroxyapatite: Synthesis, Two-Dimensional Transport Experiments, and Application for Uranium Remediation

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    Synthetic nano-scale hydroxyapatite (NHA) was prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The XRD data confirmed that the crystalline structure and chemical composition of NHA correspond to Ca5OH(PO4)3. The SEM data confirmed the size of NHA to be less than 50 nm. A two-dimensional physical model packed with saturated porous media was used to study the transport characteristics of NHA under constant flow conditions. The data show that the transport patterns of NHA were almost identical to tracer transport patterns. This result indicates that the NHA material can move with water like a tracer, and its movement was neither retarded nor influenced by any physicochemical interactions and/or density effects. We have also tested the reactivity of NHA with 1 mg/L hexavalent uranium (U(VI)) and found that complete removal of U(VI) is possible using 0.5 g/L NHA at pH 5 to 6. Our results demonstrate that NHA has the potential to be injected as a dilute slurry for in situ treatment of U(VI)-contaminated groundwater systems

    Nano-Scale Hydroxyapatite: Synthesis, Two-Dimensional Transport Experiments, and Application for Uranium Remediation

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    Synthetic nano-scale hydroxyapatite (NHA) was prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) methods. The XRD data confirmed that the crystalline structure and chemical composition of NHA correspond to Ca5OH(PO4)3. The SEM data confirmed the size of NHA to be less than 50 nm. A two-dimensional physical model packed with saturated porous media was used to study the transport characteristics of NHA under constant flow conditions. The data show that the transport patterns of NHA were almost identical to tracer transport patterns. This result indicates that the NHA material can move with water like a tracer, and its movement was neither retarded nor influenced by any physicochemical interactions and/or density effects. We have also tested the reactivity of NHA with 1 mg/L hexavalent uranium (U(VI)) and found that complete removal of U(VI) is possible using 0.5 g/L NHA at pH 5 to 6. Our results demonstrate that NHA has the potential to be injected as a dilute slurry for in situ treatment of U(VI)-contaminated groundwater systems

    Unintended Consequences: Potential Downsides of the Air Force\u27s Conversion to Biofuels

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    The desire to reduce US dependence on foreign energy, ongoing environmental concerns, and the rising cost of petroleum have sparked significant development of greener alternative and renewable energy sources such as alcohol-based biofuels. To address these issues, the Department of Defense DOD has moved to diminish its reliance on petroleum for fueling aircraft and ground equipment. The US Air Force, in alignment with DOD objectives, has initiated several goals for reducing its use of energy: (1) decrease the use of petroleum-based fuel by 2 percent annually for the vehicle fleet, (2) increase the use of alternative fuel in motor vehicles annually by 10 percent, (3) certify all aircraft and weapon systems for a 5050 alternative fuel blend by 2011, and (4) have Air Force aircraft flying on 50 percent alternative fuel blends by 2016.1 This aggressive timetable moves the world s single largest petroleum consumer, the DOD, squarely into the alternative energies market. As the world s most prodigious fuel consumer, the DOD would likely drive segments of the aviation and motor fuels markets around the world to meet the demand for newly formulated alternative fuels and to convert existing fuel delivery systems to support the new market. Although conversion to alternative fuels can clearly lower the production of carbon dioxide, the risks that potential fuel spills pose to soil and groundwater are only now becoming clear

    Goltz syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia) with unilateral ocular, cutaneous and skeletal features: case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Goltz syndrome or focal dermal hypoplasia (FDH) is an uncommon multisystem disorder. Herein, we report a typical case of FDH with unilateral ocular, cutaneous and skeletal features.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>a 4-year-old girl presented with microphthalmos and iris coloboma of the left eye, facial asymmetry, and a low-set protruding ear. Cutaneous changes included hypopigmented atrophic macules on the left side of the face, chest, abdomen and limbs. Characteristic lobster claw deformity of left hand and oligodactyly and syndactyly of left foot were present.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>FDH usually affects both sides of the body. This case represents the unusual unilateral manifestation of the syndrome.</p

    Encoding Synchronous Interactions Using Labelled Petri Nets

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    International audienceWe present an encoding of (bound) CSP processes with replication into Petri nets with labelled transitions. Through the encoding, the firing semantics of Petri nets models the standard operational semantics of CSP processes, which is both preserved and reflected. This correspondence allows for describing by net semantics the standard CSP observational equivalences. Since the encoding is modular with respect to process syntax, the paper puts on a firm ground the technology transfer between the two formalisms, e.g. recasting into the CSP framework well-established results like decidability of coverability for nets. This work complements previous results concerning the encoding of asynchronous interactions, thus witnessing the expressiveness of (open) labelled nets in modelling process calculi with alternative communication patterns

    Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: From Diagnosis to Survivorship

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    Bladder cancer is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the most expensive adult cancer in average healthcare costs incurred per patient in the USA. However, little is known about factors influencing patients' treatment decisions, quality of life, and responses to treatment impairments. The main focus of this paper is to better understand the impact of muscle invasive bladder cancer on patient quality of life and its added implications for primary caregivers and healthcare providers. In this paper, we discuss treatment options, side effects, and challenges that patients and family caregivers face in different phases along the disease trajectory and further identify crucial areas of needed research

    Crime Watch:Hurricanes and Illegal Activities

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    We investigate the relationship between hurricane strikes and crime for Jamaica. To this end, we construct hurricane damages and daily recorded criminal activity. Hurricanes are found to significantly increase crime by 35%, where the impact is stronger for more damaging storms, but this only lasts for the duration of the storm. Decomposing crime into its various subtypes, one finds that while aggravated assault, break-ins, and shooting increase during a hurricane, murders, rapes, and robberies actually decline. The greatest increase is with shootings, whereas the greatest decline is with rape. Crucially, the impact of crime depends on the existence of a storm warning. Our results also show that high frequency data more accurately estimate the impact of hurricanes on crime.</p

    Плевро-перикардиальное окно как метод хирургической профилактики значимого перикардиального выпота у пациентов после трансплантации сердца

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    Postoperative pericardial effusion (PPE) represents a very common complication in cardiac surgery. Accumulation of a significant amount of free fluid in the pericardial cavity is a multifactorial process. Identifying the cause is not always possible. This complication occurs more frequently in patients after heart transplantation than in patients who underwent reconstructive cardiac surgery. Having hemodynamically significant effusion requires surgical evacuation of fluid from the pericardial cavity. This can affect the postoperative period and increase the length of stay at the hospital. For this reason, developing and ensuring widespread use of methods for prevention of this complication are urgent and relevant tasks.Перикардиальный выпот после кардиохирургического вмешательства является одним из наиболее распространенных осложнений. Процесс накопления значимого количества свободной жидкости в полости перикарда является многофакторным, и не всегда удается установить причину его развития. У пациентов после трансплантации сердца данное осложнение встречается чаще, чем у пациентов, перенесших реконструктивное кардиохирургическое вмешательство. Наличие гемодинамически значимой эффузии требует выполнения хирургической эвакуации жидкости из полости перикарда, что может сказываться на течении послеоперационного периода и увеличивать срок госпитализации пациентов. По этой причине разработка и широкое применение методов профилактики данного осложнения являются актуальными

    How User‐centric Innovation is Affecting Stakeholder Marketing Strategies: Exploratory Findings from the Music Industry

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    This paper empirically explores how user‐centric innovation (UCI) in the music industry is affecting how key stakeholder groups are approaching and developing their marketing (and associated management) strategies. The three‐stage interview‐based research methodology consisted of 52 semi‐structured in‐depth interviews with UCI experts and artist managers, as well as representatives from major record labels. The findings make four substantial contributions to theory and practice in the interrelated fields of UCI, marketing and the music industry. First, they provide practical and pragmatic insights for industry practitioners on how different UCI marketing approaches are affecting their management strategies. Second, they take steps towards answering many of the identified gaps in research and knowledge relating to the concept of UCI. Third, they present theoretical models as a foundation for which new UCI marketing theory can be built upon. Last, they offer directions for future research to advance our empirical findings.</jats:p