44,342 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of the superheating field for superconductors in the high-k London limit

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    We study the metastability of the superheated Meissner state in type II superconductors with k >> 1 beyond Ginzburg-Landau theory, which is applicable only in the vicinity of the critical temperature. Within Eilenberger's semiclassical approximation, we use the local electrodynamic response of the superconductor to derive a generalized thermodynamic potential valid at any temperature. The stability analysis of this functional yields the temperature dependence of the superheating field. Finally, we comment on the implications of our results for superconducting cavities in particle accelerators.Comment: 7.5 pages, 2 figure

    Team performance indicators that predict match outcome and points difference in professional rugby league

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    Performance indicators allow for the objective quantification of performance, however, limited PI research for professional rugby league exists. Therefore, this paper assessed 24 relative PIs (home value minus away) from all 27 rounds of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 European Super League seasons, collected by Opta, amounting to 567 matches. Backwards logistic (match outcome) and linear (points difference) regression models were used alongside exhaustive Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection decision trees to identify performance indicators (PIs) and key performance indicators. Teams had a higher chance of winning and would gain more points when they scored first (OR = 1.6, β = 2.4) and increased completed sets (OR = 1.2, β = 1.2) by one unit. Conversely, teams had a lower chance of winning when they increased scoots (OR = 0.9, β = −0.2). However, some PIs which were thought to be important (as identified by previous literature) were removed from the analysis thus calling into question the appropriateness of stepwise methods. Future research may consider utilising dimension reduction techniques when analysing large data-sets that encompass multiple variables

    Young red supergiants and the near infrared light appearance of disk galaxies

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    Disk galaxies often show prominent nonaxisymmetric features at near-infrared wavelengths. Such features may indicate variations in the surface density of stellar mass, contributions from young red supergiants in star forming regions, or substantial dust obscuration. To distinguish among these possibilities, we have searched for spatial variations in the 2.3 micron photometric CO index within the disks of three nearby galaxies (NGC 278, NGC 2649, & NGC 5713). This index measures the strength of the absorption bands of molecular CO in stellar atmospheres, and is strong in cool, low surface-gravity stars, reaching the largest values for red supergiants. We observe significant spatial CO index variations in two galaxies (NGC 278 & NGC 5713), indicating that the dominant stellar population in the near-infrared is not everywhere the same. Central CO index peaks are present in two galaxies; these could be due to either metallicity gradients or recent star formation activity. In addition, significant azimuthal CO index variations are seen in NGC 278. Because strong azimuthal metallicity gradients are physically implausible in disk galaxies, these features are most naturally explained by the presence of a young stellar population. The fraction of 2 micron light due to young stellar populations in star forming regions can be calculated from our data. Overall, young stellar populations can contribute ~3% of a (normal) galaxy's near infrared flux. Locally, this fraction may rise to ~33%. Thus, young stars do not dominate the total near infrared flux, but can be locally dominant in star forming regions, and can bias estimates of spiral arm amplitude or other nonaxisymmetric structures in galaxies' mass distributions.Comment: 28 pages including 3 postscript figures. A fourth figure is in jpeg format. Uses AASTeX. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    High Angular Resolution Stellar Imaging with Occultations from the Cassini Spacecraft II: Kronocyclic Tomography

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    We present an advance in the use of Cassini observations of stellar occultations by the rings of Saturn for stellar studies. Stewart et al. (2013) demonstrated the potential use of such observations for measuring stellar angular diameters. Here, we use these same observations, and tomographic imaging reconstruction techniques, to produce two dimensional images of complex stellar systems. We detail the determination of the basic observational reference frame. A technique for recovering model-independent brightness profiles for data from each occulting edge is discussed, along with the tomographic combination of these profiles to build an image of the source star. Finally we demonstrate the technique with recovered images of the {\alpha} Centauri binary system and the circumstellar environment of the evolved late-type giant star, Mira.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    OC-163 identification of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS)

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    Introduction Resident colonic bacteria, principally anaerobes and firmicutes, ferment undigested fibre. The resultant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) formed are dissolved in the faeces but also absorbed and excreted in the urine. We have previously shown that electronic nose (E-nose) analysis of urine VOCs distinguishes between Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) and healthy volunteers (HV): the underlying principle is pattern recognition of disease-specific “chemical fingerprint”. High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry (FAIMS) offers a possible alternative. The underlying principle is separation of VOC chemical components based on their different ion mobilties in high electric fields. We performed a pilot study in the above groups, the patients in remission (Rem) or with active disease (AD), to assess if this technology could achieve separation between the groups. The results were validated against E-nose analysis. Methods 59 subjects were studied; HV n=14, UC (Rem) n=18, UC (AD) n=4; CD (Rem) n=19, CD (AD) n=4. Urine samples (7 ml) in universal containers (25 ml) were heated to 40±0.1 C. The headspace (the air above the sample) was then analysed using FAIMS. The data were analysed by Fisher Discriminant Analysis. Results The technique distinguished between the three groups. Additionally, patients with active disease could be distinguished from those in remission. These results were concordant with E-nose analysis. Conclusion This pilot shows that urine VOCs, analysed by the different approaches of E-nose and FAIMS, the latter a novel application, can distinguish the healthy from those with UC and CD when disease is active or in remission. The two technologies together offer a non-invasive approach to diagnosis and follow-up in inflammatory bowel disease


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    Multiproduct, multispecies revenue functions are estimated for the midwater and bottom-trawl pollock fisheries off Alaska. There are strong year and seasonal effects on coefficient estimates, and the technology is joint in outputs for each major operation type. The model is a step toward prediction of fishery regulatory effects.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Can we avoid dark energy?

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    The idea that we live near the centre of a large, nonlinear void has attracted attention recently as an alternative to dark energy or modified gravity. We show that an appropriate void profile can fit both the latest cosmic microwave background and supernova data. However, this requires either a fine-tuned primordial spectrum or a Hubble rate so low as to rule these models out. We also show that measurements of the radial baryon acoustic scale can provide very strong constraints. Our results present a serious challenge to void models of acceleration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; minor changes; version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetic Flux Periodic Response of Nano-perforated Ultrathin Superconducting Films

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    We have patterned a hexagonal array of nano-scale holes into a series of ultrathin, superconducting Bi/Sb films with transition temperatures 2.65 K <Tco<<T_{co} < 5 K. These regular perforations give the films a phase-sensitive periodic response to an applied magnetic field. By measuring this response in their resistive transitions, R(T)R(T), we are able to distinguish regimes in which fluctuations of the amplitude, both the amplitude and phase, and the phase of the superconducting order parameter dominate the transport. The portion of R(T)R(T) dominated by amplitude fluctuations is larger in lower TcoT_{co} films and thus, grows with proximity to the superconductor to insulator transition.Comment: Revised title, abstract, text, figure

    On the expressive power of read-once determinants

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    We introduce and study the notion of read-kk projections of the determinant: a polynomial fF[x1,,xn]f \in \mathbb{F}[x_1, \ldots, x_n] is called a {\it read-kk projection of determinant} if f=det(M)f=det(M), where entries of matrix MM are either field elements or variables such that each variable appears at most kk times in MM. A monomial set SS is said to be expressible as read-kk projection of determinant if there is a read-kk projection of determinant ff such that the monomial set of ff is equal to SS. We obtain basic results relating read-kk determinantal projections to the well-studied notion of determinantal complexity. We show that for sufficiently large nn, the n×nn \times n permanent polynomial PermnPerm_n and the elementary symmetric polynomials of degree dd on nn variables SndS_n^d for 2dn22 \leq d \leq n-2 are not expressible as read-once projection of determinant, whereas mon(Permn)mon(Perm_n) and mon(Snd)mon(S_n^d) are expressible as read-once projections of determinant. We also give examples of monomial sets which are not expressible as read-once projections of determinant