10 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the study was to systematize the data available in the modern literature on the diagnosis and treatment of metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor. Materials and methods. The results of laboratory-instrumental diagnostics, surgical and drug treatment presented in randomized clinical trials, published over the past 10 years in Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library were analyzed. Results. Despite continuous improvement in imaging techniques, melanoma accounts for up to 12.6 % of all cases of metastatic cancer with an unknown primary site. Metastatic melanoma without clinical evidence of primary tumor accounts for approximately 1% to 8% of all melanoma cases. Conclusion. Metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor has not been extensively studied. Until now, only a few reports on metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor have been available. Therefore, further prospective studies of clinical course and optimization of diagnosis and treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor are needed. Цель исследования. Систематизация данных, имеющихся в современной литературе, о диагностике и лечении метастазов меланомы без клинически определяемого первичной опухоли. Материал и методы. Анализ результатов лабораторно-инструментальной диагностики, хирургического и лекарственного лечения, представленных в рандомизированных клинических исследованиях, опубликованные за последние 10 лет в Medline, Embase и Кохрановской библиотеке. Результаты. Несмотря на постоянное совершенствование технологий обследования, на долю меланомы приходится до 12,6% от всех случаев метастазов рака без клинически определяемой первичной опухоли. Метастазы меланомы без клинически определяемой первичной опухоли составляют приблизительно от 1% до 8% от всех случаев меланомы. Заключение. Проблема метастазов меланомы без клинически определяемой первичной опухоли остается малоизучена. Литературные данные немногочисленны и иногда даже противоречивы. Поэтому необходимы дальнейшие проспективные исследования особенностей клинического течения и оптимизация диагностики и лечения больных с ММБПО.


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    Efficacy of neoadjuvant photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photoditazine and radachlorine was assessed in 42 patients with stage I–III primary melanoma. The control group consisted of 42 patients with melanoma who underwent surgery alone. The 2.5-year overall and recurrence-free survival rates were significantly higher in patients who received neoadjuvant PDT than in the control group patients.  Neoadjuvant PDT performed 2 days before surgery was found to promote the activation of T-and B-cell immunity.   In the experimental study it was shown that the increase in time of laser irradiation of melanoma cell culture accompanied by a significant increase in the proportion of late apoptotic cells.В экспериментально-клиническом исследовании проведена оценка эффективности неоадъювантной ФДТ с фотодитазином и радахлорином при лечении 42 больных первичной меланомой кожи I–III стадий. В контрольной группе хирургическое лечение по поводу МК получили 42 пациента. При анализе отдаленных результатов (2,5-летняя общая и безрецидивная выживаемость) установлено, что эти показатели в группе больных, получавших неоадъювантную ФДТ, значимо выше, чем в контрольной группе. Выявлено, что неоадъювантная ФДТ, проведенная за 2 дня до хирургического вмешательства, способствует активации Ти В-клеточного звена иммунной системы. В экспериментальной части работы выявлено, что увеличение времени лазерного облучения культуры клеток меланомы сопровождается достоверным повышением доли поздних форм апоптоза

    Фотодинамическая терапия в хирургическом лечении больных меланомой кожи

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    In experimental and clinical research carried out studying of influence of neoadjyuvant photodynamic therapy on T- and B-cellular immune answer in surgical treatment of patients of a melanoma of skin of the I–III stage. PDT was executed to 25 patients two days prior to surgical removal of primary tumor from July, 2012 to January, 2013. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that: the increase in concentration fotoditaziny doesn‘t lead to increase in quantity of tumoral cages at stages early apoptosis; lengthening of time of an exposition leads to increase in a share of late forms apoptosis, and FDT use with fotoditaziny in a dose of 50,0 mg with the subsequent radiation (662 nanometers, 400 J) in 2 days prior to surgical intervention promotes T- and B-cellular link of immune system.В экспериментально-клиническом исследовании изучено влияние неоадъювантной фотодинамической терапии на показатели Т- и В-клеточного иммунного ответа в хирургическом лечении больных меланомой кожи I–III стадии. ФДТ была выполнена 25 пациентам за 2 сут до хирургического удаления первичной опухоли с июля 2012 г. по январь 2013 г. Выявлено, что увеличение концентрации фотодитазина не приводит к увеличению количества опухолевых клеток на стадии раннего апоптоза; удлинение времени экспозиции приводит к увеличению доли поздних форм апоптоза, а использование ФДТ с фотодитазином в дозе 50,0 мг с последующим облучением (662 нм, 400 Дж) за 2 дня до хирургического вмешательства способствует активации Т- и В-клеточного звена иммунной систем

    Меланома полового члена и уретры: обзор литературы и наблюдения из практики

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    One of clinical and anatomical types of melanoblastoma is melanoma of the glans penis appearing on the skin or mucosa of the penis (external opening of the urethra or ureter, internal or external layer of the foreskin). It’s a rare disease, and most of specialists are unfamiliar with it, including oncologists and urologists. Thus, the conducted research has practical importance as it may improve diagnostics and treatment of patients with this oncological pathology. Одной из клинико-анатомических разновидностей меланобластомы является меланома головки полового члена, возникающая на коже полового члена или на слизистой оболочке (наружном отверстии мочеиспускательного канала или уретры, внутреннем или наружном листке крайней плоти). Это редкое заболевание, малоизвестное широкому кругу специалистов, в том числе онкологам и урологам, поэтому выполненная работа имеет большое практическое значение, так как позволит улучшить диагностику и лечение больных данной онкопатологией


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    The results of the experimental study of immune response of human skin malignant melanoma cells Mel 226 on photodynamic exposure are represented in the article. Photoinduced apoptosis of skin malignant melanoma was studied in vitro. The study showed that irradiation with the agent fotoditazin at dose of 0.5–2.5 µg/ml (6 and 10 min exposure 30 min before irradiation; irradiation parameters: wavelength of 662 nm, total light dose from 40 to 60 J/cm2) induced early apoptosis. The increase of the time of laser irradiation significantly accelerates the conversion of photosensitized tumor cells from early to late apoptosis.В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования иммунного ответа клеток меланомы кожи человека Mel 226 на фотодинамическое воздействие. Изучен фотоиндуцированный апоптоз клеток меланомы кожи in vitro. Исследования показали, что облучение с препаратом фотодитазин в концентрациях 0,5-2,5 мкг/мл (экспозиция в течение 6 и 10 мин за 30 мин до облучения; параметры облучения: длина волны 662 нм, суммарная доза облучения от 40 до 60 Дж/см2) индуцирует ранний апоптоз. Увеличение времени лазерного облучения достоверно ускоряет переход фотосенсибилизированных опухолевых клеток из ранней фазы апоп-тоза в позднюю


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    The purpose of the study was to systematize the data available in the modern literature on the diagnosis and treatment of metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor. Materials and methods. The results of laboratory-instrumental diagnostics, surgical and drug treatment presented in randomized clinical trials, published over the past 10 years in Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library were analyzed. Results. Despite continuous improvement in imaging techniques, melanoma accounts for up to 12.6 % of all cases of metastatic cancer with an unknown primary site. Metastatic melanoma without clinical evidence of primary tumor accounts for approximately 1% to 8% of all melanoma cases. Conclusion. Metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor has not been extensively studied. Until now, only a few reports on metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor have been available. Therefore, further prospective studies of clinical course and optimization of diagnosis and treatment of patients with metastatic melanoma without clinically evident primary tumor are needed


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    Efficacy of neoadjuvant photodynamic therapy (PDT) with photoditazine and radachlorine was assessed in 42 patients with stage I–III primary melanoma. The control group consisted of 42 patients with melanoma who underwent surgery alone. The 2.5-year overall and recurrence-free survival rates were significantly higher in patients who received neoadjuvant PDT than in the control group patients.  Neoadjuvant PDT performed 2 days before surgery was found to promote the activation of T-and B-cell immunity.   In the experimental study it was shown that the increase in time of laser irradiation of melanoma cell culture accompanied by a significant increase in the proportion of late apoptotic cells

    Photodynamic therapy in surgical treatment of patients by a skin melanom

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    In experimental and clinical research carried out studying of influence of neoadjyuvant photodynamic therapy on T- and B-cellular immune answer in surgical treatment of patients of a melanoma of skin of the I–III stage. PDT was executed to 25 patients two days prior to surgical removal of primary tumor from July, 2012 to January, 2013. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that: the increase in concentration fotoditaziny doesn‘t lead to increase in quantity of tumoral cages at stages early apoptosis; lengthening of time of an exposition leads to increase in a share of late forms apoptosis, and FDT use with fotoditaziny in a dose of 50,0 mg with the subsequent radiation (662 nanometers, 400 J) in 2 days prior to surgical intervention promotes T- and B-cellular link of immune system

    Melanoma of the penis and urethra: literature review and observations from clinical practice

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    One of clinical and anatomical types of melanoblastoma is melanoma of the glans penis appearing on the skin or mucosa of the penis (external opening of the urethra or ureter, internal or external layer of the foreskin). It’s a rare disease, and most of specialists are unfamiliar with it, including oncologists and urologists. Thus, the conducted research has practical importance as it may improve diagnostics and treatment of patients with this oncological pathology


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    The results of the experimental study of immune response of human skin malignant melanoma cells Mel 226 on photodynamic exposure are represented in the article. Photoinduced apoptosis of skin malignant melanoma was studied in vitro. The study showed that irradiation with the agent fotoditazin at dose of 0.5–2.5 µg/ml (6 and 10 min exposure 30 min before irradiation; irradiation parameters: wavelength of 662 nm, total light dose from 40 to 60 J/cm2) induced early apoptosis. The increase of the time of laser irradiation significantly accelerates the conversion of photosensitized tumor cells from early to late apoptosis