22 research outputs found
Automatic continuity, unique Polish topologies, and Zariski topologies on monoids and clones
In this paper we explore the extent to which the algebraic structure of a
monoid determines the topologies on that are compatible with its
multiplication. Specifically we study the notions of automatic continuity;
minimal Hausdorff or Polish semigroup topologies; and we formulate a notion of
the Zariski topology for monoids.
If is a topological monoid such that every homomorphism from to a
second countable topological monoid is continuous, then we say that has
\emph{automatic continuity}. We show that many well-known monoids have
automatic continuity with respect to a natural semigroup topology, namely: the
full transformation monoid ; the full binary relation
monoid ; the partial transformation monoid ;
the symmetric inverse monoid ; the monoid Inj
consisting of the injective functions on ; and the monoid
of continuous functions on the Cantor set.
We show that the pointwise topology on , and its
analogue on , are the unique Polish semigroup topologies on
these monoids. The compact-open topology is the unique Polish semigroup
topology on and . There are at least 3
Polish semigroup topologies on , but a unique Polish inverse
semigroup topology. There are no Polish semigroup topologies
nor on the partitions monoids. At the other extreme, Inj and the
monoid Surj of all surjective functions on each have
infinitely many distinct Polish semigroup topologies. We prove that the Zariski
topologies on , , and Inj
coincide with the pointwise topology; and we characterise the Zariski topology
on . In Section 7: clones.Comment: 51 pages (Section 7 about clones was added in version 4
Topological Graph Inverse Semigroups
To every directed graph one can associate a \emph{graph inverse semigroup} , where elements roughly correspond to possible paths in . These semigroups generalize polycylic monoids, and they arise in the study of Leavitt path algebras, Cohn path algebras, Cuntz-Krieger -algebras, and Toeplitz -algebras. We investigate topologies that turn into a topological semigroup. For instance, we show that in any such topology that is Hausdorff, must be discrete for any directed graph . On the other hand, need not be discrete in a Hausdorff semigroup topology, and for certain graphs , admits a semigroup topology in which is not discrete. We also describe, in various situations, the algebraic structure and possible cardinality of the closure of in larger topological semigroups.Peer reviewe
Generating continuous mappings with Lipschitz mappings
If X is a metric space, then C-X and L-X denote the semigroups of continuous and Lipschitz mappings, respectively, from X to itself. The relative rank of C-X modulo L-X is the least cardinality of any set U\L-X where U generates C-X. For a large class of separable metric spaces X we prove that the relative rank of C-X modulo L-X is uncountable. When X is the Baire space N-N, this rank is N-1. A large part of the paper emerged from discussions about the necessity of the assumptions imposed on the class of spaces from the aforementioned results.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Generating transformation semigroups using endomorphisms of preorders, graphs, and tolerances
Let ΩΩ be the semigroup of all mappings of a countably infinite set Ω. If U and V are subsemigroups of ΩΩ, then we write U≈V if there exists a finite subset F of ΩΩ such that the subsemigroup generated by U and F equals that generated by V and F. The relative rank of U in ΩΩ is the least cardinality of a subset A of ΩΩ such that the union of U and A generates ΩΩ. In this paper we study the notions of relative rank and the equivalence ≈ for semigroups of endomorphisms of binary relations on Ω. The semigroups of endomorphisms of preorders, bipartite graphs, and tolerances on Ω are shown to lie in two equivalence classes under ≈. Moreover such semigroups have relative rank 0, 1, 2, or d in ΩΩ where d is the minimum cardinality of a dominating family for NN. We give examples of preorders, bipartite graphs, and tolerances on Ω where the relative ranks of their endomorphism semigroups in ΩΩ are 0, 1, 2, and d. We show that the endomorphism semigroups of graphs, in general, fall into at least four classes under ≈ and that there exist graphs where the relative rank of the endomorphism semigroup is 2ℵ0.PostprintPeer reviewe
Patch colorings and rigid colorings of the rational n-space
AbstractWe investigate k-colorings of the rational n-space, Qn, such that any two points at distance one get distinct colors. Two types of colorings are considered: patch colorings where the colors occupy open sets with parts of their boundary, and rigid colorings which uniquely extend from any open subset of Qn. We prove that the existence of a patch k-coloring of Qn implies the existence of a k-coloring of Rn. We show that every 2-coloring of Q2 or Q3, and every 4-coloring of Q4 is rigid. We also construct a rigid 3-coloring of Q2
Totally positive matrices and totally positive hypergraphs
AbstractA real matrix is totally positive if all its minors are nonnegative. In this paper, we characterize 0–1 matrices that can be transformed into totally positive matrices by permutations of rows and columns