38 research outputs found

    Karyotyping and number of chromosomes of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)

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    Karyotype and number of chromosomes of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) were determined by using tissue-squashing method and gimsa staining. In this experiment 80 larvae and 10 fingerlings (weighting 1-8 g) were examined and totally 30 chromosomal slides were prepared. The obtain results indicated that the number of chromosomes in this species was found 2n=48 (with 88 chromosomal arms). Consist of 6 pairs metacentric (M), 14 pairs submetacentric (SM) and 4 pairs of Acrocentric (A). The karyotype formula can be stated as: (6M + 14SM + 4A)

    Aspect oriented implementation of design patterns using metadata

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    Computer programming paradigms aim to provide better separation of concerns. Aspect oriented programming extends object oriented programming by managing crosscutting concerns using aspects. Two of the most important critics of aspect oriented programming are the “tyranny of the dominant signature” and lack of visibility of program's flow. Metadata, in form of Java annotations, is a solution to both problems. Design patterns are assumed as the general solutions for Object-Oriented matters. They assist in software complexity management and serve as a bridge among software designers as well. These properties have led the patterns to be introduced as a choice in order to prove new technologies. Successful implementations share a generic solution: the usage of annotation to configure and mark the participants, while the pattern's code is encapsulated in aspects. This loses the coupling between aspects and type signatures and between the code base and a specific AOP framework. Also, it increases the developer's awareness of the program's flow. In the present article, aspect oriented programming and design patterns are introduced and also taking the benefit of annotation equipment in java language is proposed as a solution to reduce tight coupling and increase program flow observation rate for aspect oriented programming. Keywords: aspect oriented programming, design patterns, object oriented programming, metadata

    Scorpion fauna (Arachnida: Scorpiones) in Darmian county, Iran (2015-2016)

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    Background and purpose: Venomous bite and specific morphological features of scorpions are the most important reasons for paying attention to scorpions. Anxiety and stress caused by scorpions and their stings are amongst the important health issues in many countries especially in Iran. This study was conducted on scorpions’ fauna in Darmian County, South Khorasan province, Iran. Materials and methods: In this study, 21 districts in Darmian were sampled including plains, mountains, residential, non-residential, rural and urban areas. Sampling effort was conducted monthly in 2015-16. Scorpions were collected by actively searching in day and night using pitfall trap. The specimens were identified by appropriate identification keys. Results: Totally 685 specimens were collected. Five species including Mesobuthus eupeus, M. caucasicus Androctonus crassicauda, Orthochirus scrobiculosus, and Compsobuthus matthiesseni were identified from Butidae family. The most frequent species was M. eupeus (n= 373, 54.5%), while A. crassicauda (n= 22, 3.2%) was recognized as the least frequency species. Conclusion: Androctonus crassicauda (black scorpion) was found as the most dangerous species in Iran, so, alongside care programs for scorpionism in Darmian, prescription of anti-scorpion serum in cases stung by scorpion should be done by considering the coloring of scorpion and residential area of injured person. © 2016, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Relationship between using cell phone and the risk of accident with motor vehicles: An analytical cross-sectional study

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    Purpose: Traffic accidents are one of the major health problems in the world, being the first cause of burden of illness and the second leading cause of death in Iran. The Sistan-Baluchestan province is one of the most accidental provinces of Iran with the highest rate of accidents-caused deaths. This study was conducted to determine the risk factors associated with traffic accidents in Zahedan through 2013 to 2016. Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was carried out on 223 drivers from Zahedan who were traumatized by traffic accident and sent to Zahedan hospitals. The data were obtained through interviews taken by the trained interviewers via refereeing to the medical records and collected in the researcher-made checklist. Census was obtained from the study subjects. For data analysis, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-square and logistic regression were used with the Stata software version 11.0. Results: In this study, 223 male subjects with the mean age of (32.54 ± 12.95) years, 39.8 single and 60.2 married, entered for investigation. Most accidents (38.8) occurred between 12:00 to 17:59. While driving, 47.1 of the study subjects were using cell phones, 89.1 had manual use of mobile phones, 21.9 had a habit of sending short message service (SMS) and 23.4 had sent SMS within 10 min before the accident. The one way analysis of variance showed that the mean age of individuals with marital status, driving experience, education and accident with motorcycle were significantly different (p < 0.05). Also, the multivariate logistic regression test indicated a significant relationship of smoking, ethnicity, insurance and SMS typing while driving with motorcycle accident (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, SMS and smoking while driving had the highest risk among the variables studied in the motorcycle accidents. Therefore, effective education attempting to enhance people's awareness about the consequences of using cell phone and smoking during driving to reduce traffic accidents seems necessary. © 2020 Chinese Medical Associatio

    Evaluation of Chemical and Mineralogical Transformation of Iron in Different Soils in Saturated and Field Capacity Conditions

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    Introduction: Redox potential is one of the most important factors affecting on the solubility of iron minerals in soil. Decreasing redox potential in soil reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+, thereby affecting on solubility of Fe minerals. Application of organic matter to soil under waterlogging condition, decrease redox potential and as a consequence, accelerate the transformation of Fe minerals. The objectives of this study were: 1- The effect of waterlogging on the soluble total Fe concentration and transformation of Fe minerals in different soil pH values. 2- The indirect effects of organic matter on solubility of Fe minerals by changing the redox potential of the soils. Materials and Methods: A study was conducted to determine the effects of redox potential on solubility of Fe and transformation of Fe minerals during the time. Four agricultural soils were selected from different regions of Iran. The soil samples were treated with 0 (C)and 2% (O) alfalfa powder and then incubated for 12 weeks under 60% Field capacity (F) and waterlogged conditions (S). Subsamples were taken after 1and 12 weeks of incubation and the redox potential, pH value, electrical conductivity (EC), soluble cations (such as Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+) and anions (such as Cl-, SO42-, PO43- and NO3- ) and soluble Fe concentrations in the subsamples were measured. Concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ species in soil solution were also predicted using Visual MINTEQ speciation program. Mineralogical transformation of Fe minerals was also determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. Results and Discussion: The results in 60% Field capacity condition showed that pH value by organic matter (alfalfa powder) application (OF) increased significantly (p≤ 0.05) in acid and neutral soils and decreased in calcareous soils when compared to the control (CF). Organic matter is usually capable of lowering pH of alkaline soils by releasing hydrogen ions associated with organic anions or by nitrification in an open system. On the other hand, it may cause pH to increase in the acid soils either by mineralization of organic acids to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (thereby removing H+) or by the alkaline nature of the organic residues. This treatment increased soluble total Fe concentration in all soils. It is clear that decomposition of organic matter cause to produce soluble organic compounds and form soluble complexes with Fe, thereby increasing soluble total Fe concentration. Waterlogging (CS) decreased redox potential of the soils gradually with the incubation time, especially in the neutral soil and alfalfa powder application (OS) accelerated this decreasing redox potential. The decrease rates by waterlogging in acid, neutral and two calcareous soils were 2, 3.6, 1.5 and 1.7folds, respectively compared to the control. The soluble total Fe concentration in CS compared to CF treatment increased significantly (p≤ 0.05) in all soils except in acid soil. This increasing was continued with time in all soils except in neutral soil. An important point that OS compared to CS treatment enhanced the soluble total Fe in acid and neutral soils, whereas decreased it in both calcareous soils. However, soluble total Fe increased during the incubation time in all soils except in neutral soil. The increase rates in week 12 relative to week 1were 3.4, 2.2 and 1.8 folds in acid and two calcareous soils, respectively. The decrease of soluble total Fe in the neutral soil is probably attributed to more severe decrease of redox potential in the soil when compared to the other soils. The solubility diagrams and X-ray diffraction results confirmed the formation of pyrite in the acid and neutral soils and the formation of siderite in one of the calcareous soils. Conclusion: In aerobic condition, organic matter application increased the concentration of soluble total Fe and changed Fe-controlling mineral from soil-Fe to amorphous Fe. Waterlogging decreased redox potential and Fe-controlling mineral changed to pyrite and/or siderite, depending on CO2 pressure and pH value of the soils. It might be pointed out that severe reduction of the redox potential decreases soluble Fe through the formation of insoluble Fe minerals such as Fe sulfides. It is concluded that waterlogging soils can provide available Fe to the plant, though severe decrease of redox potential, by application of organic mater, may decrease Fe availability

    Rapid Detection of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by PCR Method Using Specific Primers of Quorum Sensing LasI gene

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    Abstract Background & aim: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic nosocomial pathogen that due to having intrinsic and acquired resistance to common antibiotics, mortality due to infections is very common. Therefore, early and accurate identification of bacteria could be effective in controlling infections and deaths. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a rapid method with high sensitivity and specificity based on polymerase chain reaction using gene-specific primers quorum sensing LasI system for detection of bacteria. Methods: In this study, the comparison between the results of culture and PCR for the diagnosis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical samples and other bacterial species were carried out. 40 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from isolated clinical specimens were identified and confirmed by biochemical tests. LasI gene specific primers were designed using bioinformatics analysis. Sequence of this gene was amplified techniques after extraction of bacterial genome. The specificity of PCR tests with DNA from of different species, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae were evaluated. A different dilution of the bacterial genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was used in PCR to evaluate the sensitivity of primer. Data were analyzed by t-test Results: The results indicated that the PCR test result was positive for all strains of P. aeruginosa isolates however, PCR test results were negative for the four other bacteria. Even at 10-5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome concentration, PCR test was positive for all isolated strains Conclusion: This study showed that the primers designed for detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using PCR, had higher sensitivity and specificity compared to previous methods. Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PCR, Quorum sensing, Las

    Comparision between therapeutic efficacy of terbinafine and ketoconazole in Tinea versicolor

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    Background and Objective: Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin caused by the dimorphic lipophilic yeast Pityrosporum orbicular (Malassezia furfur). Lesions begin as multiple small, circular macules of various colors. The upper trunk is most commonly affected due to the side effects of oral treatment and drug resistance, this study was done to compare the therapeutic efficacy of topical terbinafine versus topical ketoconazole in Tinea versicolor. Materials and Methods: This Randomized double blind clinical trial study was conducted between 2008-09. Sixty nine patients with a clinical diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor confirmed by microscopic potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination were taken for the study. Patients randomly divided into 2 treatment groups: 35 patients in terbinafine group, treated by terbinafine 1% once daily for 2 weeks and 34 patients in ketoconazole group, treated with ketoconazole 2% once daily for 2 weeks. Five patients of terbinafine and 4 patients of ketoconazole groups were excluded due to lack of follow-up. Patients were followed up at monthly intervals for 3 months and recurrence and cure rate for each subject were recorded. Data was analyzed by SPSS-16, t student and Chi-Square test. Results: The mean moderate cure rate obtained one month after treatment was 20% in terbinafine group versus 3.3% in ketoconazole group, and there was no any significant difference between two groups. The mean moderate cure rate two month after treatment was 67.7% in terbinafine group and 60% in ketoconazole group (P<0.05). The mean complete cure rate three month after treatment was 73.3% in terbinafine group and 10% in ketoconazole group (P<0.05). The percent of positive KOH examination, three month after treatment was 10% in terbinafine group and 36.7% in ketoconazole group (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that terbinafin is more effective than ketoconazole in treatment of tinea versicolor


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    Urban heat island is one of the most vital environmental risks in urban areas. The advent of remote sensing technology provides better visibility due to the integrated view, low-cost, fast and effective way to study and monitor environmental and humanistic changes. The aim of this study is a spatiotemporal evaluation of land use changes and the heat island in the time period of 1985-2015 for the studied area in the city of Babol. For this purpose, multi-temporal Landsat images were used in this study. For calculating the land surface temperature (LST), single-channel and maximum likelihood algorithms were used, to classify Images. Therefore, land use changes and LST were examined, and thereby the relationship between land-use changes was analyzed with the normalized LST. By using the average and standard deviation of normalized thermal images, the area was divided into five temperature categories, inter alia, very low, low, medium, high and very high and then, the heat island changes in the studied time period were investigated. The results indicate that land use changes for built-up lands increased by 92%, and a noticeable decrease was observed for agricultural lands. The Built-up land changes trend has direct relation with the trend of normalized surface temperature changes. Low and very low-temperature categories which follow a decreasing trend, are related to lands far away from the city. Also, high and very high-temperature categories whose areas increase annually, are adjacent to the city center and exit ways of the town. The results emphasize on the importance of attention of urban planners and managers to the urban heat island as an environmental risk