14 research outputs found

    Indoor 3D Video Monitoring Using Multiple Kinect Depth-Cameras

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    Clasificación de movimientos del tren superior con visión artificial y aprendizaje profundo en adulto sano y paciente pediátrico con parálisis cerebral

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    Las escalas clínicas estándar se utilizan para valorar de forma cualitativa la funcionalidad del miembro superior en pacientes pediátricos con parálisis cerebral. Una alternativa para valorar cuantitativamente dichos pacientes es el empleo de ángulos articulares obtenidos mediante el uso de sistemas de adquisición con sensores inerciales o visión artificial. En este trabajo se ha adquirido una base de datos de movimientos de miembro superior empleando sensores XSens y software de visión OpenCap en adulto sano y paciente pediátrico, seleccionando las actividades en base a las escalas estándar empleadas por el equipo rehabilitador. Se han estudiado redes de aprendizaje profundo para segmentar de forma automática los movimientos y las fases de un movimiento más complejo, combinación de movimientos unimanuales y bimanuales. Los resultados muestran que es posible reconocer movimientos de la vida diaria y que es posible segmentar las fases de una actividad de miembro superior tanto en sujetos sanos como patológicos, obteniendo una F1-score superior al 80%. Estos resultados sugieren que las redes neuronales desarrolladas son capaces de clasificar y segmentar los movimientos propuestos de miembro superior en sujeto sano y paciente pediátrico con parálisis cerebral.Esta investigación ha sido financiada parcialmente por proyectos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (124515OA-100), la Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (GRS 2670/A/22) y la Consejería de Empleo e Industria de Castilla y León (INVESTUN/21/VA/0003). C. Simón-Martínez cuenta con el apoyo del acuerdo de subvención Marie Sklodowska-Curie (890641)

    Effect of alkoxysilane on early age hydration in portland cement pastes

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    14 pags., 12 figs., 5 tabs.Silanes added during mortar or concrete preparation, may modify the fresh state properties, hydration kinetics and mechanical strength of the final product. The effects of silanes on cement hydration have been widely studied in the literature, however, there is some controversy about its effect at short ages. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of a TEOS-based alkoxysilane (UCA-T), produced by ultrasound-assisted pre-hydrolysis of an oligomeric precursor, on early age cement paste hydration. The nature of the processes modifying the various stages of cement hydration kinetics in the presence of the alkoxysilane was ascertained by analysing paste composition at several ages (defined on the grounds of calorimetric curve results) using XRD, TG-DTG, FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. The calorimetric curve of pastes containing UCA-T exhibited a new early age, pre-induction period exothermal peak, indicative of UCA-T hydrolysis, C3A and C3S dissolution and ettringite and C–S–H gel precipitation. Portlandite, however, did not precipitate but reacts with the Si(OH)4 sourced from UCA-T hydrolysis to generate further C–S–H gel. The induction period following on that new exothermal peak was considerably longer than the period observed in the reference cement, an effect that intensified at higher UCA-T content.This study was funded by the European Union’s Horizon H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 760858. Funding was also received from the Regional Government of Madrid, (S2018/NMT-4372 TOP Heritage-CM Programme). The support received from the CSIC’s PTI-PAIS network during the roll-out of both projects is likewise gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Altered insulin secretion dynamics relate to oxidative stress and inflammasome activation in children with obesity and insulin resistance

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    Abstract Background Insulin resistance (IR) is considered the main driver of obesity related metabolic complications, and is related to oxidative stress and inflammation, which in turn promote each other. There is currently no specific definition of IR in children, rather, that for adult population is used by pediatric endocrinologists instead. Altered insulin secretion dynamics are associated with worse metabolic profiles and type 2 diabetes mellitus development, thus we aimed to test whether insulin response relates to oxidative stress and inflammation in children. Methods We conducted a case–control study, including 132 children classified as follows: 33 children without obesity (Lean); 42 with obesity but no IR according to the American Diabetes Association criteria for adults (OBIR-); 25 with obesity and IR and an early insulin response to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) (EP-OBIR +); 32 with obesity, IR, and a late insulin peak (LP-OBIR +); and studied variables associated with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and inflammasome activation. Results The measured parameters of children with obesity, IR, and an early insulin response were similar to those of children with obesity but without IR. It was late responders who presented an impaired antioxidant system and elevated oxidative damage in erythrocytes and plasma, and inflammasome activation at their white blood cells, despite lower classical inflammation markers. Increased uric acid levels seems to be one of the underlying mechanisms for inflammasome activation. Conclusions It is insulin response to an OGTT that identifies children with obesity suffering oxidative stress and inflammasome activation more specifically. Uric acid could be mediating this pathological inflammatory response by activating NLRP3 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Graphical Abstrac