556 research outputs found

    La liturgia en la economía de la salvación. La perenne dialéctica entre mysterium, actio y vita y sus implicaciones teórico-prácticas.

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    A la luz de la economía salvífica, la interrelación entre la lex credendi, la lex orandi, y la lex vivendi encuentra su punto central justamente en la acción litúrgica. De este dato de hecho derivan varias consecuencias ya sea en relación con la consideración de la liturgia como actualización de la obra de la salvación, ya sea en orden a la necesidad de elaborar algunas perspectivas teológicas que consigan entrar en relación dialéctica con todos los demás ámbitos de la investigación teológica. Aquí se sitúa la específica aportación que emerge de la elaboración de una teología litúrgica y sobre todo del diálogo con ella sobre la base de Optatam totius 16. La Iglesia se renueva cuando la relación entre lex credendi, lex orandi y lex vivendi no sufre fracturas, cuando —al contrario— de la interacción lineal de las tres leges brota esa dinámica interior por medio de la cual la persona actúa al servicio del misterio de la Pascua

    Frequency dependence of microflows upon acoustic interactions with fluids

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    Rayleigh surface acoustic waves (SAWs), generated on piezoelectric substrates, can interact with liquids to generate fast streaming flows. Although studied extensively, mainly phenomenologically, the effect of the SAW frequency on streaming in fluids in constrained volumes is not fully understood, resulting in sub-optimal correlations between models and experimental observations. Using microfluidic structures to reproducibly define the fluid volume, we use recent advances modeling the body force generated by SAWs to develop a deeper understanding of the effect of acoustic frequency on the magnitude of streaming flows. We implement this as a new predictive tool using a finite element model of fluid motion to establish optimized conditions for streaming. The model is corroborated experimentally over a range of different acoustic excitation frequencies enabling us to validate a design tool, linking microfluidic channel dimensions with frequencies and streaming efficiencies. We show that in typical microfluidic chambers, the length and height of the chamber are critical in determining the optimum frequency, with smaller geometries requiring higher frequencies

    Measuring storage and loss moduli using optical tweezers: broadband microrheology

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    We present an experimental procedure to perform broadband microrheological measurements with optical tweezers. A generalised Langevin equation is adopted to relate the time-dependent trajectory of a particle in an imposed flow to the frequency-dependent moduli of the complex fluid. This procedure allows us to measure the material linear viscoelastic properties across the widest frequency range achievable with optical tweezers.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Optical tweezers: wideband microrheology

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    Microrheology is a branch of rheology having the same principles as conventional bulk rheology, but working on micron length scales and micro-litre volumes. Optical tweezers have been successfully used with Newtonian fluids for rheological purposes such as determining fluid viscosity. Conversely, when optical tweezers are used to measure the viscoelastic properties of complex fluids the results are either limited to the material's high-frequency response, discarding important information related to the low-frequency behavior, or they are supplemented by low-frequency measurements performed with different techniques, often without presenting an overlapping region of clear agreement between the sets of results. We present a simple experimental procedure to perform microrheological measurements over the widest frequency range possible with optical tweezers. A generalised Langevin equation is used to relate the frequency-dependent moduli of the complex fluid to the time-dependent trajectory of a probe particle as it flips between two optical traps that alternately switch on and off.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Special Issue of the Journal of Optic

    A one-step procedure to probe the viscoelastic properties of cells by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    The increasingly recognised importance of viscoelastic properties of cells in pathological conditions requires rapid development of advanced cell microrheology technologies. Here, we present a novel Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-microrheology (AFM2) method for measuring the viscoelastic properties in living cells, over a wide range of continuous frequencies (0.005 Hz ~ 200 Hz), from a simple stress-relaxation nanoindentation. Experimental data were directly analysed without the need for pre-conceived viscoelastic models. We show the method had an excellent agreement with conventional oscillatory bulk-rheology measurements in gels, opening a new avenue for viscoelastic characterisation of soft matter using minute quantity of materials (or cells). Using this capability, we investigate the viscoelastic responses of cells in association with cancer cell invasive activity modulated by two important molecular regulators (i.e. mutation of the p53 gene and Rho kinase activity). The analysis of elastic (G′(ω)) and viscous (G″(ω)) moduli of living cells has led to the discovery of a characteristic transitions of the loss tangent (G″(ω)/G′(ω)) in the low frequency range (0.005 Hz ~ 0.1 Hz) that is indicative of the capability for cell restructuring of F-actin network. Our method is ready to be implemented in conventional AFMs, providing a simple yet powerful tool for measuring the viscoelastic properties of living cells

    Dynamics of semi-flexible polymer solutions in the highly entangled regime

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    We present experimental evidence that the effective medium approximation (EMA), developed by D.C. Morse [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 031502, (2001)], provides the correct scaling law of the macroscopic plateau modulus G0ρ4/3Lp1/3G^{0}\propto\rho^{4/3}L^{-1/3}_{p} (where ρ\rho is the contour length per unit volume and LpL_{p} is the persistence length) of semi-flexible polymer solutions, in the highly entangled concentration regime. Competing theories, including a self-consistent binary collision approximation (BCA), have instead predicted G0ρ7/5Lp1/5G^{0}\propto\rho^{7/5}L^{-1/5}_{p}. We have tested both the EMA and BCA scaling predictions using actin filament (F-actin) solutions which permit experimental control of LpL_p independently of other parameters. A combination of passive video particle tracking microrheology and dynamic light scattering yields independent measurements of the elastic modulus GG and LpL_{p} respectively. Thus we can distinguish between the two proposed laws, in contrast to previous experimental studies, which focus on the (less discriminating) concentration functionality of GG.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted

    Direct conversion of rheological compliance measurements into storage and loss moduli

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    We remove the need for Laplace/inverse-Laplace transformations of experimental data, by presenting a direct and straightforward mathematical procedure for obtaining frequency-dependent storage and loss moduli (G(ω)G'(\omega) and G"(ω)G"(\omega) respectively), from time-dependent experimental measurements. The procedure is applicable to ordinary rheological creep (stress-step) measurements, as well as all microrheological techniques, whether they access a Brownian mean-square displacement, or a forced compliance. Data can be substituted directly into our simple formula, thus eliminating traditional fitting and smoothing procedures that disguise relevant experimental noise.Comment: 4 page

    La Sindrome del Burn-out: responsabilità professionale e profili giuridici

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    The Author, after a rapid clinic and gnoseologic setting of the BOS (Burn-Out Syndrome), and particularly focusing on the etiologic features and the relational peculiarities, discusses the clinic case of a 36 years-old nurse affected by BOS, analyzing and evaluating its medico-legal aspects, particularly referring it to professional responsibility. Subsequently, some normative important references are proposed as to give a more exhaustive comprehension of the case and of its concerning legal implications. Finally, some useful management and legal general indications are provided to prevent this currently fast growing occupational-related phenomenon

    Lipid topology and linear cationic antimicrobial peptides: a novel mechanistic model

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    The dataset is a dedicated LabVIEW virtual instrument, for the analysis of dye-efflux dynamics. The instrument is capable of automatically extracting the apparent permeability from the leakage of encapsulated fluorescent markers, from within artificial cell systems