25 research outputs found

    Attosecond correlated electron dynamics at C<sub>60</sub> giant plasmon resonance

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    Fullerenes have unique physical and chemical properties that are associated with their delocalized conjugated electronic structure. Among them, there is a giant ultra-broadband - and therefore ultrafast - plasmon resonance, which for C60 is in the extreme-ultraviolet energy range. While this peculiar resonance has attracted considerable interest for the potential downscaling of nanoplasmonic applications such as sensing, drug delivery and photocatalysis at the atomic level, its electronic character has remained elusive. The ultrafast decay time of this collective excitation demands attosecond techniques for real-time access to the photoinduced dynamics. Here, we uncover the role of electron correlations in the giant plasmon resonance of C60 by employing attosecond photoemission chronoscopy. We find a characteristic photoemission delay of up to 200 attoseconds pertaining to the plasmon that is purely induced by coherent large-scale correlations. This result provides novel insight into the quantum nature of plasmonic resonances, and sets a benchmark for advancing nanoplasmonic applications

    Field-free orientation of CO molecules by femtosecond two-color laser fields

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    We report the first experimental observation of non-adiabatic field-free orientation of a heteronuclear diatomic molecule (CO) induced by an intense two-color (800 and 400 nm) femtosecond laser field. We monitor orientation by measuring fragment ion angular distributions after Coulomb explosion with an 800 nm pulse. The orientation of the molecules is controlled by the relative phase of the two-color field. The results are compared to quantum mechanical rigid rotor calculations. The demonstrated method can be applied to study molecular frame dynamics under field-free conditions in conjunction with a variety of spectroscopy methods, such as high-harmonic generation, electron diffraction and molecular frame photoemission

    Large-Angle Electron Diffraction Structure in Laser-Induced Rescattering from Rare Gases

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    We have measured full momentum images of electrons rescattered from Xe, Kr, and Ar following the liberation of the electrons from these atoms by short, intense laser pulses. At high momenta the spectra show angular structure (diffraction) which is very target dependent and in good agreement with calculated differential cross sections for the scattering of free electrons from the corresponding ionic cores

    Angular asymmetry and attosecond time delay from the giant plasmon resonance in C-60 photoionization

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    This combined experimental and theoretical study demonstrates that the surface plasmon resonance in C-60 alters the valence photoemission quantum phase, resulting in strong effects in the photoelectron angular distribution and emission time delay. Electron momentum imaging spectroscopy is used to measure the photoelectron angular distribution asymmetry parameter that agrees well with our calculations from the time-dependent local density approximation (TDLDA). Significant structure in the valence photoemission time delay is simultaneously calculated by TDLDA over the plasmon active energies. Results reveal a unified spatial and temporal asymmetry pattern driven by the plasmon resonance and offer a sensitive probe of electron correlation. A semiclassical approach facilitates further insights into this link that can be generalized and applied to other molecular systems and nanometer-sized metallic materials exhibiting plasmon resonances

    Dissociation dynamics of noble-gas dimers in intense two-color IR laser fields

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    We numerically model the dissociation dynamics of the noble-gas dimer ions He[subscript 2]+, Ne[subscript 2]+, Ar[subscript 2]+, Kr[subscript 2]+, and Xe[subscript 2]+ in ultrashort pump and probe laser pulses of different wavelengths. Our calculations reveal a distinguished “gap” in the kinetic energy spectra, observed experimentally for the Ar[subscript 2] dimer [ J. Wu et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 033005 (2013)], for all noble-gas dimers for appropriate wavelength combinations. This striking phenomenon can be explained by the dissociation of dimer ions on dipole-coupled Born-Oppenheimer adiabatic potential curves. Comparing pump-probe-pulse-delay-dependent kinetic-energy-release spectra for different noble-gas dimer cations of increasing mass, we discuss increasingly prominent (i) fine-structure effects in and (ii) classical aspects of the nuclear vibrational motion

    Dissociation dynamics of diatomic molecules in intense laser fields: a scheme for the selection of relevant adiabatic potential curves

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    We investigated the nuclear dynamics of diatomic molecular ions in intense laser fields by analyzing their fragment kinetic-energy release (KER) spectra as a function of the pump-probe delay Ď„ . Within the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation, we calculated ab initio adiabatic potential-energy curves and their electric dipole couplings, using the quantum chemistry code GAMESS. By comparing simulated KER spectra as a function of either Ď„ or the vibrational quantum-beat frequency for the nuclear dynamics on both individual and dipole-coupled BO potential curves with measured spectra, we developed a scheme for identifying electronic states that are relevant for the dissociation dynamics. We applied this scheme to investigate the nuclear dynamics in O[subscript 2][superscript +] ions that are produced by ionization of neutral O[subscript 2] molecules in an ultrashort infrared (IR) pump pulse and dissociate due to the dipole coupling of molecular potential curves in a delayed IR probe laser field

    Following dynamic nuclear wave packets in N2,O2, and CO with few-cycle infrared pulses

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    We study the evolution of nuclear wave packets launched in molecular nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon monoxide by intense 8-fs infrared pulses. We use velocity map imaging to measure the momentum of the ion fragments when these wave packets are interrogated by a second such pulse after a variable time delay. Both quasibound and dissociative wave packets are observed. For the former, measurements of bound-state oscillations are used to identify the participating states and, in some cases, extract properties of the relevant potential-energy surfaces. Vibrational structure is resolved in both energy and oscillation frequencies for the cations of oxygen and carbon monoxide, displaying the same quantum wave-packet motion in both energy and time domains. In addition, vibrational structure is seen in the dication of carbon monoxide in a situation where the energy resolution by itself is inadequate to resolve the structure