228 research outputs found

    Core-shell pigments based on microcalcite with phosphate and phosphonate/amine shells

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    © 2018, International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. All rights reserved. The use of corrosion inhibitors in the paint materials is an important task, since inhibitors often cannot be included individually in the paint formulation directly. In this case, corrosion inhibitor having a high affinity to the surface of a substrate and a plasticizing effect in relation to the film-forming base of the formed coating can have a negative impact on its adhesion and physical and mechanical properties. One of the ways to eliminate this disadvantage is the use of immobilized inhibitors, in particular those associated with the surface of high-dispersed cheap fillers. In this case, sorption, conversion, and other thin surface shells of inhibitor can be formed. While introducing such core-shell pigments into the composition of the paint material and, accordingly, into the coating, bound-to-surface inhibitor does not have the abovementioned negative effect on the properties of coating. When a moisture penetrates into the volume of a paint film, inhibitor is extracted from a shell under its hydrolytic effects, and it diffuses towards the surface of the substrate, where an inhibition action is going on. In this work, microcalcite was used as the core upon receiving core-shell pigments, while as inhibitors ester of phosphoric acid and aliphatic alcohol, as well as oxyethylidenediphosphonic acid and amine adducts (aniline, polyethylene polyamine, aliphatic amine C13) were used. The individual inhibitory properties of the listed compounds, the effect of the shell formation on a dispersibility of calcite in alkyd varnish for the preparation of filled paint and varnish materials, and barrier and anticorrosion properties of coatings formed on their basis were investigated

    Anticorrosive properties of epoxy coatings, impregnated with manganese-containing pigments

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    © Research India Publications 2015. Most inhibiting pigments, imparting high anticonosive properties to the primer modern metal materials, contain extremely oxidated chromium, and as a consequence, are toxic. Search for low-toxic pigments comparable on the effectiveness of the protective effect with chioiniuin-containing pigments remains today an urgent task. As a film-forming material, it was used the epoxy oligomer E-40 being widely applicable in the paint industry epoxy, for which, polyethylene polyamine served as a hardener. Calcining calcium manganite, manganite-co-precipitated calcium silicate, and manganese blue were chosen as anticonosive pigments, the properties of anticonosi\*e coating on the basis of epoxy oligomer E-40 pigmented with manganese compounds were investigated. It has been found that inclusion of the synthesized pigment into composition of coatings enhances their ability to inhibit undei’film corrosion of steel. It has been proposed compounds of anticonosive primers on the effectiveness of protective action, surpassing industrial counterparts. The paper investigates influence of the content and nature of manganese anticonosive pigments on the protective properties of epoxy coatings. It has been shown that in the region of pigmentation below the critical, there is an increase of auticonosion efficiency of coatings. It has been evaluated the critical volume content of pigment, developed the formulations of primers, coatings on the basis of which the effectiveness of corrosion exceed the industry analogue

    Endothelial Dysfunction as a Consequence of Endothelial Glycocalyx Damage: A Role in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia

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    The endothelial glycocalyx is an intravascular compartment which consists of carbohydrate part of membrane glycoconjugates, free proteoglycans and associated proteins. It is thought to play an important role in the vascular tone regulation, vascular permeability and thromboresistance. It was suggested that the leading cause of endothelial dysfunction in various cardiovascular, inflammatory, and kidney diseases is the damage of the endothelial glycocalyx. This review presents the changes in the composition and structure of the endothelial glycocalyx in the settings of damage and under systemic inflammatory response, and the impact of these changes on the functions of endothelial cells and intercellular contacts, mediating the interaction of endothelium and the immune cells. The second issue, discussed in this article is a possible role of endothelial glycocalyx in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia—a complication of pregnancy associated with hypertension, proteinuria and edema. The reviewed data contribute a new insight in the endothelial dysfunction pathogenesis

    The study of organogel formation with cyclo(leucyl-leucine) by the AFM method

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    This work was supported by the ministry of education and science of russian federation [grant №14.y26.31.0019

    Oath as a pragmalinguistic phenomenon of the professional discourse

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    The article presents the author's view on pragmatic and linguistic parameters of the oath as a performative speech genre, the authors identified and analyzed components of oath as a communicative act: con-situation, semantic context, presupposition and speech. The comparative analysis of Russian and English texts of oaths revealed isomorphism of the composition of an oath as a non-fiction type of text comprising three parts: introduction (predominantly realized in an introductory phrase), the main part and conclusion. The analysis pursued demonstrated isomorphism of stylistic means of Russian and English texts of the oath manifesting itself in repetitive infinitives, the main function of which is to focus on the actions of the sender and adherence to professional duty

    Comparative analysis of methanogenic communities in different laboratory-scale anaerobic digesters

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    © 2016 Ayrat M. Ziganshin et al.Comparative analysis of methanogenic archaea compositions and dynamics in 11 laboratory-scale continuous stirred tank reactors fed with different agricultural materials (chicken manure, cattle manure, maize straw, maize silage, distillers grains, and Jatropha press cake) was carried out by analysis of the methyl coenzyme-M reductase -subunit (mcrA) gene. Various taxa within Methanomicrobiales, Methanobacteriaceae, Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and Methanomassiliicoccales were detected in the biogas reactors but in different proportions depending on the substrate type utilized as well as various process parameters. Improved coverage and higher taxonomic resolution of methanogens were obtained compared to a previous 16S rRNA gene based study of the same reactors. Some members of the genus Methanoculleus positively correlated with the relative methane content, whereas opposite correlations were found for Methanobacterium. Specific biogas production was found to be significantly correlating with Methanosarcinaceae. Statistical analysis also disclosed that some members of the genus Methanoculleus positively correlated with the ammonia level, whereas the prevalence of Methanocorpusculum, Methanobacterium, and Methanosaeta was negatively correlated with this parameter. These results suggest that the application of methanogenic archaea adapted to specific feedstock might enhance the anaerobic digestion of such waste materials in full-scale biogas reactors

    AB0-incompatibility of mother and fetus: the role of anti-glycan alloantibodies in the hemolytic disease of newborns

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    The mother and fetus incompatibility due to Rh-factor, blood group or other blood factors can lead to hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDN). HDN is a clinical disease condition of the fetus and newborn as a result of hemolysis, when maternal IgG alloantibodies cross the placenta and destroy the red blood cells of the fetus and newborn. The child disease begins in utero and can dramatically increase immediately after birth. As a result, hyperbilirubinemia and anemia develop, that can lead to abortions, serious complications, or death of the neonates in the absence of proper therapy. The range of HDN has changed significantly now compared to previous decades. Half a century ago, HDN was considered an almost complete synonym of RhD-alloimmunization, and this was a frequent problem for newborns. By now due to the high effective of Rh-conflict prevention, immunological AB0-conflicts have become the most common cause of HDN. The review aimes to one of the main causes of jaundice and anemia in neonates at present, i.e. HDN due to immunological AB0-conflict of mother and newborn (AB0-HDN). The main participants of the AВ0- incompatibility mother and child are considered, namely A- and B-glycans, as well as the corresponding anti-glycan alloantibodies. Close attention is paid to the structure features of glycan alloantigens on the red blood cells of the fetus and adult. The possible correlation of the frequency and severity of HDN with the blood group of mother and child, as well as with the titer of maternal alloantibodies, has been considered. The influence of immunoglobulin G subclasses on the AB0-HDN development has been evaluated. In most cases, AB0-HDN appear when the mother has the blood group 0, and the fetus has the group A (subgroup A1) or the group B. Other rare incidences of AB0-incompatibility with severe course are occurred. As a whole the etiology of AB0-HDN is complex and the HDN severity is influenced by many factors. The authors have analyzed statistical data, as well as the prevalence of AB0-incompatibility and AB0-HDN in various regions of the world. Current approaches to the diagnosis of AB0-HDN are discussed in addition. By now the problems of AB0- HDN occurrence and developing of ways to overcome this disease remain relevant

    Lexical density as a complexity predictor: the case of Science and Social Studies textbooks

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    The presented study aims to study the lexical density, interpreted by the authors as an effective predictor of text complexity and calculated by the ratio of words of significant parts of speech to the common the number of words in the text. The study also aims to study the dynamics and correlations of the Flesch-Kincaid index (readability) with the lexical density in the texts of 12 textbooks on natural and social sciences, taught in grades 7-12 in American school

    Analysis of factors associated with sterile inflammation in women with pe receiving different antihypertensive treatment strategies

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    Systemic inflammation alongside endothelial dysfunction is considered to play a crucial role in PE pathogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction can be assessed by endothelial glycocalyx (eGC) damage. eGC is a superficial layer of cells associated with endothelial membrane that provides all endothelial cells functions. Its damage can be evaluated by the levels of its circulating components in blood. Patients with PE generally receive methyldopa (Dopegyt) solely or in combination with nifedipine (Cordaflex), and there is no understanding of their effect on proinflammatory state of blood vessels. Our study aimed to assess levels of IL-6, IL-18, TNFα, galektin-3 and homocysteine as well as levels of syndecan-1, eCG structural component, representing system inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction development in blood of women with early- and late-onset PE receiving different antihypertensive treatment strategies. Eighty-two patients were enrolled into this interventional longitudinal pilot study. The comparison group included 15 patients before 34 gestational weeks and 15 patients after 34 weeks. Study subgroup 1 included 12 patients with early- onset PE receiving Dopegyt solely and 16 patients with early-onset PE receiving Dopegyt together with Cordaflex. Study subgroup 2 included 12 patients with late-onset PE receiving Dopegyt solely and 12 patients with late-onset PE receiving combined therapy. As for early-onset PE, only IL-6 demonstrated statistically significant differences in patients receiving both treatment strategies compared to control. Proinflammatory state was more profound in late-onset PE. IL-6 levels were significantly increased in late-onset PE treated with Dopegyt. IL-6 and TNFa levels were significantly higher in late-onset PE patients treated with Dopegyt + Cordaflex compared to control. Syndecan-1 levels were statistically significantly higher in patients with early-onset PE treated with Dopegyt solely. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups despite elevated mean values of syndecan-1 in late-onset PE. Galectin-3 and homocysteine levels did not differ significantly between the groups, representing lack of pronounced inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction