1,017 research outputs found

    SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions -- further results

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    We calculate the string tension and part of the mass spectrum of SU(4) and SU(6) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions using lattice techniques. We combine these new results with older results for N=2,...,5 so as to obtain more accurate extrapolations to N=infinity. The qualitative conclusions of the earlier work are unchanged: SU(N) theories in 2+1 dimensions are linearly confining as N->infinity; the limit is achieved by keeping g.g.N fixed; SU(3), and even SU(2), are `close' to SU(infinity). We obtain more convincing evidence than before that the leading large-N correction is O(1/N.N). We look for the multiplication of states that one expects in simple flux loop models of glueballs, but find no evidence for this.Comment: 15 page

    SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions: exploring the approach to N = infinity

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    We calculate the string tension, K, and some of the lightest glueball masses, M, in 3+1 dimensional SU(N) lattice gauge theories for N=2,3,4,5 . From the continuum extrapolation of the lattice values, we find that the mass ratios, M/sqrt(K), appear to show a rapid approach to the large-N limit, and, indeed, can be described all the way down to SU(2) using just a leading O(1/NxN) correction. We confirm that the smooth large-N limit we find, is obtained by keeping a constant 't Hooft coupling. We also calculate the topological charge of the gauge fields. We observe that, as expected, the density of small-size instantons vanishes rapidly as N increases, while the topological susceptibility appears to have a non-zero N=infinity limit.Comment: Discussion on the correlation time of the topological charge improved and 1 figure added; other minor changes; conclusions unchanged. To appear on JHE

    The deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories

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    We report on our ongoing investigation of the deconfining phase transition in SU(4) and SU(6) gauge theories. We calculate the critical couplings while taking care to avoid the influence of a nearby bulk phase transition. We determine the latent heat of the phase transition and investigate the order and the strength of the transition at large N. We also report on our determination of the critical temperature expressed in units of the string tension in the large N limit.Comment: Lattice 2002 (nonzerot), 3 pages, 2 figure

    Topology and Confinement in SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    The large N limit of SU(N) gauge theories in 3+1 dimensions is investigated on the lattice by extrapolating results obtained for 2N52 \le N \le 5. A numerical determination of the masses of the lowest-lying glueball states and of the topological susceptibility in the limit NN\to\infty is provided. Ratios of the tensions of stable k-strings over the tension of the fundamental string are investigated in various regimes and the results are compared with expectations based on several scenarios -- in particular MQCD and Casimir scaling. While not conclusive at zero temperature in D=3+1, in the other cases investigated our data seem to favour the latter.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; talk presented by B. Lucini at Lattice2001(confinement

    Features of SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    We review recent lattice results for the large NN limit of SU(N) gauge theories. In particular, we focus on glueball masses, topology and its relation to chiral symmetry breaking (relevant for phenomenology), on the tension of strings connecting sources in higher representations of the gauge group (relevant for models of confinement and as a comparative ground for theories beyond the Standard Model) and on the finite temperature deconfinement phase transition (relevant for RHIC-like experiments). In the final part we present open challenges for the future.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; summary of the talk given by B. Lucini and the poster presented by U. Wenger at the conference "Confinement 2003

    Glueball masses in the large N limit

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    The lowest-lying glueball masses are computed in SU(NN) gauge theory on a spacetime lattice for constant value of the lattice spacing aa and for NN ranging from 3 to 8. The lattice spacing is fixed using the deconfinement temperature at temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T = 6. The calculation is conducted employing in each channel a variational ansatz performed on a large basis of operators that includes also torelon and (for the lightest states) scattering trial functions. This basis is constructed using an automatic algorithm that allows us to build operators of any size and shape in any irreducible representation of the cubic group. A good signal is extracted for the ground state and the first excitation in several symmetry channels. It is shown that all the observed states are well described by their large NN values, with modest O(1/N2){\cal O}(1/N^2) corrections. In addition spurious states are identified that couple to torelon and scattering operators. As a byproduct of our calculation, the critical couplings for the deconfinement phase transition for N=5 and N=7 and temporal extension of the lattice NT=6N_T=6 are determined.Comment: 1+36 pages, 22 tables, 21 figures. Typos corrected, conclusions unchanged, matches the published versio

    Vortices and confinement in hot and cold D=2+1 gauge theories

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    We calculate the variation with temperature of the vortex free energy in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theories. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. We find that this quantity is zero at all T for large enough volumes. For T<Tc this observation is consistent with the fact that the phase is linearly confining; while for T>Tc it is consistent with the conventional expectation of `spatial' linear confinement. In small spatial volumes this quantity is shown to be non-zero. The way it decreases to zero with increasing volume is shown to be controlled by the (spatial) string tension and it has the functional form one would expect if the vortices being studied were responsible for the confinement at low T, and for the `spatial' confinement at large T. We also discuss in detail some of the direct numerical evidence for a non-zero spatial string tension at high T, and we show that the observed linearity of the (spatial) potential extends over distances that are large compared to typical high-T length scales.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Z2 monopoles in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory

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    We calculate the Euclidean action of a pair of Z2 monopoles (instantons), as a function of their spatial separation, in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory. We do so both above and below the deconfining transition at T=Tc. At high T, and at large separation, we find that the monopole `interaction' grows linearly with distance: the flux between the monopoles forms a flux tube (exactly like a finite portion of a Z2 domain wall) so that the monopoles are linearly confined. At short distances the interaction is well described by a Coulomb interaction with, at most, a very small screening mass, possibly equal to the Debye electric screening mass. At low T the interaction can be described by a simple screened Coulomb (i.e. Yukawa) interaction with a screening mass that can be interpreted as the mass of a `constituent gluon'. None of this is unexpected, but it helps to resolve some apparent controversies in the recent literature.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    G_2 gauge theory at finite temperature

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    The gauge group being centreless, G2G_2 gauge theory is a good laboratory for studying the role of the centre of the group for colour confinement in Yang-Mills gauge theories. In this paper, we investigate G2G_2 pure gauge theory at finite temperature on the lattice. By studying the finite size scaling of the plaquette, the Polyakov loop and their susceptibilities, we show that a deconfinement phase transition takes place. The analysis of the pseudocritical exponents give strong evidence of the deconfinement transition being first order. Implications of our findings for scenarios of colour confinement are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    SO(2N) and SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions

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    We perform an exploratory investigation of how rapidly the physics of SO(2N) gauge theories approaches its N=oo limit. This question has recently become topical because SO(2N) gauge theories are orbifold equivalent to SU(N) gauge theories, but do not have a finite chemical potential sign problem. We consider only the pure gauge theory and, because of the inconvenient location of the lattice strong-to-weak coupling 'bulk' transition in 3+1 dimensions, we largely confine our numerical calculations to 2+1 dimensions. We discuss analytic expectations in both D=2+1 and D=3+1, show that the SO(6) and SU(4) spectra do indeed appear to be the same, and show that a number of mass ratios do indeed appear to agree in the large-N limit. In particular SO(6) and SU(3) gauge theories are quite similar except for the values of the string tension and coupling, both of which differences can be readily understood.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure