500 research outputs found

    Formation of phase structure in the system Ti-3Al at the stage of secondary structurization at synthesis in the mode of thermal explosion

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    Features of phase formation processes in the system Ti-3Al at realization of self-extending synthesis in the mode of thermal explosion have been established with use of technological reactor enabling instant switching-off of the heating source. The analysis of synthesis finished products allows to draw a conclusion that phase structure of charge is abnormally depends on sizes of titanium particles. The single-phase product corresponding to initial stoichiometry is synthesized on fine and large fractions for the induction period. On intermediate fraction the product of synthesis is multiphas

    Formation of phase structure in the system Ti-3Al at the stage of secondary structurization at synthesis in the mode of thermal explosion

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    Features of phase formation processes in the system Ti-3Al at realization of self-extending synthesis in the mode of thermal explosion have been established with use of technological reactor enabling instant switching-off of the heating source. The analysis of synthesis finished products allows to draw a conclusion that phase structure of charge is abnormally depends on sizes of titanium particles. The single-phase product corresponding to initial stoichiometry is synthesized on fine and large fractions for the induction period. On intermediate fraction the product of synthesis is multiphas

    Oxidation of graphene on metals

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    We use low-energy electron microscopy to investigate how graphene is removed from Ru(0001) and Ir(111) by reaction with oxygen. We find two mechanisms on Ru(0001). At short times, oxygen reacts with carbon monomers on the surrounding Ru surface, decreasing their concentration below the equilibrium value. This undersaturation causes a flux of carbon from graphene to the monomer gas. In this initial mechanism, graphene is etched at a rate that is given precisely by the same non-linear dependence on carbon monomer concentration that governs growth. Thus, during both growth and etching, carbon attaches and detaches to graphene as clusters of several carbon atoms. At later times, etching accelerates. We present evidence that this process involves intercalated oxygen, which destabilizes graphene. On Ir, this mechanism creates observable holes. It also occurs mostly quickly near wrinkles in the graphene islands, depends on the orientation of the graphene with respect to the Ir substrate, and, in contrast to the first mechanism, can increase the density of carbon monomers. We also observe that both layers of bilayer graphene islands on Ir etch together, not sequentially.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Manuscript revised to improve discussion, following referee comments. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Feb. 11, 201

    Гарантії правового захисту осіб, які припиняють службу в Національній Поліції України, та питання їх реалізації

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    У статті визначено, що Конституція та законодавство передбачають гарантії правового захисту для осіб, які припиняють службу в Національній поліції України. Ці гарантії мають забезпечити права та інтереси таких осіб в процесі їхнього звільнення, після звільнення та під час подальшої трудової діяльності. Визначено, шо однією з основних гарантій є забезпечення звільненим особам права на соціальний захист. Зокрема, згідно зі статтею 46 Конституції України, кожен має право на соціальний захист, який забезпечується державою відповідно до закону. У разі звільнення з посади в поліції, такі особи можуть отримати допомогу у пошуку нової роботи, підтримку під час періоду безробіття та інші види соціального захисту, встановлені законодавством. Окрім цього, згідно зі статтею 55 Конституції України, кожен має право на судовий захист своїх прав та свобод. Отже, якщо звільнені особи вважають, що їхні права порушено під час звільнення або після нього, вони мають право звернутись до суду за захистом своїх прав. Додатково, Україна має законодавство, яке регулює питання звільнення з посади в поліції та гарантує права звільнених осіб. Зокрема, Закон України «Про Національну поліцію» передбачає, що звільнення з посади в поліції може бути здійснене тільки у випадках, передбачених законом. Звільнення має бути обґрунтоване та проведене відповідно до законно встановленої процедури. Крім того, звільнення з посади в поліції не може бути підставою для обмеження прав та свобод особи, яка звільнена. Також, відповідно до Закону України «Про статус ветеранів війни, гарантії їх соціального захисту», звільнені з посади в поліції особи можуть бути визнані ветеранами війни, якщо вони брали участь у бойових діях на захист України або були залучені до антитерористичної операції на сході України. Незважаючи на законодавчі гарантії, реалізація прав звільнених осіб може бути ускладнена через різноманітні фактори. Наприклад, можуть виникнути ситуації, коли звільнені особи не отримують вчасно соціальний захист, або їх права порушуються безпосередньо після звільнення. У підсумку, гарантії правового захисту осіб, які припиняють службу в Національній поліції України, включають право на соціальний захист, судовий захист та захист від обмеження прав та свобод

    Phase field theory of polycrystalline solidification in three dimensions

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    A phase field theory of polycrystalline solidification is presented that is able to describe the nucleation and growth of anisotropic particles with different crystallographic orientation in three dimensions. As opposed with the two-dimensional case, where a single orientation field suffices, in three dimensions, minimum three fields are needed. The free energy of grain boundaries is assumed to be proportional to the angular difference between the adjacent crystals expressed here in terms of the differences of the four symmetric Euler parameters. The equations of motion for these fields are obtained from variational principles. Illustrative calculations are performed for polycrystalline solidification with dendritic, needle and spherulitic growth morphologies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letters on 14th February, 200

    Single-Crystal Organic Field Effect Transistors with the Hole Mobility ~ 8 cm2/Vs

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of single-crystal organic p-type field-effect transistors (OFETs) with the field-effect hole mobility mu \~ 8 cm2/Vs, substantially higher than that observed in thin-film OFETs. The single-crystal devices compare favorably with thin-film OFETs not only in this respect: the mobility for the single-crystal devices is nearly independent of the gate voltage and the field effect onset is very sharp. Subthreshold slope as small as S = 0.85 V/decade has been observed for a gate insulator capacitance Ci = 2 +- 0.2 nF/cm2. This corresponds to the intrinsic subthreshold slope Si = SCi at least one order of magnitude smaller than that for the best thin-film OFETs and amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) devices

    Coverage of the Indian Art Exhibition at the British Museum (October 1922) on the Pages of Rupam Magazine (Calcutta, 1922)

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    Статья посвящена выставке Индийского искусства в Британском музее в 1922 г. как одному из событий, способствующему знакомству западной публики с изобразительным искусством региона и включению индийской живописи в общемировой художественный контекст.The article is devoted to the exhibition of Indian art in the British Museum in 1922, as one of the events that contribute to the acquaintance of the Western public with the visual arts of the region and the inclusion of Indian painting in the global artistic context

    The First Bauhais Exhibition in Calcutta as a Starting Point of Indian Modernism

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    Благодарности: доценту кафедры истории искусств и музееведения УрФУ, кандидату искусствоведения Виктории Владимировне Деменовой.Acknowledgments: Associate Professor of the Department of Art History and Museum Studies of UrFU, PhD of Art History, Victoria V. Demenova.Статья посвящена первой выставке Баухауса в Калькутте 1922 года. Впервые представившая европейский авангард в регионе экспозиция стала площадкой для диалога художников Индии и Запада. Выставка стала толчком для формирования нового представления индийских живописцев о формах художественного выражения.The article is devoted to the first Bauhaus exhibition in Calcutta in 1922. Presenting the European avant-garde in the region for the first time, the exposition has become a platform for dialogue between Indian and Western artists. The exhibition became a powerful impetus for the formation of a new idea of Indian painters about the forms of artistic expression

    Evaluation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of a new modified cast and laser-melted AA7075 alloy

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    The mechanical properties and microstructure of as-cast and homogenized AA7075 were investigated. This alloy was modified by adding transition elements 0.3%Sc + 0.5%Zr, 1%Ti + 0.2%B, and 1%Fe + 1%Ni for use in additive manufacturing applications. After adding Ti + B and Sc + Zr, the structure became uniform and finer with the formation of the Al3(Sc, Zr) and TiB2 phases. Coarse structures were obtained with the formation of an extremely unfavorable morphology, close to a needle-like structure when Fe + Ni was added. The mechanical properties of the modified alloys were increased compared to those of the standard alloy, where the best ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) were obtained in the AA7075-TiB alloy compared to the standard alloy in as-cast and homogenized conditions, and the highest hardness value was provided by Fe + Ni additives. The effect of the laser melting process on the microstructure and mechanical properties was investigated. Single laser melts were performed on these alloys using 330 V and a scanning speed of 8 mm/s. During the laser melting, the liquation of the alloying elements occurred due to non-equilibrium solidification. A change in the microstructures was observed within the melt zone and heat-affected zone (HAZ). The hardness of the laser-melted zone (LMZ) after adding the modification elements was increased in comparison with that of the standard alloy. Corrosion testing was performed using a solution of 100 mL distilled water, 3.1 g NaCl, and 1 mL HCl over 5, 10, and 30 min and 1 and 2 h. The corrosion resistance of the alloy modified with FeNi was low because of the non-uniform elemental distribution along the LMZ, but in the case of modification with ScZr and TiB, the corrosion resistance was better compared to that of the standard alloy. © 2019 by the authors.Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian FederationThe author (Asmaa M. Khalil) gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of MISiS (Support project for young research engineers)


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    The purpose of the article: The article is aimed at studying of key issues of the set of methods and methodology of teaching history to students of the direction "Economics"; identifying of key aspects of the history course, competent understanding whereof is important for development of professional competencies of future economists, is of special attention.Materials and methods: The leading approach to the study of this problem is the analysis of key problem issues of the history course, a competent understanding of which is important for the formation of professional competencies of economists.Results of the research: The article shows that in the history of economics there are a lot of controversial, controversial issues on which quite superficial, subjective judgments and conclusions can occur in the journalistic, and sometimes academic literature. A number of similar questions are considered, the features of their study with students are revealed. The work identifies key aspects of the course of history, a competent understanding of which is important for the formation of professional competencies of future economists. The recommendations of the methodological and methodological plan for their study are proposed to increase the effectiveness of training future economists. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of peculiar features of teaching history to economist students in Russian universities is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner