910 research outputs found

    Revisiting glueball wave functions at zero and finite temperature

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    We study the sizes and thermal properties of glueballs in a three dimensional compact Abelian gauge model on improved lattice. We predict the radii of 0.60\sim 0.60 and 1.12\sim 1.12 in the units of string tension, or 0.28\sim 0.28 and 0.52\sim 0.52 fm, for the scalar and tensor glueballs, respectively. We perform a well controlled extrapolation of the radii to the continuum limit and observe that our results agree with the predicted values. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we extract the pole-mass of the lowest scalar and tensor glueballs from the temporal correlators at finite temperature. We see a clear evidence of the deconfined phase, and the transition appears to be similar to that of the two-dimensional XY model as expected from universality arguments. Our results show no significant changes in the glueball wave functions and masses in the deconfined phase.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Effect of Overdispersion of Lethal Lesions on Cell Survival Curves

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    We explore the effects of overdispersed DNA lesion distribution on the shapes of cell surviving curves of mammalian cells exposed to hadrons at various doses. To provide a theoretical framework in resolving discrepancies between experimental data and Linear-quadratic (LQ)model predictions, we employ a non-Poisson distribution of lethal lesions together with non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway of double-strand break (DSB) repair. A negative binomial (NB)distribution is used to study the effect of the overdispersion on the shapes and possible reduction of dose-response curvature at high doses. The error distribution is customized to include an adjustable parameter so that the overdispersion parameter of NB is not constant but depends on the mean of the distribution. The trends in predicted cell survival responses are compared with the experimental data in low and high dose regions at various LET values for proton, helium, and carbon ions. The cell survival responses calculated by the present method reveal straightening of survival curves at high doses. This suggests that the overdispersion causes the cell survival dose-response to approximate log-linear behaviour at high doses. Comparison of the cell survival predictions with the Particle Irradiation Data Ensemble (PIDE) shows that the NB model provides better fits to the experimental data following low and intermediate doses. Whereas the model predictions are not validated at tiny and very high doses, nonetheless, the presented approach provides insight into underlying microscopic mechanisms which may help to improve the radiobiological responses along the dose-response curves and resolve discrepancies between experimental data and current cell survival models.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Jury the Court-Martial and the Constitution

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    Jury the Court-Martial and the Constitution

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    Contributions of point extragalactic sources to the Cosmic Microwave Background bispectrum

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    All the analyses of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature maps up--to--date show that CMB anisotropies follow a Gaussian distribution. On the other hand, astrophysical foregrounds which hamper the detection of the CMB angular power spectrum, are not Gaussian distributed on the sky. Therefore, they should give a sizeable contribution to the CMB bispectrum. In fact, the first year data of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission have allowed the {\it first} detection of the extragalactic source contribution to the CMB bispectrum at 41 GHz and, at the same time, much tighter limits than before to non--Gaussian primordial fluctuations. In view of the above and for achieving higher precision in current and future CMB measurements of non--Gaussianity, in this paper we discuss a comprehensive assessment of the bispectrum due to either uncorrelated and clustered extragalactic point sources in the whole frequency interval around the CMB intensity peak. Our calculations, based on current cosmological evolution models for sources, show that the reduced angular bispectrum due to point sources, bpsb_{ps}, should be detectable in all WMAP and Planck frequency channels. We also find agreement with the results on bpsb_{ps} at 41 GHz coming from the analysis of the first year WMAP data. Moreover, by comparing bpsb_{ps} with the primordial reduced CMB bispectrum, we find that only the peak value of the primordial bispectrum (which appears at l200l\simeq 200) results greater than bpsb_{ps} in a frequency window around the intensity peak of the CMB. The amplitude of this window basically depends on the capability of the source detection algorithms (i.e., on the achievable flux detection limit, SlimS_{lim}, for sources).Comment: 26 pages, 6 Figures, use AasTex5.0, ApJ, in press, Oct. 10, 2003 Issu

    Renormalization of Anisotropy and Glueball Masses on Tadpole Improved Lattice Gauge Action

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    The Numerical calculations for tadpole-improved U(1) lattice gauge theory in three-dimensions on anisotropic lattices have been performed using standard path integral Monte Carlo techniques. Using average plaquette tadpole renormalization scheme, simulations were done with temporal lattice spacings much smaller than the spatial ones and results were obtained for the string tension, the renormalized anisotropy and scalar glueball masses. We find, by comparing the `regular' and `sideways' potentials, that tadpole improvement results in very little renormalization of the bare anisotropy and reduces the discretization errors in the static quark potential and in the glueball masses.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Cross-Cultural Differences in Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Understandings of Forgiveness

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    Most theorizing about forgiveness conceptualize forgiveness as an intrapersonal process in which negative feelings are transformed into positive ones, with the goal of inner peace for the forgiver. Forgiveness viewed as an interpersonal process, in contrast, focuses on behaviors, such as reconciliation, that lead to the restoration of social harmony. Several studies have demonstrated that the understanding and practice of forgiveness differs across cultures. We examined the hypothesis that North Americans understand forgiveness as more of an intrapersonal phenomenon and less of an interpersonal phenomenon relative to Asians. A sample of 153 participants recruited through Facebook completed an online survey. Findings generally support the hypothesis: North Americans endorsed intrapersonal over interpersonal understandings of forgiveness, Southeast Asians endorsed interpersonal over intrapersonal understandings, and South Asians were closely split between the two definitions. The current findings suggest that collectivistic forgiveness is not a unitary construct, and that the application of theory and therapy models based on Western conceptions of forgiveness to Asian populations may be inaccurate and even harmful. Future research should examine forgiveness across collectivistic cultures. Additionally, cross-cultural research on forgiveness should use specific affective, cognitive, and behavioral terms when assessing a participant’s level of forgiveness; broad questions assessing a participant’s general forgiveness may be difficult to interpret and compare cross-culturally