437 research outputs found

    Fluctuation dissipation ratio in the one dimensional kinetic Ising model

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    The exact relation between the response function R(t,t′)R(t,t^{\prime}) and the two time correlation function C(t,t′)C(t,t^{\prime}) is derived analytically in the one dimensional kinetic Ising model subjected to a temperature quench. The fluctuation dissipation ratio X(t,t′)X(t,t^{\prime}) is found to depend on time through C(t,t′)C(t,t^{\prime}) in the time region where scaling C(t,t′)=f(t/t′)C(t,t^{\prime}) = f(t/t^{\prime}) holds. The crossover from the nontrivial form X(C(t,t′))X(C(t,t^{\prime})) to X(t,t′)≡1X(t,t^{\prime}) \equiv 1 takes place as the waiting time twt_w is increased from below to above the equilibration time teqt_{eq}.Comment: 2 figure

    Nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem and heat production

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    We use a relationship between response and correlation function in nonequilibrium systems to establish a connection between the heat production and the deviations from the equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem. This scheme extends the Harada-Sasa formulation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 130602 (2005)], obtained for Langevin equations in steady states, as it also holds for transient regimes and for discrete jump processes involving small entropic changes. Moreover, a general formulation includes two times and the new concepts of two-time work, kinetic energy, and of a two-time heat exchange that can be related to a nonequilibrium "effective temperature". Numerical simulations of a chain of anharmonic oscillators and of a model for a molecular motor driven by ATP hydrolysis illustrate these points.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Off equilibrium response function in the one dimensional random field Ising model

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    A thorough numerical investigation of the slow dynamics in the d=1 random field Ising model in the limit of an infinite ferromagnetic coupling is presented. Crossovers from the preasymptotic pure regime to the asymptotic Sinai regime are investigated for the average domain size, the autocorrelation function and staggered magnetization. By switching on an additional small random field at the time tw the linear off equilibrium response function is obtained, which displays as well the crossover from the nontrivial behavior of the d=1 pure Ising model to the asymptotic behavior where it vanishes identically.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Growth Law and Superuniversality in the Coarsening of Disordered Ferromagnets

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    We present comprehensive numerical results for domain growth in the two-dimensional {\it Random Bond Ising Model} (RBIM) with nonconserved Glauber kinetics. We characterize the evolution via the {\it domain growth law}, and two-time quantities like the {\it autocorrelation function} and {\it autoresponse function}. Our results clearly establish that the growth law shows a crossover from a pre-asymptotic regime with "power-law growth with a disorder-dependent exponent" to an asymptotic regime with "logarithmic growth". We compare this behavior with previous results on one-dimensional disordered systems and we propose a unifying picture in a renormalization group framework. We also study the corresponding crossover in the scaling functions for the two-time quantities. Super-universality is found not to hold. Clear evidence supporting the dimensionality dependence of the scaling exponent of the autoresponse function is obtained.Comment: Thoroughly revised manuscript. The Introduction, Section 2 and Section 4 have been largely rewritten. References added. Final version accepted for publication on Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Nonlinear susceptibilities and the measurement of a cooperative length

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    We derive the exact beyond-linear fluctuation dissipation relation, connecting the response of a generic observable to the appropriate correlation functions, for Markov systems. The relation, which takes a similar form for systems governed by a master equation or by a Langevin equation, can be derived to every order, in large generality with respect to the considered model, in equilibrium and out of equilibrium as well. On the basis of the fluctuation dissipation relation we propose a particular response function, namely the second order susceptibility of the two-particle correlation function, as an effective quantity to detect and quantify cooperative effects in glasses and disordered systems. We test this idea by numerical simulations of the Edwards-Anderson model in one and two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Synchronized oscillations and acoustic fluidization in confined granular materials

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    According to the acoustic fluidization hypothesis, elastic waves at a characteristic frequency form inside seismic faults even in the absence of an external perturbation. These waves are able to generate a normal stress which contrasts the confining pressure and promotes failure. Here, we study the mechanisms responsible for this wave activation via numerical simulations of a granular fault model. We observe the particles belonging to the percolating backbone, which sustains the stress, to perform synchronized oscillations over ellipticlike trajectories in the fault plane. These oscillations occur at the characteristic frequency of acoustic fluidization. As the applied shear stress increases, these oscillations become perpendicular to the fault plane just before the system fails, opposing the confining pressure, consistently with the acoustic fluidization scenario. The same change of orientation can be induced by external perturbations at the acoustic fluidization frequency

    Induced and endogenous acoustic oscillations in granular faults

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    The frictional properties of disordered systems are affected by external perturbations. These perturbations usually weaken the system by reducing the macroscopic friction coefficient. This friction reduction is of particular interest in the case of disordered systems composed of granular particles confined between two plates, as this is a simple model of seismic fault. Indeed, in the geophysical context frictional weakening could explain the unexpected weakness of some faults, as well as earthquake remote triggering. In this manuscript we review recent results concerning the response of confined granular systems to external perturbations, considering the different mechanisms by which the perturbation could weaken a system, the relevance of the frictional reduction to earthquakes, as well as discussing the intriguing scenario whereby the weakening is not monotonic in the perturbation frequency, so that a re-entrant transition is observed, as the system first enters a fluidized state and then returns to a frictional state.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Non trivial behavior of the linear response function in phase ordering kinetics

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    Drawing from exact, approximate and numerical results an overview of the properties of the out of equilibrium response function in phase ordering kinetics is presented. Focusing on the zero field cooled magnetization, emphasis is on those features of this quantity which display non trivial behavior when relaxation proceeds by coarsening. Prominent among these is the dimensionality dependence of the scaling exponent aχa_{\chi} which leads to failure of the connection between static and dynamic properties at the lower dimensionality dLd_L, where aχ=0a_{\chi}=0. We also analyse the mean spherical model as an explicit example of a stochastic unstable system, for which the connection between statics and dynamics fails at all dimensionalities.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the International Conference "Perspectives on Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Stochastics" in honour of the 60th birthday of Francesco Guerr

    Interface fluctuations, bulk fluctuations and dimensionality in the off-equilibrium response of coarsening systems

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    The relationship between statics and dynamics proposed by Franz, Mezard, Parisi and Peliti (FMPP) for slowly relaxing systems [Phys.Rev.Lett. {\bf 81}, 1758 (1998)] is investigated in the framework of non disordered coarsening systems. Separating the bulk from interface response we find that for statics to be retrievable from dynamics the interface contribution must be asymptotically negligible. How fast this happens depends on dimensionality. There exists a critical dimensionality above which the interface response vanishes like the interface density and below which it vanishes more slowly. At d=1d=1 the interface response does not vanish leading to the violation of the FMPP scheme. This behavior is explained in terms of the competition between curvature driven and field driven interface motion.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Significantly improved version of the paper with new results, new numerical simulations and new figure

    Crossover in Growth Law and Violation of Superuniversality in the Random Field Ising Model

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    We study the nonconserved phase ordering dynamics of the d = 2, 3 random field Ising model, quenched to below the critical temperature. Motivated by the puzzling results of previous work in two and three di- mensions, reporting a crossover from power-law to logarithmic growth, together with superuniversal behavior of the correlation function, we have undertaken a careful investigation of both the domain growth law and the autocorrelation function. Our main results are as follows: We confirm the crossover to asymptotic logarithmic behavior in the growth law, but, at variance with previous findings, the exponent in the preasymptotic power law is disorder-dependent, rather than being the one of the pure system. Furthermore, we find that the autocorre- lation function does not display superuniversal behavior. This restores consistency with previous results for the d = 1 system, and fits nicely into the unifying scaling scheme we have recently proposed in the study of the random bond Ising model.Comment: To be published in Physical Review
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