975 research outputs found

    Feminine/Feminist: A Poststructural Reading of Relational Learning in Women\u27s Social Action Organizations

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    This paper reports on research with 8 board members and 8 directors of women’s social action organizations. A poststructural reading of the data gives voice to an under theorized aspect of humanist relational learning in women’s organizations and makes visible the power-relationships. It explores women’s learned practices of resistance, and offers a paradoxical view of relational learning on social action that attends to the ethic of care as well as to power relations

    The State, the People, and the Colony: Towards a Critical History of Early Newfoundland Literacy

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    Adult literacy in nineteenth century Newfoundland was greatly influenced by the island’s positioning, first as a colony of Britain, and later as a struggling country dependent on experts, pedagogical methods and philanthropy from the home country and its religious institutions. Literacy efforts contributed to the general “civilizing” of the outpost and enabled it to become increasingly self reliant, at least for select periods of time. This study analyses some of these early literacy efforts, asking critical questions of colonialism, organization, gender, and religion

    Judicial Notice of Modern Youths\u27 Propensity for Fighting

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    Fighting, which in olden times was admired as valor in youth, has become a crucial contemporary problem of international proportions-the courts have been loath to recognize this phenomenon and to depart from the comfortable refuge of stare decisis by giving redress to plaintiffs injured by the young rebels. Yet the constitutions of most, if not all, the jurisdictions of the United States ironically assure their inhabitants of a remedy for every injury

    Harriet Rouillard: “The Stamp of Its Editor” on the CAAE’s Food for Thought

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    This paper presents the results of an archival study of Harriet Rouillard, editor of the Canadian Association for Adult Education’s journal, Food for Thought, between 1947 and1953. Rouillard’s background, education, and contributions to the association in its early years are discussed

    Mentorship: Adult Formation for Educators in Catholic Schools

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    Catholic history is filled with examples of seasoned believers sharing their faith and witness with younger generations in order to help inculturate them into the ethos of Catholicism. This essay presents a model for mentoring in Catholic schools, arguing that such collaboration is not only institutionally life giving, but also congruent with the stated community-building purposes of the school. Noting that even Jesus sent his disciples out “two by two,” the author describes the spirituality required of teachers as best experienced through sharing

    Arbitration, Statute of Limitations, and Uninsured Motorist Endorsements

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    Except in California, uninsured motorist statutes do not provide for any specified period within which the injured must file his damages. The uninsured motorist coverage clauses in policies have likewise been silent on the subject .A controversy has arisen as to whether the (usually) shorter negligence (tort) statute of limitations or the longer contract time limit governs. The controversy can be readily resolved: either the insurers express a specific time period in their uninsured motorist endorsements within which their injured insureds must file their complaints; or state legislatures should amend their uninsured motorist coverage statutes to contain such express provision, as a condition precedent to recovery of damages

    The Mere Evidence Rule: Need for Re-Evaluation

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    This article is limited to the mere evidence rule as enunciated in Gouled v. United States; a brief historical sketch of the genesis of the search warrant; the two landmark decisions leading to Gouled; and, an overview of its impact upon American law, with reference to major landmark decisions. A thorough study of the rule and its application and interpretation in the various courts of the United States is book-length in proportion, as the numerous case entries under Gouled in the several editions of Shepard\u27s United States Citations clearly illustrate. Wigmore provides a fairly comprehensive listing of decisions on illegal searches and seizures

    Elizabeth (Betty) Loosley: Adult Education and Research Excellence

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    Elizabeth (Betty) Wyeth Magee Loosley (1911-1994) was an artist and researcher, and one of the best educated women working with the Canadian Association for Adult Education (CAAE, founded 1935) in the 1950s and 1960s. This paper uses archival and interview data to examine her achievements and contributions to the CAAE. This study helps us understand our field’s gendered history and development

    Registration-of-Land-Titles Act: The Ohio Torrens Law

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    The original registration of land titles act was adopted by the Ohio legislature in 1896.1 Commonly known as the Torrens Law 2 or the land registration law 2 in this and the other states where it has been promulgated, it comprises Chapters 5309 and 5310 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC). These statutes are not to be confused with the general recording laws of the state which apply to the recording of instruments conveying, encumbering, or otherwise affecting title to real property. The basic difference between the two is that under the Torrens Law the title to land is registered, while under the latter, the evidence of such title (i.e., deed) or matters affecting it, are recorded

    Trial: The Loss of Constitutional Rights in Newfoundland and Labrador”The Roman Catholic Story, by Bonaventure Fagan

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