1,594 research outputs found

    The automorphism group of separable states in quantum information theory

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    We show that the linear group of automorphism of Hermitian matrices which preserves the set of separable states is generated by \emph{natural} automorphisms: change of an orthonormal basis in each tensor factor, partial transpose in each tensor factor, and interchanging two tensor factors of the same dimension. We apply our results to preservers of the product numerical range.Comment: 15 page

    Barriers and strategies for building information modelling implementation: a comparative study between New Zealand and China

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a sharing platform that can present a parametric 3 D model with various project information in the form of a digital display. In recent years, BIM adoption has become increasing globally as the Architectural, Engineering, Construction (AEC) industry has recognised its benefits. Meanwhile, many challenges of BIM adoption in different countries have been well documented. To address the gap in literature, this study examines the differences and similarities of BIM adoption between New Zealand and China. A questionnaire was conducted across the two countries to investigate the barriers and strategies for the implementation of BIM. Data from 146 respondents was collected in New Zealand and China. The result shows that there is a difference in the perception of Knowledge Barrier, Technology Barrier, Internal Strategy and External Strategy (Legal/Technology viewpoint) between New Zealand professionals and Chinese professionals. The differences identified offer important implications for government agencies to promote BIM implementation and for BIM service providers to better target the end-users.Publishe

    Purkinje Cell Activity Determines the Timing of Sensory-Evoked Motor Initiation

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    Cerebellar neurons can signal sensory and motor events, but their role in active sensorimotor processing remains unclear. We record and manipulate Purkinje cell activity during a task that requires mice to rapidly discriminate between multisensory and unisensory stimuli before motor initiation. Neuropixels recordings show that both sensory stimuli and motor initiation are represented by short-latency simple spikes. Optogenetic manipulation of short-latency simple spikes abolishes or delays motor initiation in a rate-dependent manner, indicating a role in motor initiation and its timing. Two-photon calcium imaging reveals task-related coherence of complex spikes organized into conserved alternating parasagittal stripes. The coherence of sensory-evoked complex spikes increases with learning and correlates with enhanced temporal precision of motor initiation. These results suggest that both simple spikes and complex spikes govern sensory-driven motor initiation: simple spikes modulate its latency, and complex spikes refine its temporal precision, providing specific cellular substrates for cerebellar sensorimotor control

    Housing prices and multiple employment nodes: is the relationship nonmonotonic?

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    Standard urban economic theory predicts that house prices will decline with distance from the central business district. Empirical results have been equivocal, however. Disjoints between theory and empirics may be due to a nonmonotonic relationship between house prices and access to employment arising from the negative externalities associated with proximity to multiple centres of employment. Based on data from Glasgow (Scotland), we use gravity-based measures of accessibility estimated using a flexible functional form that allows for nonmonotonicity. The results are thoroughly tested using recent advances in spatial econometrics. We find compelling evidence of a nonmonotonic effect in the accessibility measure and discuss the implications for planning and housing policy

    Light atom quantum oscillations in UC and US

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    High energy vibrational scattering in the binary systems UC and US is measured using time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering. A clear set of well-defined peaks equally separated in energy is observed in UC, corresponding to harmonic oscillations of the light C atoms in a cage of heavy U atoms. The scattering is much weaker in US and only a few oscillator peaks are visible. We show how the difference between the materials can be understood by considering the neutron scattering lengths and masses of the lighter atoms. Monte Carlo ray tracing is used to simulate the scattering, with near quantitative agreement with the data in UC, and some differences with US. The possibility of observing anharmonicity and anisotropy in the potentials of the light atoms is investigated in UC. Overall the observed data is well accounted for by considering each light atom as a single atom isotropic quantum harmonic oscillator.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity of the suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles in pitch and loudness control

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    Purpose: This study set out to determine the contributions of the suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles in changing pitch and loudness during phonation among vocally healthy populations.Method: Thirty-nine participants were first recruited, and twenty-nine of them who passed the screening test (Voice Handicap Index [VHI]-10 score ≤11, auditory-perceptual voice rating score ≤2) were finally selected (mean age = 28.2 years). All participants were measured for their surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity collected from the bilateral suprahyoid and SCM muscles when producing the vowel /a/, /i/, and /u/ in natural (baseline) and at different pitch (+3, +6, -3, -6 semitones) and loudness (+5, +10, −5 dB) levels. Linear mixed-effects models were performed to determine the influencing factors on the root-mean-square percentage of maximal voluntary contraction (RMS %MVC) value of the sEMG signals.Results: Compared with the baseline, a significant decrease of RMS %MVC was found in the suprahyoid muscles during overall phonations of lower pitches (−3 and −6 semitones) and loudness (−5 dB). However, no significant change was detected when producing speech at higher pitch (+3 and +6 semitones) and loudness (+5 and +10 dB) levels. Among the three vowels, /i/ demonstrated significantly higher RMS %MVC than those of /a/ and /u/. The SCM muscles, however, did not show any significant change in the RMS %MVC values among different vowels in relation to the pitch and loudness changes. When the muscles were compared across the two sides, significantly higher RMS %MVC was found in the right side of the suprahyoid (in pitch and loudness control) and SCM (in pitch control) when compared to the left side.Conclusions: The suprahyoid muscle activities were significantly decreased when producing lower pitches and intensities compared to the natural baselines. The production of sustained /i/ required significantly more suprahyoid muscle activities than those of /a/ and /u/. The SCM muscles did not show much sEMG activity in any of the pitch and loudness levels, which could be used potentially as the calibration or normalization of peri-laryngeal sEMG measurement. The findings also showed a tendency for bilateral asymmetry in the use of suprahyoid and SCM muscles

    Collagen degradation by host-derived enzymes during aging

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    Incompletely infiltrated collagen fibrils in acid-etched dentin are susceptible to degradation. We hypothesize that degradation can occur in the absence of bacteria. Partially demineralized collagen matrices (DCMs) prepared from human dentin were stored in artificial saliva. Control specimens were stored in artificial saliva containing proteolytic enzyme inhibitors, or pure mineral oil. We retrieved them at 24 hrs, 90 and 250 days to examine the extent of degradation of DCM. In the 24-hour experimental and 90- and 250-day control specimens, we observed 5- to 6-Îźm-thick layers of DCM containing banded collagen fibrils. DCMs were almost completely destroyed in the 250-day experimental specimens, but not when incubated with enzyme inhibitors or mineral oil. Functional enzyme analysis of dentin powder revealed low levels of collagenolytic activity that was inhibited by protease inhibitors or 0.2% chlorhexidine. We hypothesize that collagen degradation occurred over time, via host-derived matrix metalloproteinases that are released slowly over time.published_or_final_versio

    Enhancing the Financial Returns of R&D Investments through Operations Management 

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    Although much research has been carried out to examine various contextual issues and moderating factors for successful R&D investments, very little research has been conducted to explore the role of a firm’s operational and process characteristics. In this study, we explore how firms could possibly enhance the financial returns of R&D investments through quality management, using Six Sigma implementation as an example, and efficiency improvement, using the stochastic frontier estimation of relative efficiency as a proxy. Based on data from 468 manufacturing firms in the U.S. over the period 2007-2014, we construct a dynamic panel data model to capture the effects of R&D investments on firms’ financial returns in terms of Tobin’s q. Using the system generalized method of moments estimator, our results indicate that the financial returns of R&D investments are significantly enhanced when firms adopt Six Sigma and improve efficiency in operations. Our additional analyses further suggest that such an enhancement effect through quality and efficiency improvements is more pronounced under high operational complexity as approximated by labor intensity and geographical diversity. Instead of considering innovation activities and process management as contradictory functions, we show that quality and efficiency improvements indeed support firms’ R&D investments, leading to higher financial returns

    How to move around and where to settle: environmental determinants of spatial behaviour in reintroduced lions (Panthera leo)

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    Session - Predation and Predators: Predator reintroduction in small enclosed reserves and associated prey responsespostprin
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