6,685 research outputs found

    More Holographic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transitions

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    We find two systems via holography that exhibit quantum Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transitions. The first is the ABJM theory with flavor and the second is a flavored (1,1) little string theory. In each case the transition occurs at nonzero density and magnetic field. The BKT transition in the little string theory is the first example of a quantum BKT transition in (3+1) dimensions. As in the "original" holographic BKT transition in the D3/D5 system, the exponential scaling is destroyed at any nonzero temperature and the transition becomes second order. Along the way we construct holographic renormalization for probe branes in the ABJM theory and propose a scheme for the little string theory. Finally, we obtain the embeddings and (half of) the meson spectrum in the ABJM theory with massive flavor.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Improving the Excited Nucleon Spectrum in Hard-Wall AdS/QCD

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    We show that the nucleon spectrum in a hard-wall AdS/QCD model can be improved by use of a relatively large IR cutoff. All of the spin-1/2 nucleon masses listed in PDG can be fit quite well within 11%. The average error is remarkably only 4.66%.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. v2: references added. v3: add a section about the pion-nucleon coupling, published versio

    Homological perturbation theory for nonperturbative integrals

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    We use the homological perturbation lemma to produce explicit formulas computing the class in the twisted de Rham complex represented by an arbitrary polynomial. This is a non-asymptotic version of the method of Feynman diagrams. In particular, we explain that phenomena usually thought of as particular to asymptotic integrals in fact also occur exactly: integrals of the type appearing in quantum field theory can be reduced in a totally algebraic fashion to integrals over an Euler--Lagrange locus, provided this locus is understood in the scheme-theoretic sense, so that imaginary critical points and multiplicities of degenerate critical points contribute.Comment: 22 pages. Minor revisions from previous versio

    Heavy Quark Potential at Finite Temperature Using the Holographic Correspondence

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    We revisit the calculation of a heavy quark potential in N =4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature using the AdS/CFT correspondence. As is widely known, the potential calculated in the pioneering works of Rey et al. and Brandhuber et al. is zero for separation distances r between the quark and the anti-quark above a certain critical separation, at which the potential has a kink. We point out that by analytically continuing the string configurations into the complex plane, and using a slightly different renormalization subtraction, one obtains a smooth non-zero (negative definite) potential without a kink. The obtained potential also has a non-zero imaginary (absorptive) part for separations r > r_c = 0.870/\pi T . At large separations r the real part of the potential does not exhibit the exponential Debye falloff expected from perturbation theory and instead falls off as a power law, proportional to 1/r^4 for r > r_0 = 2.702 / \pi T.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Title modified. Discussion extended and references modifie

    Topological Gravity versus Supergravity on Manifolds with Special Holonomy

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    We construct a topological theory for euclidean gravity in four dimensions, by enforcing self-duality conditions on the spin connection. The corresponding topological symmetry is associated to the SU(2) X diffeomorphism X U(1) invariance. The action of this theory is that of d=4, N=2 supergravity, up to a twist. The topological field theory is SU(2) invariant, but the full SO(4) invariance is recovered after untwist. This suggest that the topological gravity is relevant for manifolds with special holonomy. The situation is comparable to that of the topological Yang-Mills theory in eight dimensions, for which the SO(8) invariance is broken down to Spin(7), but is recovered after untwisting the topological theory.Comment: LateX file, 19 page

    Holography and Unquenched Quark-Gluon Plasmas

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    We employ the string/gauge theory correspondence to study properties of strongly coupled quark-gluon plasmas in thermal gauge theories with a large number of colors and flavors. In particular, we analyze non-critical string duals of conformal (S)QCD, as well as ten dimensional wrapped fivebrane duals of SQCD-like theories. We study general properties of the dual plasmas, including the drag force exerted on a probe quark and the jet quenching parameter. We find that these plasma observables depend on the number of colors and flavors in the ``QCD dual''; in particular, we find that the jet quenching parameter increases linearly with N_f/N_c at leading order in the probe limit. In the ten dimensional case we find a non trivial drag coefficient but a vanishing jet quenching parameter. We comment on the relation of this result with total screening and argue that the same features are shared by all known plasmas dual to fivebranes in ten dimensions. We also construct new D5 black hole solutions with spherical horizon and show that they exhibit the same features.Comment: 30 pages. v2: Comments in section 2 and references updated, a typo fixe

    Black holes in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes with arbitrary critical exponent

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    Recently, a class of gravitational backgrounds in 3+1 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to a Lifshitz theory describing critical phenomena in 2+1 dimensions with critical exponent z≥1z\geq 1. We numerically explore black holes in these backgrounds for a range of values of zz. We find drastically different behavior for z>2z>2 and z2z2 (z<2z<2) the Lifshitz fixed point is repulsive (attractive) when going to larger radial parameter rr. For the repulsive z>2z>2 backgrounds, we find a continuous family of black holes satisfying a finite energy condition. However, for z<2z<2 we find that the finite energy condition is more restrictive, and we expect only a discrete set of black hole solutions, unless some unexpected cancellations occur. For all black holes, we plot temperature TT as a function of horizon radius r0r_0. For z⪅1.761z\lessapprox 1.761 we find that this curve develops a negative slope for certain values of r0r_0 possibly indicating a thermodynamic instability.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, references corrected, graphs made readable in greyscal

    Compressible quantum phases from conformal field theories in 2+1 dimensions

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    Conformal field theories (CFTs) with a globally conserved U(1) charge Q can be deformed into compressible phases by modifying their Hamiltonian, H, by a chemical potential H -> H - \mu Q. We study 2+1 dimensional CFTs upon which an explicit S duality mapping can be performed. We find that this construction leads naturally to compressible phases which are superfluids, solids, or non-Fermi liquids which are more appropriately called `Bose metals' in the present context. The Bose metal preserves all symmetries and has Fermi surfaces of gauge-charged fermions, even in cases where the parent CFT can be expressed solely by bosonic degrees of freedom. Monopole operators are identified as order parameters of the solid, and the product of their magnetic charge and Q determines the area of the unit cell. We discuss implications for holographic theories on asymptotically AdS4 spacetimes: S duality and monopole/dyon fields play important roles in this connection.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; (v2) small corrections and more ref

    Compressing nearly hard sphere fluids increases glass fragility

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    We use molecular dynamics to investigate the glass transition occurring at large volume fraction, phi, and low temperature, T, in assemblies of soft repulsive particles. We find that equilibrium dynamics in the (phi, T) plane obey a form of dynamic scaling in the proximity of a critical point at T=0 and phi=phi_0, which should correspond to the ideal glass transition of hard spheres. This glass point, `point G', is distinct from athermal jamming thresholds. A remarkable consequence of scaling behaviour is that the dynamics at fixed phi passes smoothly from that of a strong glass to that of a very fragile glass as phi increases beyond phi_0. Correlations between fragility and various physical properties are explored.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; Version accepted at Europhys. Let

    Near Zone Navier-Stokes Analysis of Heavy Quark Jet Quenching in an N\mathcal{N} =4 SYM Plasma

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    The near zone energy-momentum tensor of a supersonic heavy quark jet moving through a strongly-coupled N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM plasma is analyzed in terms of first-order Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics. It is shown that the hydrodynamical description of the near quark region worsens with increasing quark velocities. For realistic quark velocities, v=0.99v=0.99, the non-hydrodynamical region is located at a narrow band surrounding the quark with a width of approximately 3/Ď€T3/\pi T in the direction parallel to the quark's motion and with a length of roughly 10/Ď€T10/\pi T in the perpendicular direction. Our results can be interpreted as an indication of the presence of coherent Yang-Mills fields where deviation from hydrodynamics is at its maximum. In the region where hydrodynamics does provide a good description of the system's dynamics, the flow velocity is so small that all the nonlinear terms can be dropped. Our results, which are compatible with the thermalization timescales extracted from elliptic flow measurements, suggest that if AdS/CFT provides a good description of the RHIC system, the bulk of the quenched jet energy has more than enough time to locally thermalize and become encoded in the collective flow. The resulting flow pattern close to the quark, however, is shown to be considerably different than the superposition of Mach cones and diffusion wakes observed at large distances.Comment: new revised version, 11 figures, as published in PR
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