712 research outputs found

    Extended Reality (XR) Hardware: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Yet.

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    Extended Reality (XR) encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). Virtual content continues to be incorporated into our real world as more devices become available to support it. It has been accepted into the entertainment space (games like Beat Saber and PokĂ©mon GO), social media apps (SnapChat and TikTok filters), training, and education. Soon everyone will be able to put on a headset or pick up a phone and see virtual holograms in action. But, is XR built inclusively, for everyone? Inclusive design has been defined as, designing a diversity of ways for users to participate so that everyone has a sense of belonging” (Holmes, 2018). We evaluated the inclusivity of popular XR devices: head-mounted displays, smart glasses, and mobile devices – both the physical design and user interaction methods. Results demonstrate that the devices have room for improvement to be fully inclusive

    The incidence of breast cancer in the General Practice Research Database compared with national cancer registration data

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    Breast cancer incidence rates in the UK from 1990 to 1996 among women aged 35–69 estimated from the General Practice Research Database (GPRD) were closely similar to those reported by the Office for National Statistics from cancer registration data (ONS). The GPRD is a valuable and up-to-date resource for further study of the incidence of breast cancer in the UK as well as changes in cancer treatment and their relation to survival trends. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Evaluation of land preparation methods for soil stabilization, revegetation, and renewed productivity in semi-arid climates

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    In the Williston Basin, land-preparation treatments have not been compared in side-by-side trials to evaluate performance for parameters such as runoff, erosion, and vegetation establishment. Thus, four treatments of wheat-straw crimping, land imprinting, wood-fiber hydromulch, and the combination of land imprinting and hydromulch were evaluated against a bare soil control in a replicated and randomized completed block field experiment near Williston, ND. Rainfall simulations were performed in September 2020 and June 2021 to examine the effectiveness of the treatments to reduce runoff and sediment losses. Vegetation establishment was also evaluated in August 2021. The wheat straw treatment reduced the equivalent depth of runoff by 60% as compared to the bare soil control in 2021. By 2021, the imprinted area had largely become similar in roughness as the control plots and thus sediment losses were not different between these treatments. However, relic effects of the straw and hydromulch treatments reduced sediment loss by 50% or more. Vegetation establishment was not significantly different among treatments and the bare soil control using broadcast seeding, which may have been due to drought conditions causing low establishment in all plots. All the land-preparation practices evaluated in this study may have limitations in assisting plant establishment during severe or persistent droughts

    Board of Regents

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    This report, fifteenth of an annual series, describes 1993 mineral, oil and gas, and geothermal activities and accomplishments in Nevada: production statistics, exploration and development including drilling for petroleum and geothermal resources, discoveries of orebodies, new mines opened, and expansion and other activities of existing mines. Statistics of known gold and silver deposits, and directories of mines and mills are included. For more information contact

    Mammalian GRIP domain proteins differ in their membrane binding properties and are recruited to distinct domains of the TGN

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    The four mammalian golgins, p230/golgin-245, golgin-97, GCC88 and GCC185 are targeted to trans-Golgi network ITGN) membranes by their C-terminal GRIP domain in a G-protein-dependent process. The Arf-like GTPase, Arl1, has been shown to mediate TGN recruitment of p230/golgin245 and golgin-97 by interaction with their GRIP domains; however, it is not known whether all the TGN golgins bind to Arl1 and whether they are all recruited to the same or different TGN domains. Here we demonstrate differences in membrane binding properties and TGN domain recruitment of the mammalian GRIP domain proteins. Overexpression of full-length GCC185 resulted in the appearance of small punctate structures dispersed in the cytoplasm of transfected cells that were identified as membrane tubular structures by immunoelectron microscopy. The cytoplasmic GCC185-labelled structures were enriched for membrane binding determinants of GCC185 GRIP, whereas the three other mammalian GRIP family members did not colocalize with the GCC185-labelled structures. These GCC185-labelled structures included the TGN resident protein alpha2,6 sialyltransferase and excluded the recycling TGN protein, TGN46. The Golgi stack was unaffected by overexpression of GCC185. Overexpression of both full-length GCC185 and GCC88 showed distinct and nonoverlapping structures. We also show that the GRIP domains of GCC185 and GCC88 differ in membrane binding properties from each other and, in contrast to p230/golgin245 and golgin-97, do not interact with Arl1 in vivo. Collectively these results show that GCC88, GCC185 and p230/golgin245 are recruited to functionally distinct domains of the TGN and are likely to be important for the maintenance of TGN subdomain structure, a critical feature for mediating protein sorting and membrane transport

    The importance of engaging in physical activity in older adulthood for transitions between cognitive status categories and death: A coordinated analysis of 14 longitudinal studies

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    Background: Given increasing incidence of cognitive impairment and dementia, further understanding of modifiable factors contributing to increased healthspan is crucial. Extensive literature provides evidence that physical activity (PA) delays the onset of cognitive impairment; however, it is unclear whether engaging in PA in older adulthood is sufficient to influence progression through cognitive status categories. Method: Applying a coordinated analysis approach, this project independently analyzed 14 longitudinal studies (NTotal = 52 039; mean baseline age across studies = 69.9-81.73) from North America and Europe using multistate survival models to estimate the impact of engaging in PA on cognitive status transitions (nonimpaired, mildly impaired, severely impaired) and death. Multinomial regression models were fit to estimate life expectancy (LE) based on American PA recommendations. Meta-analyses provided the pooled effect sizes for the role of PA on each transition and estimated LEs. Results: Controlling for baseline age, sex, education, and chronic conditions, analyses revealed that more PA is significantly associated with decreased risk of transitioning from nonimpaired to mildly impaired cognitive functioning and death, as well as substantially longer LE. Results also provided evidence for a protective effect of PA after onset of cognitive impairment (eg, decreased risk of transitioning from mild-to-severe cognitive impairment; increased likelihood of transitioning backward from severe-to-mild cognitive impairment), though between-study heterogeneity suggests a less robust association. Conclusions: These results yield evidence for the importance of engaging in PA in older adulthood for cognitive health, and a rationale for motivating older adults to engage consistently in PA

    Osteoprotegerin: A Novel Secreted Protein Involved in the Regulation of Bone Density

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    AbstractA novel secreted glycoprotein that regulates bone resorption has been identified. The protein, termed Osteoprotegerin (OPG), is a novel member of the TNF receptor superfamily. In vivo, hepatic expression of OPG in transgenic mice results in a profound yet nonlethal osteopetrosis, coincident with a decrease in later stages of osteoclast differentiation. These same effects are observed upon administration of recombinant OPG into normal mice. In vitro, osteoclast differentiation from precursor cells is blocked in a dose-dependent manner by recombinant OPG. Furthermore, OPG blocks ovariectomy-associated bone loss in rats. These data show that OPG can act as a soluble factor in the regulation of bone mass and imply a utility for OPG in the treatment of osteoporosis associated with increased osteoclast activity

    Low Levels of Fruit Nitrogen as Drivers for the Evolution of Madagascar's Primate Communities

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    The uneven representation of frugivorous mammals and birds across tropical regions - high in the New World, low in Madagascar and intermediate in Africa and Asia - represents a long-standing enigma in ecology. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these differences but the ultimate drivers remain unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that fruits in Madagascar contain insufficient nitrogen to meet primate metabolic requirements, thus constraining the evolution of frugivory. We performed a global analysis of nitrogen in fruits consumed by primates, as collated from 79 studies. Our results showed that average frugivory among lemur communities was lower compared to New World and Asian-African primate communities. Fruits in Madagascar contain lower average nitrogen than those in the New World and Old World. Nitrogen content in the overall diets of primate species did not differ significantly between major taxonomic radiations. There is no relationship between fruit protein and the degree of frugivory among primates either globally or within regions, with the exception of Madagascar. This suggests that low protein availability in fruits influences current lemur communities to select for protein from other sources, whereas in the New World and Old World other factors are more significant in shaping primate communities
