717 research outputs found

    Amorphous interface layer in thin graphite films grown on the carbon face of SiC

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    Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used to characterize an amorphous layer observed at the interface in graphite and graphene films grown via thermal decomposition of C-face 4H-SiC. The amorphous layer does not to cover the entire interface, but uniform contiguous regions span microns of cross-sectional interface. Annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) images and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) demonstrate that the amorphous layer is a carbon-rich composition of Si/C. The amorphous layer is clearly observed in samples grown at 1600{\deg}C for a range of growth pressures in argon, but not at 1500{\deg}C, suggesting a temperature-dependent formation mechanism

    Observation of quantum-Hall effect in gated epitaxial graphene grown on SiC (0001)

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    Epitaxial graphene films were formed on the Si-face of semi-insulating 4H-SiC substrates by a high temperature sublimation process. A high-k gate stack on epitaxial graphene is realized by inserting a fully oxidized nanometer thin aluminum film as a seeding layer followed by an atomic-layer deposition process. The electrical properties of epitaxial graphene films are sustained after gate stack formation without significant degradation. At low temperatures, the quantum-Hall effect in Hall resistance is observed along with pronounced Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations in diagonal magneto-resistance of gated epitaxial graphene on SiC (0001).Comment: 2 new references adde

    Earth-Space Link Attenuation Estimation via Ground Radar Kdp

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    A method of predicting attenuation on microwave Earth/spacecraft communication links, over wide areas and under various atmospheric conditions, has been developed. In the area around the ground station locations, a nearly horizontally aimed polarimetric S-band ground radar measures the specific differential phase (Kdp) along the Earth-space path. The specific attenuation along a path of interest is then computed by use of a theoretical model of the relationship between the measured S-band specific differential phase and the specific attenuation at the frequency to be used on the communication link. The model includes effects of rain, wet ice, and other forms of precipitation. The attenuation on the path of interest is then computed by integrating the specific attenuation over the length of the path. This method can be used to determine statistics of signal degradation on Earth/spacecraft communication links. It can also be used to obtain real-time estimates of attenuation along multiple Earth/spacecraft links that are parts of a communication network operating within the radar coverage area, thereby enabling better management of the network through appropriate dynamic routing along the best combination of links

    On the Existence of the Logarithmic Correction Term in Black Hole Entropy-Area Relation

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    In this paper we consider a model universe with large extra dimensions to obtain a modified black hole entropy-area relation. We use the generalized uncertainty principle to find a relation between the number of spacetime dimensions and the presence or vanishing of logarithmic prefactor in the black hole entropy-area relation. Our calculations are restricted to the microcanonical ensembles and we show that in the modified entropy-area relation, the microcanonical logarithmic prefactor appears only when spacetime has an even number of dimensions.Comment: 9 Pages, No Figure

    Semiclassical States in Quantum Cosmology: Bianchi I Coherent States

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    We study coherent states for Bianchi type I cosmological models, as examples of semiclassical states for time-reparametrization invariant systems. This simple model allows us to study explicitly the relationship between exact semiclassical states in the kinematical Hilbert space and corresponding ones in the physical Hilbert space, which we construct here using the group averaging technique. We find that it is possible to construct good semiclassical physical states by such a procedure in this model; we also discuss the sense in which the original kinematical states may be a good approximation to the physical ones, and the situations in which this is the case. In addition, these models can be deparametrized in a natural way, and we study the effect of time evolution on an "intrinsic" coherent state in the reduced phase space, in order to estimate the time for this state to spread significantly.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure; Version to be published in CQG; The discussion has been slightly reorganized, two references added, and some typos correcte

    Quantum Gravitational Corrections to the Real Klein-Gordon Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length

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    The (D+1)-dimensional (β,β)(\beta,\beta')-two-parameter Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra introduced by Quesne and Tkachuk [C. Quesne and V. M. Tkachuk, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. \textbf {39}, 10909 (2006).], leads to a nonzero minimal uncertainty in position (minimal length). The Klein-Gordon equation in a (3+1)-dimensional space-time described by Quesne-Tkachuk Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra is studied in the case where β=2β\beta'=2\beta up to first order over deformation parameter β\beta. It is shown that the modified Klein-Gordon equation which contains fourth-order derivative of the wave function describes two massive particles with different masses. We have shown that physically acceptable mass states can only exist for β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}} which leads to an isotropic minimal length in the interval 1017m<(Xi)0<1015m10^{-17}m<(\bigtriangleup X^{i})_{0}<10^{-15}m. Finally, we have shown that the above estimation of minimal length is in good agreement with the results obtained in previous investigations.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    String-inspired cosmology: Late time transition from scaling matter era to dark energy universe caused by a Gauss-Bonnet coupling

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    The Gauss-Bonnet (GB) curvature invariant coupled to a scalar field ϕ\phi can lead to an exit from a scaling matter-dominated epoch to a late-time accelerated expansion, which is attractive to alleviate the coincident problem of dark energy. We derive the condition for the existence of cosmological scaling solutions in the presence of the GB coupling for a general scalar-field Lagrangian density p(ϕ,X)p(\phi, X), where X=(1/2)(ϕ)2X=-(1/2)(\nabla \phi)^2 is a kinematic term of the scalar field. The GB coupling and the Lagrangian density are restricted to be in the form f(ϕ)eλϕf(\phi) \propto e^{\lambda \phi} and p=Xg(Xeλϕ)p=Xg (Xe^{\lambda \phi}), respectively, where λ\lambda is a constant and gg is an arbitrary function. We also derive fixed points for such a scaling Lagrangian with a GB coupling f(ϕ)eμϕf(\phi) \propto e^{\mu \phi} and clarify the conditions under which the scaling matter era is followed by a de-Sitter solution which can appear in the presence of the GB coupling. Among scaling models proposed in the current literature, we find that the models which allow such a cosmological evolution are an ordinary scalar field with an exponential potential and a tachyon field with an inverse square potential, although the latter requires a coupling between dark energy and dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in JCA

    On (Cosmological) Singularity Avoidance in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), mainly due to Bojowald, is not the cosmological sector of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Rather, LQC consists of a truncation of the phase space of classical General Relativity to spatially homogeneous situations which is then quantized by the methods of LQG. Thus, LQC is a quantum mechanical toy model (finite number of degrees of freedom) for LQG(a genuine QFT with an infinite number of degrees of freedom) which provides important consistency checks. However, it is a non trivial question whether the predictions of LQC are robust after switching on the inhomogeneous fluctuations present in full LQG. Two of the most spectacular findings of LQC are that 1. the inverse scale factor is bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates which hints at the avoidance of the local curvature singularity and 2. that the Quantum Einstein Equations are non -- singular which hints at the avoidance of the global initial singularity. We display the result of a calculation for LQG which proves that the (analogon of the) inverse scale factor, while densely defined, is {\it not} bounded from above on zero volume eigenstates. Thus, in full LQG, if curvature singularity avoidance is realized, then not in this simple way. In fact, it turns out that the boundedness of the inverse scale factor is neither necessary nor sufficient for curvature singularity avoidance and that non -- singular evolution equations are neither necessary nor sufficient for initial singularity avoidance because none of these criteria are formulated in terms of observable quantities.After outlining what would be required, we present the results of a calculation for LQG which could be a first indication that our criteria at least for curvature singularity avoidance are satisfied in LQG.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure