269 research outputs found

    Regulation of Prp43-mediated disassembly of spliceosomes by its cofactors Ntr1 and Ntr2.

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    The DEAH-box NTPase Prp43 disassembles spliceosomes in co-operation with the cofactors Ntr1/Spp382 and Ntr2, forming the NTR complex. How Prp43 is regulated by its cofactors to discard selectively only intron-lariat spliceosomes (ILS) and defective spliceosomes and to prevent disassembly of earlier and properly assembled/wild-type spliceosomes remains unclear. First, we show that Ntr1's G-patch motif (Ntr1GP) can be replaced by the GP motif of Pfa1/Sqs1, a Prp43's cofactor in ribosome biogenesis, demonstrating that the specific function of Ntr1GP is to activate Prp43 for spliceosome disassembly and not to guide Prp43 to its binding site in the spliceosome. Furthermore, we show that Ntr1's C-terminal domain (CTD) plays a safeguarding role by preventing Prp43 from disrupting wild-type spliceosomes other than the ILS. Ntr1 and Ntr2 can also discriminate between wild-type and defective spliceosomes. In both type of spliceosomes, Ntr1-CTD impedes Prp43-mediated disassembly while the Ntr1GP promotes disassembly. Intriguingly, Ntr2 plays a specific role in defective spliceosomes, likely by stabilizing Ntr1 and allowing Prp43 to enter a productive interaction with the GP motif of Ntr1. Our data indicate that Ntr1 and Ntr2 act as 'doorkeepers' and suggest that both cofactors inspect the RNP structure of spliceosomal complexes thereby targeting suboptimal spliceosomes for Prp43-mediated disassembly

    ATPγS stalls splicing after B complex formation but prior to spliceosome activation.

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    The ATP analog ATPγS inhibits pre-mRNA splicing in vitro, but there have been conflicting reports as to which step of splicing is inhibited by this small molecule and its inhibitory mechanism remains unclear. Here we have dissected the effect of ATPγS on pre-mRNA splicing in vitro. Addition of ATPγS to splicing extracts depleted of ATP inhibited both catalytic steps of splicing. At ATPγS concentrations ≥0.5 mM, precatalytic B complexes accumulate, demonstrating a block prior to or during the spliceosome activation stage. Affinity purification of the ATPγS-stalled B complexes (B(ATPγS)) and subsequent characterization of their abundant protein components by 2D gel electrophoresis revealed that B(ATPγS) complexes are compositionally more homogeneous than B complexes previously isolated in the presence of ATP. In particular, they contain little or no Prp19/CDC5L complex proteins, indicating that these proteins are recruited after assembly of the precatalytic spliceosome. Under the electron microscope, B(ATPγS) complexes exhibit a morphology highly similar to B complexes, indicating that the ATPγS-induced block in the transformation of the B to B(act) complex is not due to a major structural defect. Likely mechanisms whereby ATPγS blocks spliceosome assembly at the activation stage, including inhibition of the RNA helicase Brr2, are discussed. Given their more homogeneous composition, B complexes stalled by ATPγS may prove highly useful for both functional and structural analyses of the precatalytic spliceosome and its conversion into an activated B(act) spliceosomal complex

    A Stochastic View of Spliceosome Assembly and Recycling in the Nucleus

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    How splicing factors are recruited to nascent transcripts in the nucleus in order to assemble spliceosomes on newly synthesised pre-mRNAs is unknown. To address this question, we compared the intranuclear trafficking kinetics of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNP) and non-snRNP proteins in the presence and absence of splicing activity. Photobleaching experiments clearly show that spliceosomal proteins move continuously throughout the entire nucleus independently of ongoing transcription or splicing. Using quantitative experimental data, a mathematical model was applied for spliceosome assembly and recycling in the nucleus. The model assumes that splicing proteins move by Brownian diffusion and interact stochastically with binding sites located at different subnuclear compartments. Inhibition of splicing, which reduces the number of pre-mRNA binding sites available for spliceosome assembly, was modeled as a decrease in the on-rate binding constant in the nucleoplasm. Simulation of microscopy experiments before and after splicing inhibition yielded results consistent with the experimental observations. Taken together, our data argue against the view that spliceosomal components are stored in nuclear speckles until a signal triggers their recruitment to nascent transcripts. Rather, the results suggest that splicing proteins are constantly diffusing throughout the entire nucleus and collide randomly and transiently with pre-mRNAs

    Localized inhibition of protein phosphatase 1 by NUAK1 promotes spliceosome activity and reveals a MYC-sensitive feedback control of transcription.

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    Deregulated expression of MYC induces a dependence on the NUAK1 kinase, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this dependence have not been fully clarified. Here, we show that NUAK1 is a predominantly nuclear protein that associates with a network of nuclear protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) interactors and that PNUTS, a nuclear regulatory subunit of PP1, is phosphorylated by NUAK1. Both NUAK1 and PNUTS associate with the splicing machinery. Inhibition of NUAK1 abolishes chromatin association of PNUTS, reduces spliceosome activity, and suppresses nascent RNA synthesis. Activation of MYC does not bypass the requirement for NUAK1 for spliceosome activity but significantly attenuates transcription inhibition. Consequently, NUAK1 inhibition in MYC-transformed cells induces global accumulation of RNAPII both at the pause site and at the first exon-intron boundary but does not increase mRNA synthesis. We suggest that NUAK1 inhibition in the presence of deregulated MYC traps non-productive RNAPII because of the absence of correctly assembled spliceosomes

    Equation of State of Nuclear Matter at high baryon density

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    A central issue in the theory of astrophysical compact objects and heavy ion reactions at intermediate and relativistic energies is the Nuclear Equation of State (EoS). On one hand, the large and expanding set of experimental and observational data is expected to constrain the behaviour of the nuclear EoS, especially at density above saturation, where it is directly linked to fundamental processes which can occur in dense matter. On the other hand, theoretical predictions for the EoS at high density can be challenged by the phenomenological findings. In this topical review paper we present the many-body theory of nuclear matter as developed along different years and with different methods. Only nucleonic degrees of freedom are considered. We compare the different methods at formal level, as well as the final EoS calculated within each one of the considered many-body schemes. The outcome of this analysis should help in restricting the uncertainty of the theoretical predictions for the nuclear EoS.Comment: 51 pages, to appear in J. Phys. G as Topical Revie